DragonVale: How to breed a Thunder Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 600 GEMS
HOW TO BREED:Air and Lightning / Rain and Sonic / Sonic and Fog
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
So for an 8.5 hr breeding/incubation time, what would that be with the upgraded breeding cave/island time?
6 hours and 40 minutes
does the UBI make it 20% less?
add me if you want gem 4 gem
ill gem all of you who send me gems back in the same order
yep x
6:47:13. :0)
Excellent! Thank you Bakemon
Looks like I’ll have 2 
I got two….boom boom. Yellow egg with white air waves on it. Lightning and air.
it’s great !
add me please GIOSTEVIE
Looking for a couple of reliable gem trading partners. Add me “ford89mustang”
I trade every day…
Just added you. I need reliable gem givers as well
I need one more person to trade gems with – I have a gem tree and trade everyday. GGJTFVHGD34632
I am in need of a couple more reliable gem sharers. I have a gifting tree and gift daily. Thanks ZAPHOD3
How do you add people without Facebook friending them?
Add me: Mike&Toni13
If you have an apple product, you go to the Game Center app, make an account, then you can add people on there using their emails or Game Center ID. xx
If you are still looking for gem trading buddy, I’m in need. A few of my friends have stopped trading gem for gem and I have a couple gems to spare : ). Add spazkidz.
Strange how this was posted today…I have not been on DragonVale in about a week…I have not checked this page in a couple of weeks…yet somehow I was subscribed to this post…. Weird.
Another one to work on
yeah hopefully i’ll be able to get one on accident while working on amethyst… im still having trouble with that one!
If you don’t have the Amethyst yet, I’d definitely work on that one. The Thunder is here to stay. I managed to get 3 thunders pretty quickly using both of my breeding spots with lightning and air in both. But I already had 5 amethyst (3 on display, 1 grown up on the Gem Island, and 1 in the hibernation cave just in case they decide to let us have more than 12). I am back to trying to get more Amethyst as I already have every possibly Egg so far on display on my Egg Island.
Good luck to you!
Lovely!! Other than the cyclops, I’m caught up.
I needed another project!!!
Am getting my first cyclops tonight (will hatch in two hours) and just got the thunder on ebi with air and lightening so I have every dragon I can get right now! Whoop boo got to love this game!!!!
Any one that wanna trade gems dailey. I want some1 I can send and return gems to ea day so if you got rom in your friends list and are up for dailey gem trading plis add me on gamecenter. The first one to add me are the people i gona trade gems with. My gamecenter id is soulvision93
Ok I am filled up, but I gonna save up to get the gem tre and i Will have room for more people. And maybe i clean out room to if there is some one that don’t send gems back to me.
got my thunder second try, lightening and air,. Both level
fifteen. In the enchanted breeding cave. Don’t
forget the latest update!!!!
Yay! First time EVER getting one right off the bat
Air & Lightning. Good luck, all!
Just got my first Thunder incubating. Should have that hole in the Display Eggs filled in the morning, then once again every egg will be on display.
I have the most complete collection of displayed eggs I’ve seen so far. The only dragon I don’t have an egg on display for is Kairos, and there isn’t one for him. Feel free to check out my Egg Display Island and Olympic Island.
Is this limited please tell me.
No it isn’t these thunder dragons are here to stay
Add me, GEM 4 GEM, playing everyday. 3 Spots left =)
Nick: Jansi?
Quake and Sandstorm, got it first time.
I got one with a hail and sonic
Hi all,
if u want u can add me for gem 4 gem, I have the gifting tree and I play everyday!
my game centre is: vPapz_
Hail and sonic also works!
Ok, so now I have the Thunder Dragon Egg on display. There are only 4 Dual Element combinations left to create a new dragon for and then they will either have to think up another element or we will only be breeding multi breed or rares. The only remaining Dual Elements are Earth/Water ( maybe a Landslide? ), Fire/Water ( maybe some kind of fuel like Petrol? ), Water/Fire, and Metal/Air. Wonder what they will come up with then?
An interesting point you bring up!
I contacted backflip when the “cyclops” dragon came out as I didnt agree with its habitat assignment of Olypus.
I hold the Olympics on a pedestal, you might say, in honor of the athletes who dedicate themselves and the sacrifices they must make for the honor to represent their country.
I suggested a Greek Mythology based theme as an ‘alternative’.
There could be a Hydra, Zeus, or Medusa dragon to name a few… But the possibilities are great!!!
Backflip’s answer was that they couldn’t take suggestions from the “public”!
Very dissapointing!
…and may the odds be ever in your favor!!
That was certainly an interesting suggestion Annie, Greek Mythology would certainly give them a new direction to go. I am thinking that they will have to come up with something or this game is going to be pretty dull soon. Only 2 more new Gemstone Dragons and 4 more Dual Element Dragons and then what? Already covered all of the Sun / Moon combinations, perhaps they may come up with a Comet Dragon for Haley’s Comet or something. Certainly going to have to come up with something though. They have already covered most of the special occasions for the year as well. Maybe they will bring out a leprechaun dragon or Blarney Stone for St. Patrick’s day.
Guess we will find out soon.
Good luck to you with your dragons!
Thank you for your feedback!
I just wish Backflip would buy a vowel.
I, too, can forsee this app becoming stagnant once you max out…my iPod park has been at locked at 40 for months and can only get one more habitat.
I have an android park as the app introduced an android compatible just a few months ago.
I was fortunate to find this in its infacy last year and as the same holidays are now back they are not really offering anything amazing different.
I dont know how else to get Backflip’s attention.
Keeping my fingers crossed!
…and may the odds be ever in your favor!!
Add me on gamecenter to trade gems. Name is fack you dolphin
I think that’s a great idea. I also have been wondering what they could come up with next. They could go planetary too. The habitats could revolve around the islands!
They certainly need more real estate to build on.. Been waiting patiently for another island or even an upgrade to the gem island. But more space for sure. I have one whole island dedicated to Eggs on Display and breeding. I have every available Egg since the beginning, but am wondering what’s next when the last couple of holes get filled. I like your idea for a planetary theme, and also for Annie’s idea for a Greek mythology theme. Maybe even a sports theme, that could work with my Olympic Island.
We just need something soon.
Hail + sonic works to!
Got it on my first try with Air and Lighting in the upgraded breeding cave!
I also just got my gifting tree so I need some people to trade with
GC: Katanias
Got mine second try with lightening and air in ebc. Yeahhhh!!!!
Now, after an egg, back to cyclops, the only available one i don’t
have. Love this game.
I got 8.5h time using Sonic and Hail (trying for that darn Amethyst).
Exact situation for me!
This one is super easy to get!:) I got two on my first two tries. One for hatching and an egg for my collection. I finally got all the dragons and got up to level 40! The gold Olympus was the last one I had to get!! Now I just need to breed several over again just to get the egg…
Hey Doc- I just got thunder from hail/sonic. Didn’t even know about thunder!
I’m trying to get a Gold Dragon using Chrome and Scorch Dragon but I ended with the Thunder Dragon.
Got it with sonic and cold 1st time. Wasn’t aware it existed but this is likely another nuisance dragon like smoke obsidian lava blizzard etc that you get all the time when trying for rare ones.
Got it on my first try with level 15 hail and sonic
Got it on 2nd… Happy now but this one will bother you later on if you are trying for rare ones…
Looking for 3 day to day traders. Add me ‘Diyagi’!
Yup! Got it with hail and sonic trying to get amethyst lol
Looking to trade gem for gem. Add me! Leebee2121 3 spots open
Well trying to breed an amethyst dragon with sonic and hail I got this dragon.
7 Sonic dragons in a row and I even switched the order or Lightning and Air. NO LUCK
i got 2 with hail and sonic. both level 10. onthe first try
I just tried Lightning+Air in my regular breeding cave after trying for days and finally got it. Then I tried Hail+Sonic for amethyst in my EBI and got 8.5 hours, how ironic. At least now I can keep the egg c:
Aww the thunder dragon as a baby is soo cute
Ikr! It is soooooo cute as a baby:)
Just got it with quake and willow. Didn’t even know about the new dragon, so was kinda surprised when it said 8,5 hours in incubation time:)
I got it with hail and sonic…:)
When did MACenstein become a DragonVale blog? Enough distractions, get back to the Mac yo.
I keep getting Sonic dragons in Epic Breeding Island and Breeding Cave.This is my luck with dragon breeding :I
Do any of you like how the thunder Dragon rolls when he is a baby? I do!
Ikr so cute!
Hail & Sonic works twice.
I meant sonic & fog
Tried hail+sonic and on EBI and its still breeding and I got 48hours and I neither got a sun moon or rainbow both lvl 10 first try.ppl try this combination it may work for u as well! Plz respond if this combination worked:) byez
– Dragonlover2244
If you bred it between 7am-7pm it’s a sun, if you bred it between 7pm-7am it’s moon xx
Ya it was a sun
Ya it was a sun
Dragon cos I saw a sun on the egg so I’m going to have a sun it turns out its still good cos its a rare dragon
I want gems so bad plz add me General Muffin
Sonic and water 8.5 hours
I got one with magnetic and air first try. It was actually an accident, meant to do lightning and air oops!
Add me on game center K.Mendoza Send me gem and ill send back. I play daily!
Anyone want to trade gem-for-gem? I have the tree and no one to give them to! Send gems and I will send back. Please add me: Becburt
Add me! Gem for gem everyday! Tedd4321
I got it by scoria and sonic
Need 3 loyal gift givers.. Gem for gem everyday.. Add me at YUNGSNYPA