DragonVale: How to breed a Platinum Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Platinum Dragon

Dragonvale Platinum Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 2400 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Quicksilver and Ash / Quicksilver and Rust / Quicksilver and Water

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

Dragonvale Platinum Dragon Egg

The 2nd Egg is the Dragonvale Platinum Dragon Egg

542 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Platinum Dragon”
  1. Skye says:

    I got platinum with only ~ Water and Metal jusyt straight up Water and Metal!!

  2. John says:

    Got mine with a Mine and Ice

  3. EwaP97 says:

    I also got a platinum first try from a level 11 metal and level 11 water dragon.

  4. Melody says:

    I got one while trying to get a Procyon! I bred Procyon with my singularity and got it first try! Wow. I was so happy when I found out >p•

  5. Memenenmemem says:

    I got a platinum with cyclops and lightning

  6. Zappheera says:

    I got it by breeding rainbow and sun :0

  7. abash says:

    I got mine with Level 5 Procyon and Level 10 Ruby in the Cooperative Breeding Cave

  8. anna says:

    i got it first try cyclops and cyclops in co-operative breeding cave, pure luck!

  9. SilverPhantom says:

    Still trying to get mine….
    I have every OTHER treasure dragon, but I can never seem to get Platinum, the one I really want.

  10. crimson says:

    got it with current and magnetic, was trying for plasma LOL

  11. Ethan Michaud says:

    Got it from water and radiant

  12. Readinglover says:

    I got it with River lvl13 and chrome lv16, I was trying for ironwrought but I hatched a platinum dragon instead. Not that I’m complaining.

  13. Losji says:

    I bred the permafrost dragon and the eridanian and now im getting a platinum dragon!! Liker wtf!!!

  14. Ma'am K says:

    Monolith and Sun both level 10 in co breeding!

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