DragonVale: How to breed an Amethyst Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed an Amethyst Dragon

Dragonvale Amethyst Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 1500 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Hail and Sonic

(Only Breedable in February)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

Dragonvale Amethyst Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the Dragonvale Amethyst Dragon Egg

491 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed an Amethyst Dragon”
  1. sue9988 says:

    Does anyone know if/when gemstone dragons will be released for android users?

  2. ccdSuper says:

    i got 28 hours whit panlong and butterfly what is that dragon?

  3. fang says:

    I am getting really worried. Tried so many times but no Success

  4. fang says:

    I tried hail and sonic but no sucess please help. getting really worried.

  5. fang says:

    I did it again and I got a 48hour one
    Anybody know what it is?

  6. Unknown says:

    Yeah! Got it on my second try with hail an sonic :):):)

  7. Alex says:

    Over 20 tries with hail and sonic and nothing

  8. illusoryone says:

    I finally got it with lvl 10 sonic and level 10 hail on the EBI. Took me all month!

  9. cynbluez says:

    tried hail+sonic, sonic+hail so many times, panlong+butterfly first try, hope this helps!

  10. Got one! says:

    Finally, got it… on the last day of Feb xD
    Add me in facebook so we can gem4gem.
    Still haz 3900 gems.
    gives everyday, as long as you give back.

  11. skachick101 says:

    FINALLY got one this morning after probably 50 hail and sonic and blizzard and thunder and…
    Maybe they took pity on me 🙂

  12. babs says:

    So I have been trying since the first of feb, up to for times a day with two pairs of hail and sonic and still not got it, just put them in again and have an 8 hour and a 10 hour, am now going to have to use gems to speed then up to try again before today is over but is it really worth it …. starting to wonder if it is worth actually playing this bloody game and whether it is worth telling my friends not to bother …. seriously peed off!!!

    • Artistfreak87 says:

      Yeah, I understand what you mean. I love playing this game but they should make it this hard. I keep checking her to see if more people have had any luck and I feel
      Like 85% of the comments have not, including me 🙁

      • babs says:

        Exactly, just used my last few gems to speed the last two tries up and still nothing! If they are going to be this hard then they shouldn’t be restricted to once a year …. totally annoyed!

    • sapsap24 says:

      Well I sent them an email stating just this. I’m as pissed off as they come!been trying all month with a pair in each island, no luck. About 10-15 moon/sun dragons (I lost count after the 5th) and just simply no luck. Have been on this game for a year and to be honest, iv actually lost interest now. Owel all good things come to an end!

    • Amethystblows says:

      Just tried all through out February, nothing. started using my gems, nothing, used all of my gems, nothing, what did i get out of it, two moon dragons which I’m either going to sell or display because i have 5

    • Asta says:

      I Agree. Takes all the fun out of the game.I tried all month using two pairs of level 10’s with the EPI and an upgraded breeding cave both twice a day. Then today I used up all the gems I had saved trying too sped things up. No luck.
      It really shouldn’t be that hard. I would rather they limit it to two a person but make sure if your trying you get at least one. I’m completely bummed.

      • PersonMcPersonMan says:

        Takes all the fun out of the game? The way you’re asking, the game it seems like you’re imagining would take all the fun out. The purpose of hard to breed dragons is so that you can spend all month worrying about not getting it but if/when you do you will be so happy that you’ll continue playing. If it was as easy to breed gemstone dragons as it was, say a Tree Dragon, that would defeat the purpose of the whole “rare breeds” concept, as well as gems as you could breed so many Gem dragons that you’d get 12 gems every week.

  13. anirishmelody@YAHOO.com says:

    i’ve ibeen trying many times without success . i wonder if my fountained sonic is the problem? any thoughts ?

  14. Genieee_ says:

    Gem trade

  15. Dragon lover 2244 says:

    I got a thunder dragon and a sun dragon with this both lvl10

  16. Travel_Bug says:

    Over 100 attempts this month and last month. No garnet and no amethyst. Have upgraded breeding cave and upgraded island, using level 15 sonics with level 15 hails. Suns, moons, thunders, sonics, hails, snows, blizzards, ……. No amethyst. Ran out of time. Not happy with backflip right now.

  17. Rashpill says:

    Got 28 hr breeding on Mar 1, 6:06 AM EST after about 10 Storm, 6 Hail, 2 Sonic and 2 Moon from Hail+Sonic. Will see tomorrow what it is…

  18. DerickWJazz says:

    I have one slot for a daily gem trader. GC id is DerickWJazz.

  19. Nataliemiron says:

    The same story – no Amethyst. Tried with 17th level Hail and 16th level Sonic to get better ghances, but no result! Really descouraging that your breeding depends not on your abilities or experience or investment – but only on the pure luck.

  20. Visenya Targaryen says:

    didn’t get amethyst, or garnet, and 4 of my friends have completely stopped playing. maybe new friends will give me luck. have 4 spots, gem 4 gem, I am level 40 with Gifting tree. add me for gems or to click party hats, I will gem you back, I am like SANTA, I make a list and check it twice;-)

    Game center daily plaster
    Oll1e 91. (with a doulbe L and a 1).

    good luck with Aquamarine!

  21. Jv says:

    Same as others, tried 50+ times, never got this one.

  22. Dude1234 says:

    I got the hail dragon on march 1st. Nooo! D:

  23. jorden j. says:

    instead of asking for gems just finish the perch of kairos it takes a while but build up enough money buy it then the race track and just keep racing till you have all the parts. took me about a week but i have bred about a dozen dragons this week

  24. fmlobito says:

    Add me please. Game center user: fmlobito. Gems for everyone

  25. Becburt says:

    Anyone want to trade gem-for-gem? I have the tree and no one to give them to! Send gems and I will send back. Please ad me: Becburt

  26. Nancie says:

    Enter friend code in to “redeem code” in social menu for 25 free gems! 30018987.

  27. Spencer says:

    I tried that but I didn’t have a sonic because I sold it so I used thunder and I got a blue moon I already have one I want a athemyst not blue moon

  28. Benrock22 says:

    I have 1 slot for someone who gives gems everyday and I will reciprocate! 1st in best dressed!

  29. Jough Psmythe says:

    All these negative comments are scaring me… I started playing in December2013 and i got turquoise and garnet.. Now im scared!

  30. Ash says:

    I’m in pacific time so it’s actually 10:26 not 1:26

  31. Zalk says:

    Guys, you have soooo more chances to have the dragon with “full good” level 13 than level 16 with “parents who breed him at level 10…

  32. Christina says:

    had to make both sonic and hail lv 12 to get it . Add me on GC – HappyFeeeet 🙂

  33. Mike says:

    I got a 28 hour wait is that the amaythyst dragon

  34. Kylee says:

    I Breed hail and sonic both lvl 15 and got an incubation time of 02:04:00:00 I wonder what it is


    i tried to breed it but i got 48 hours what did i get?

  36. Lmtaffy says:

    Lots of the combinations are not working ugh and no friends making the game boring

  37. Best Dragonvale Player Ever says:

    i tried to breed the amethyst dragin ( WITH SONIC AND HAIL) and got 48 hours. what did i get? please tell me please plaese!

  38. Margaret says:

    You either have a moon or sun dragon depending on what time of the day you bred.

  39. Asa Friedrich says:

    Have tried this many times with no luck, can you help me?

  40. connor says:

    Dang just got it first try with hail and sonic. I am so happy right meow

  41. Lucy says:

    Finally! After 15 days I got it! With my lvl 13 Hail and lvl 13 Sonic in normal breeding cave 😀

  42. lulu says:

    I got 48 hours what is that

  43. DragonValeLover says:

    I got the Amethyst!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After 22 tries!

  44. HosBos says:

    Does anyone know if hail and thunder works?

  45. Thanys33 says:

    Just tried it and I got a 38h et 20+ minutes any idea what it can be ?

  46. Stef says:

    I missed this one. 🙁 First time I missed a gemstone dragon since I started collecting them back in October with the Opal. I got 2 Victory dragons and a Sun instead from my Hail and Sonic. Oh well, there’s always the next Bring Em Back Event, I guess. Now to try for Aquamarine!

    • TessaB says:

      You have done pretty well. I got another Moon and another Double Rainbow, so now three of each, but after MANY tries with two pairs of hail and sonic —no Amethyst! However, I did get all three Snowy Olympus dragons. Folks wanting to know what is coming can look up Dr Macenstein’s list of dragons with the breeding times. Super helpful!

  47. Joseph says:


  48. Stef says:

    I missed this dragon back in February, so I was glad to have another chance at it during the limited gemstone dragon event this past weekend. Well, I cleared out my rainy day supply of food leveling up my Hail and Sonic to Level 17, and I spent 3 or 4 dozen gems hurrying up breedings, so I was very pleased to finally get my Amethyst egg yesterday afternoon. 🙂 Next up for me is Jade now.

  49. Dragons don't eat people says:

    Didn’t work on my 4th try can someone help

  50. Christian says:

    My game center account ID is ~CBSTexans96~ please send me gems

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