DragonVale: How to breed a Century Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Century Dragon

Dragonvale Century Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 2013 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Mud and Gift / Glacier and Water / Iceberg and Sandstorm / Earth and Ice

(Only Available until May 16th)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

Dragonvale Century Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the Dragonvale Century Dragon Egg

337 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Century Dragon”
  1. Birdseed says:

    Got my first with mud and gift, that was weeks ago. But now none of the combos seem to be working 🙁 anyone had success lately

  2. hahahha First Try says:

    got it first try with ice and fire fly and i dont have epic breeding

  3. FINALLY says:

    Finally got a limited dragon without ripping out my hair! First try on my brand new ebi and I got it. 😀 Going for a display egg now. xP

  4. Amario says:

    I cannot breed this stupid dragon. Been trying Gift and Mud plus Hail and Mud too. I have three places left for daily GEM4GEMs – F1re5tone

    I’ll stop trading if you do not send back. First come first served.

  5. Daggnus says:

    First try glacier and ice

  6. HS90 says:

    I can’t get this stupid dragon! Arrrgh!

  7. Cargospy@yahoo.com says:

    This Was a really hard dragon to breed. I got both of mine FAST with GLAICER and RAIN. Thank you to player that posted this!

  8. Geoff says:

    Damn I been trying for weeks but nothing. Got everything else but!

  9. Emil says:

    Been trying 4 times a day since it came out with glacier/water and mud/gift this dragon is impossible

  10. Fack You Dolphin says:

    Hey! Add me on gamecenter to trade gems. Name is fack you dolphin 🙂

  11. EmeraldDragonFreak says:

    Got it on first try with Glacier and Water!!

    Dont forget to add me–mamkennedy32.

  12. Michelle says:

    I breed air n flower trying get the rosé dragon again but instead I got a dragon that’s 48 hrs. Anyone have a clue what it is???

  13. S.hop87 says:

    This dragon won’t happen I’ve have like 3 rainbows but can’t get the century !! Add me on game center s.hop87 I’ll trade gems

  14. Trisha says:

    I just got a century with lv 12 river and lv 11 cold on ebi after trying the other combos lots of times

  15. Fishmanj says:

    I used mountain and water got it first try!!!

  16. Ash says:

    Been trying Glacier + Water in EBI and Mud + Cold in cave for quite some time now with no luck…
    Will hopefully get it soon 🙂
    I got the Love and Rose Dragons near on straight away

  17. Michael says:

    This stupid dragon is as hard to breed as that damn panlong.

  18. Michelle says:

    Got the Century dragon on my 1st try with (River and Blizzard) only combination that has worked for me.

  19. Jim says:

    This Century Dragon is a royal pain… I’ve been trying 3 weeks now… like every combination out there, but nothing happens. Lots of River, Glacier, Mountain, etc… but no Century dragon. And it won’t be around much longer… oh,and I trade gem for gem… looking for consistent daily players doing gem-for-gem. I’m on game center => MotionRotaryTOAD.

  20. Isnoopy2 says:

    I can NOT get this I’ve tried at least a hundred time with the combos listed any ideas??? I also have the gem tree looking for someone that will trade gem for gem I have 4 spots left! Add me isnoopy2

  21. Alli says:

    cant get this dragon pissing me off tried everything…add me gem 4gem Neavyn

  22. Dragon lover 2244 says:

    Worked with earth and ice first try both lvl10

  23. Megamaam says:

    Got it with panlong and steel. Add megama for gem trades ^_^

  24. Jim says:

    Hey, I just got a gem gifted to me by a new friend… but when I look at his park, he does NOT have the Dragonsai Gem Gifting Tree !!??? How is that possible? Is there really a way to gift gems to people if you don’t have the tree?

    • Lolo says:

      Yeah, I’m pretty sure that if you don’t have the tree you can gift three gems a day.

      • Jim says:

        Maybe Game Center is screwed up? It says BexBites gave me a gem, but I’ve looked at his park. No Dragonsai Gifting Tree. How is that possible? Did someone else give me a gem and game center is wrong? Darn. I was hoping to gift back the right person.

  25. Tasha says:

    Confirming River and iceberg – trying for aquamarine and got century every try (going on 3) on ebi

    • *Coc0mo* says:

      Just keep trying. I got the Century Dragon first with River and Iceberg in the breeding island. About 2 days later, trying constantly on the breeding island, I got the Aquamarine! My dragons were at level 10.

  26. a.ransom says:

    Got mine with level 10 earth dragon and level 10 ice dragon. My sister does not have it. Going to try river and blizzard (if we can get it.)

  27. a.ransom says:

    Got mine with level 10 earth dragon and level 10 ice dragon. My sister does not have it. Going to try river and blizzard (if we can get it.)

  28. miku says:

    I accidentally got it today with river and iceberg. 🙂 I’m so excited I wanted it but I wasn’t breeding for it at the time.

  29. Brian says:

    I finally got my first one after about a month of trying ( glasher and river) now for number 2. Come check out my gem island add me my gc is Brianphook You can gem me if you want but I all ready have grifters just want friends

  30. Megara says:

    I got it with iceberg and river trying to get the gem dragon

  31. Nic says:

    River and iceberg. Got 4 now trying for the gem dragon

  32. Max says:

    I got a 10hr incubation period with a crystal and a lichen I hope it works

    • Lolo says:

      Sorry Max, you can’t get a Century using crystal and lichen, there’s no water element 🙁 what you got is Evergreen or Glacier xx

  33. ++[7j]++t says:

    add me gem for gem, i gift in rotation so be patient, Gamecenter ID is ++[7j]++t

  34. Eufohriastic says:

    I FINALLY got it with MUD and GIFT on the upgraded breeding cave. I was almost giving up x.x
    Please add me for gems, I ha e many friends but only one send me back gems, I have two spaces left. I play daily.
    Add: Eufohriastic

  35. Chris says:

    Heydoc there’s a bug I’ve been waiting a hour for a 23 min food to be done plz help

  36. Chris says:

    Nvr mind it’s working now

  37. Christian says:

    Add me parker1928

  38. Christian says:

    I got it with mud and gift on my second try

  39. Silveric says:

    I got one accidentally by River and Icerberg. I was trying to get Aquamarine.

  40. Tatty says:

    Got this finally with river and glacier lvl 15s, in EBI. I’ve had absolutely no luck with mud and gift previously. Have 2 aquamarines already hatched.

    Looking for partners to trade gems daily. Pls add and send a gem, and will send back in return. $(Tatty)$

  41. haniczka says:

    Every 6-12 hours I re-breed my level 15 river and iceberg dragons in upgraded sanctuary & upgraded cave. I sell the same old same old eggs, empty the money coffers, restock food and walk away. No Century. No Aquamarine. This game has become so frustrating and boring to me. People say “keep trying.” Ugh!

    • *Coc0mo* says:

      Try some different combos others are using on this forum. Just be sure that the elements match up with what you want to breed. I heard that towards the end of a short run dragon Backflip loosens up the availability for those less fortunate and still trying up to the last minute. Not sure if the Century Dragon is short term but it sure made me feel better when I was trying for the Aquamarine. Actually, that’s how I got the Century. Trying for the Aqua with the combo you are using, River and Iceberg.

  42. Abc says:

    All i get are rivers and Mountains

  43. Cayetano says:

    Got it fourth try mountain + water

  44. Susan says:

    How much longer will this dragon be out? I have tried forever, both caves, all the combos mentioned and I cannot get this thing! Aaaaah!

  45. Marawael says:

    Does the 2 breeders need to be high level? Or is lvl 4 high enough? Add me on game center for trading gems!

  46. haniczka says:

    I got it at last after continuously trying since the day the Century was first announced. Hallelujah!! I went back to the combo of level 15 Gift and Mud. The Dragonvale gods (or St Patrick’s Day leprechauns) finally blessed me with a Century on my 2nd Gift & Mud attempt.

  47. Vihoo! says:

    I got it with ice and earth!

  48. Icekid says:

    glacier and water…

  49. Icekid says:

    I just bred it and an iron, what will I get?

  50. roberts.girl1008 says:

    I just got century with river and iceberg and I wasn’t even trying to get it.

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