DragonVale: How to breed a Century Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 2013 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Mud and Gift / Glacier and Water / Iceberg and Sandstorm / Earth and Ice
(Only Available until May 16th)
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Add me for gems parker1928
I will add. You, my ID is giang duy
In need of gems ryder101
I need one too. Can u give ur fb id.?
Need to add u first
I have one person that actually plays daily and sends or that i send to.so feel free to add.thanks. James Boyd FaceBook
Please GIVE ME GEMS, my nickname is Setoyaya Black Mamba!!! I WILL GIVE YOU GEMS IN RETURN!!!
Need one too
Hey I am famous on Game Center. So add me pepole my I’d name is RedStone_Admin so add me k!
I think I accualy got it
I think I accualy got it at last
I think that this dragon is a prime example of inherited traits in this game, you can really see how the elements influenced the appearance of this dragon:
Earth: Wingless and Shell/Spikes
Cold: Beard
Water: Slender Body
Tell me if you find inherited traits in dragonvale interesting, and i might continue analyzing dragons.
That’s cool I never noticed that! 🙂
That is an amazing observation but now that you mention it I can’t not notice it.
I want this dragon SOOOOOOOOO badly!!!! I have tried and tried but still no luck does any one have any other combos I could try and also add me ARCTIC-CHILL.
I’ve been trying with epic breeding sanctuary still no luck
I got it with dodo and iceberg in an epic breeding island
I cannot breed it at all. I’ve tried Ice and Earth and Mountain and Water but nothing gives. Sigh.
Yeah I can’t seem to get it either :/
First try! Glacier and water works
Add me and send me a gem ill send you one back ! I beed 3 friends !
Trying to buy an epic breedin island, but I don’t have a lot of gems, and have kind of a long way to go. Please add me on Game Center and help me out 🙂
Ill try to send you them back in return.
ID= Kaffrin13
No way.
First try. Iceberg + sandstorm.
Iceberg and sandstorm got me 48 hours…idk what it is. Gamecenter – Adawg001
What did you get?
Pretty sure it’s a lunar eclipse. I got a lunar eclipse with that combo.
It could be a Rainbow dragon.
I got a century dragon with a LV 10 Rain and LV 10 mountain when I was trying to get a Lunar Eclipse!!!!
I love dragonvale. Why dont you exchange gem with me..?
My gamecenter Id is GrowomhWhy. 🙂
I love dragonvale. Why dont you exchange gem with me..?
My gamecenter Id is Growomh. 🙂
Just got the century dragon with my first try. Ice (left) and Sakura (right) 🙂 good luck guys!
Need some gems add me as: spikedicon.
Please add me soccastar145 I’ve got dragonsai tree and I soo need the century but I can’t get it so if u gave advice please comment, thanks
Buahaha cost me five bucks
Hit me up
I’ve been trying all these combinations plus more and can’t seem to get this dragon I’ve tried about 25 times now…yet I got a solar eclipse dragon on the second try??? Is this dragon impossible or something???
Got solar eclipse real easy, but century giving me headache, hopefully get it soon.
Looking for “one” for DAILY!! gem trading, sorry not looking for part time traders, only daily traders need apply.
I will trade gems every day, not split between other friend,s only have six dragonvale friends to go with my gem tree, so you WILL get a gem as long as you send one daily.
Miss more than one day and your off the list.
thanks for your understanding, have a blazing good day!
GC name is Muffin2006
Hey looking for 3 people to trade gems with daily
My game centre account is Aidan keystone 🙂
Me too..just started couple of weeks ago…would like to add you, but using Samsung…is that mean that l have to add u in your facebook accn to exchange gems?~
Gem for gem I suppose, I have my Dragonsai Gifting tree so add me Jorge631
Please add me and gem me and I will give u gems in return
Name – Erick lobianco
Add me, jems for jems, name is my name
I feel like this dragon hates me 20 tries…. 20 mountain dragons!!!!! I don’t need anymore mountain dragons!!!!
Add me if you want. 3 daily gem slots open and gem tree.
– gamergem
urgently looking for people to gem for gem with 🙂 5 slots left Jorge631
Add me have gem tree so will give back 3x…. Username is comfly2
I got 10hrs with lvl10 rain n lvl10 mountain. I wonder if its century or nythin else.(-:
I got it but need gems and will give u 1 in return
My Game Center name is johnkiid
It dosent work for me 🙁
I got this first time with ice and lava!!!! I was surprised how easy it was for me!
Gem for gem err day add me via Game Center on the iPod add !>Gin-san<!
Anyone know if you can get it with mountain and water? Just started a new account on my android and don’t have time to try to get the other dragons for the combo. 🙁 I miss my almost level 42 account on my iPhone.
Gem for gem daily add me on Game Center .. !! Is my name
Need gems! Ill return the favor! Add me bdubbtharealest
been trying glacier+water for the nth times (didnt worked for me) 🙁 run out if hope for century.
Hey add me on gamecenter! Mcdady03
Hey add me on gamecenter! nanigirl15
Glacier and water first try both lvl 14
Over and over and over glacier and water lvl 11 doesn’t work tried at least 17 times i keep getting ghost 🙁
Got it first try with Crystal and Glacier level 4
Crystal and glacier?!?!?! I’ve tried every combo that doc put on there even with the gift dragon almt least 20 times each on EBI. I keep getting leap year dragons. It’s reeeeaaaaaaallly getting annoying. Now i got a 48 hrs with gift and mud. I NEED MORE WORKING COMBOS!!!!!
Does anyone have any other combos that work during the bring ’em back event. I’ve tried every combo hundreds of times for 2 years & can’t get it. 🙁 sooooo frustrated!
Tried dozens of times since Bring Em Back started to get this dragon with Glacier and Water with no luck – even leveled them up to Level 20 and nothing. Also tried Glacier and Mud quite a few times. FINALLY got my Century the first time I tried Mud and Mountain. 🙂
My question is this. Can I try to breed for the Century Dragon at anytime???
When does it return I really want it if it comes in 100 years I will be dead it’s no use if that happens
I have 1 century dragon but he looks so cool that I really want another one. does anyone know of a combo using the century that might work now?
I am also trying to breed the 2 newest galaxy dragons. There has to be a formula but for the life of me I cannot figure one out. I have all of the first dragons. (but you know we have to get them ALL, right? ????
I have tons of gem friends that I love and appreciate dearly, but if anyone would like to be friends for the cooperative breeding, that would be terrific! I have been playing DV for a few years now & still love it. ?????????
If you would like to be friends for the breeding, I love DV friends. My Gamecenter name is (:outdoorsgirl:) I am Lv68
Have a great day!
I got it twice in a row with panlong and bloom. Hope this helps! GC: Nadia Daniel