DragonVale: How to breed a Topaz Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Topaz Dragon

DragonVale Topaz Dragon

TOPAZ DRAGON: (Only breedable in November)
BUY-IT Price: ?? GEMS

HOW TO BREED:Cactus and Firefly

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale Topaz Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Topaz Dragon Egg

913 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Topaz Dragon”
  1. Dragonvaleguy says:

    PROVEN FACT: the cactus and firefly combo DOES NOT make Topaz, but it can make pepper, scorch, poison,cactus,firefly and more.

    • Jon says:

      How is that proven? … My flat mate just got it with that

    • Anonymous says:

      Really? With this combo I got 24h on upgraded breeding island (It’s 30h on single cave or island). I have only one dragon in the market with that incubation time. And it was only the 2nd try. (Usual I got the gem dragons only 15-20 days after I try to breeding them. )

      • Joice says:

        I breed catus + firefly this morning (first try this round) hoping to get another Topaz. I got 24h on upgraded breeding island. Keeping my fingers crossed. Will update in 24 hours’ time.
        Its strange that sometimes a dragon is easy to breed like this time, got it after less than 10 tries but sometimes it took forever.

        • Joice says:

          Yes! I got my 2nd Topaz!! Sweet!
          It is known tat gemstone dradon has only one combo tat works and this is Dr found it.. In breeding tips, it reveals the same combo too.
          I read a contributor’s observation tat the gem stone dragon’s month determine the number of hours. Meaning Topaz is a Nov dragon & nov has 30 days, thus the 30 hrs. Next gemstone dec has 31 days, thus dragon takes 31hrs.. Cheers, all these info from being a regular reader of this site 🙂

    • Joice says:

      I got my topaz from catus + firefly last Nov for almost 3 weeks non-stop breeding on both breeding site! This is not an easy dragon for me… Took one of the longest try I ever took. More than 200 attempts!!
      But it is sweet when I got this cute dragon!
      All the best… Most importantly, perseverance !!!

    • nanigirl15 says:

      I just got it with them! I was about to give up too! =D
      Soooo happy!

    • tuskegee7294 says:

      Yes, it does. I have 30 hour breed time on the island and Topaz is the only dragon that has that time factor with the cactus/firefly combo.

    • mgant says:

      I just got topaz with cactus and firefly! Took approx 2 doz tries but it worked

    • Tach says:

      I got it with that combo on my 2nd try. It works; just have to keep trying. They’re both at lvl15 by the way.

    • Cephalotus says:

      It is a proven fact that you are wrong. You have had a number of folks — myself included — who have gotten a topaz with this combo. Now having said that, I will also add that this one took quite a long time for me to get.

    • Brianna says:

      I got a Topaz Dragon from this combo it works you just gotta be patient

    • Calicogirl43 says:

      It can take up to 100 tries actually. Did you try breeding it that much?

    • Brodythecow says:

      U lie

  2. goodeals says:

    Have tried non-stop with cactus & firefly both level 20 dragons. Also cactus & firefly level 10. That 2 sets running at the same time. Its in the hundreds of attempts. What is the point of having level 20 dragons? This sucks. HELP!!!

    • SebastianKVD says:

      Wow! I hear you dude and feel your pain. I have tried the breeding cave now 31 time with two level 15 dragons and no Topaz yet. Before Dragonvale changed I used to get gem dragons in under 10 tries. Before the recent changes I would have at least 3 or 4 by now. Is anyone else experiencing crappy odd after the change? I am having the same problem with the regular breeding cave trying to get the autumn dragon. 35 tries with level 15 dragons. I had the seasonal and the summer dragon in 18 to 20 tries.

  3. Anya says:

    Hey guys I got rainbow with that combo!! I was really surprised. Then I breeded FIREFLY with CRYSTAL and got it. GOOD LUCK!!

  4. Ali says:

    Still trying add me for gems I’d appreciate getting them back daily player aliciamae08

  5. Unratedx36 says:

    Catus + firefly worked for me. I had both lvl 15 on the upgraded EBI. I’m also looking for gem 4 gem friends. I have 3 extra gems to give out. Im an active player.

    My game center account is Unratedx36

  6. CortSport says:

    Got my Topaz first try on epic breeding island with firefly and cactus! Thanks!!

  7. Sally patterson says:

    Please tell me how to breed topaz. I tried cactus firefly and twice in a row I have gotten pepper.

  8. dviking says:

    YES!!!!! Finally after a couple dozen attempts got I got it with this combo!! 30hrs!!!!

  9. Willy Stacks says:

    No luck so far on the topaz. I’ll keep trying. Last month I tried for Opal all month and didn’t get it. Maybe my luck will be better this month. Add me for gem trades Willy Stacks

  10. Nirvan says:

    i have 3 blue moons and 1 sun

  11. Doc B says:

    Cactus and firefly on second attempt.

  12. sanj says:

    Just got it with a cactus (level 13) and a firefly (level 12) on the EBI! Good luck!

  13. Kiddohope says:

    Got it with firefly and cactus first try! After no gemstone dragons for almost a year of playing, I got October and November! The wizards are finally smiling down on me!

  14. Gemless says:

    After 6 Trys with Cactus (Level 6) and Firefly (Level 6) and several unwanted results (Poison, Firefly, Ash), I ask myself, if the level is important. At which Level where your dragons, when you succeeded?

  15. Amanda says:

    Need three friends to trade gems with…my kids play everyday and give back due to giving trees on their accounts….looking to swap friend on Game Center St0rmagedd0n Dark Lord of all 1 ,and give to his local account which is all weird numbers and letters. Thanks Maceinstein friends

  16. Dave says:

    I keep getting Firefly or Flower dragons from my level 11 Cactus & Firefly dragons on the EBI, but I’m not giving up!
    Good luck everyone!
    (And good luck getting your Dark magic in before it fills up too!)
    Got my Rift dragon and ability to buy a light dragon, just can’t afford it, everything is so blasted expensive 😉

  17. Alyssa says:

    I kept using Cactus and Firefly in both EBI and the regular cave. On about the 20th time I got it on the EBI, so this combo for sure works. You just need some patience. Personally, I don’t think it’s the best looking dragon, but happy I got it!

    Also, I’ve seen some people get rare dragons on the regular cave and that has never happened for me. Not once. All of my rare dragons (like silver, solar eclipse, zombie, autumn, etc) have all come from Epic BI. So if you don’t have it, I think it’s worth to spend a few bucks to get it, just skip on buying fast food for a day.

  18. Nilysfer says:

    OMG! I finely got it with cactus lv15 and firefly lev16 on the EbI!!! I’m so excited! Add me: Nilysfer

  19. Ethan0406 says:

    Need friend to swap gems with, have 3 slots left, i play daily. Game Center ID is ETHANC0406

  20. Asher says:

    I keep trying this combination, but keep getting one hour breeding times.

  21. Ender Kat says:

    I got Topaz on my third try with Firefly and cactus. With the normal breeding cave. I guess I’m quite lucky.

  22. EpicDragonBreeder says:

    Have two friend slots remaining for gem trading
    Gamer ID: mmassey2

  23. Ploy says:

    Just got my topaz dragon with cactus + firefly, both level 10 on EBI 🙂 I thought I wasn’t going to get this dragon but I got it. Don’t give up guys 🙂

  24. Gemless says:

    About 80 frustrating tries later, I succeeded with cactus and firefly in bc. Happppppyyyyy! Thanks!

  25. K4mi 35 says:

    Finally got it after 2 weeks of trying both dragons level 17

  26. Tina says:

    Gem for gem Gamecenter ID is CMD0114 thank you

  27. chickenman2002 says:

    Very annoyed as my friend got the topaz dragon first try with a level 10 cactus and a level 10 firefly.

  28. Brodythecow says:

    Cactus and firefly lv11 on ebi
    18th try good luck

  29. Trinitytrotter says:

    I got 24 hours on the EBI any thoughts? Is it an Amber? Also looking for some who plays daily for Gem for Gem GC ID Trinitytrotter.

  30. k4in 10 says:

    Need friends to trade gems, daily player. Game Center ID is K4in 10

  31. Dragonvale says:

    Come on! I need to breed this dragon using lv 15 cactus and lv 14 firefly!

  32. Stef says:

    After several tries with no luck, I leveled my Cactus and Firefly up from Level 12 to 13. After that, I got the Topaz on about the third try or so. Can’t wait to see the new egg tomorrow. 🙂 Also, I just bought a gifting tree, so if a couple people want to trade gifts daily, please add me – Stef0722 on GameCenter. Thanks!

  33. Kris says:

    Finally got my 2nd Topaz, Firefly and Cactus like the Doc says. It only took 71 attempts to get the both of them. Lucky there are 1/2hr dragons from this combo because some days i had up to 6 goes to get it. 1 in 35 are great odds at this average breed time. It was similar to jet, 1 in 38 chance, great for dragons around for 3 months but not so good when you can only average 1 breed a day. Do you think someone wants us to buy Gems?

  34. Tim says:

    I was so mad I couldn’t get it but didn’t give up!! I tried like 20 times and got it!

  35. Erika says:

    Took me ALL month to get this dragon. Hundreds of try’s was about to give up.

  36. ShadowNight says:

    I got it with normal breeding. Took 2 dozen tries but I got lucky. I had lvl 7s for first ten attempts, then got lvl 12’s and got it shortly after.

  37. Ash says:

    OMG!!!!!! I just got a 30 hour breed time on EBI!!!! YAY IM SOOOO HAPPY!
    And today’s the last day for this dragon (I think)

  38. Connor says:

    I did this with 3 friends and we all got it on our 1st time but we reqlized that the caucus has to level 4 and the firefly has to be level 7 or else it WONT work

  39. Disturbed53 says:

    I have done this like 150 times and not a sing time have I gotten a topaz dragon.

  40. Blair says:

    I just got a gifting tree I need 3 reliable gem for gem traders. My Game Center name is ebhski! Thank you!!:)

  41. friedbacon3 says:

    Tried this about four times then I finally got it off an 11:11 wish. I’m so happy right now!

  42. Anonymous says:

    This has to work, I just know it will. If you guys send me 1 gem I will give lots more back my gamecentre username is DanDangamer3

  43. Anonymous says:

    This has to work, I just know it will. If you guys send me 1 gem I will give lots more back my gamecentre username is DanDangamer3

  44. Nancie says:

    Enter this friend code in to “redeem code” in the social menu for 25 free gems! 30018987.

  45. Nancie says:

    Enter friend code in to “redeem code” in social menu for 25 free gems! 30018987.

  46. Nancie says:

    Enter friend code in “redeem code” in social menu for 25 free gems! Code is 30018987

  47. Logan M. says:

    I’ve done it about 17 times and I still don’t have it with lvl 12 cactus and firefly but I’m still going for it tell me what levels are easier to get it with

  48. Rainybox says:

    I bred smoke and lightning and got 31 hours… Does anyone know what this is????

    • Gemless says:

      Typical Gemstone Dragon Breeding time. But which one? Seams to be no typical combination.
      Please tell, what you finally got.

  49. Bob says:

    Add chubsy234 on game center and I will give free gems daily if you give me free gems in return

  50. CreepyRainbow says:

    Please add me on gamecenter 🙂 “STgA97”

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