DragonVale: How to breed a Diamond Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Diamond Dragon

Dragonvale Diamond Dragon Egg

DIAMOND DRAGON: (limited: Only Breedable in April)
BUY-IT Price: 1750 GEMS

HOW TO BREED:Ice and Mine

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

Dragonvale Diamond Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the Dragonvale Diamond Dragon Egg

672 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Diamond Dragon”
  1. kman 102 says:

    ughghghgh I can’t get this darn dragon! I have been trying all month! add me kman102 I trade gems everyday.

  2. kman102 says:

    I can’t get this dragon! I need some gems to speed things up. add me kman102. I trade gems everyday.

  3. Shorty says:

    I am still breeding the mine dragon *facepalm* fail

  4. Rikaswin says:

    Finally !!! Got it. Just got gem tree.. Looking for 3 daily gem trading partners… I’m Level 21… Serious traders only. Thanks!

  5. g says:

    I’m starting to hate this game. Nothing but trying for diamond & terradiem all month and nada. 4-6 tries daily for an entire month with wasted gems and nothing but fails isn’t fun. Level 10’s & 15’s, island & cave, just dozens of repeats. BF needs to change their algorithms.

  6. MJR says:

    It took me all god damn month to get this dragon. 29 god damn days. Over 50 tries in both cave and island.

  7. Robertoldi says:

    Is this really a dragon?
    Been all month trying and yet, nothing. Has April fools been extended all month?

  8. Waterflys says:

    Yeah… Unless by some miracle, which I’m guessing is needed considering that I’ve been trying to breed this dragon ALL month long on a breeding sanctuary, I end up breeding the dragon tommorrow, the chances of getting the dragon is about sayy zero.

    • Courtney says:

      Ugh! I have the same luck with these wonderful “limited time only dragons.” Seems only those with a jailbreak get them. How very uncool is that? I would love to have friends to trade gems. gamecenter – (:outdoorsgirl:) Only have 6 gems, but I will always gift back (except on the few occasions my kids turn on the game and I do not see your name. Don’t give up on me. Always gift back. Good luck to all!

  9. matchka says:

    I see I am not the only one having bad l luck with this one! I managed to breed it for my boyfriend but not myself. Have been breeding for it all month long also!!

  10. Random Guy says:

    I just got it today!I never thought I’d actually get it.I t took me over 9,000 tries in the island and cave.I kept on getting silver too.

  11. Musicelf says:

    It’s got to be easier to get these dragons! I’ve tried hundreds of times!!! Still nothing…one or two more tries left. Then on to May. Come on Dragonvale, a little easier, please??

  12. Musicelf says:

    Ok, thought I’d break the “rules” and breed backwards and it worked!! Did mine and ice instead of ice and mine and finally got this nutty dragon!! Yeah!! I can go to sleep now!

  13. Pvt says:

    I’ve tried 100 times and I can’t get it 🙁

  14. K1ngpingu says:

    Please add me on gamecenter name is K1ngpingu add me i spent like 120 gems on Diamond dragon and still not got it 🙁 Please help me

  15. allie says:

    Tried all month with LEVEL 20 ice & mine dragons, on both upgraded locations, on a level 45 park. NOTHING! How Dragoncalc can say this one has a 16% breeding result is ridiculous. More like 0.000016%

  16. Crystal says:

    I got a diamond dragon today breed yesterday now waiting to hatch. Strange as its may now, but stoked anyway, first time tried to breed, level 10 mine and level 10 ice on epic breeding island. I am also looking for friends, I don’t have the gem tree but will try save my tiny amount of gems, plz add me crystal.brodie

  17. wade says:

    I got it on my first try i can’t believe like none of you have got it

  18. Mrs. Hiddleston says:

    It is now May, and I think I’m getting a diamond! I put ice and mine together and now I have to wait for like 30 hours – and they’ve already been breeding for several hours!!!!!!! Is this the diamond dragon or another one?!

  19. MADELEINE..B says:

    gem for gem!! xx

  20. Madeleine..b says:

    Gems for gems!! Xx

  21. Tx 90 says:

    Need trading parts srs only nd names tx 90

  22. dbella18 says:

    Hi guys! I’m just a newbie with the gem for gem. Is it really limited in terms of gifting gems to a friend? Thanks!

  23. Nancie says:

    Enter friend code in “redeem code” in social menu for 25 free gems! Code is 70138853

  24. Damien says:

    Friend me. GorrilaPants54

  25. Masterman345 says:

    I got diamond by breeding crystal and mine on first try????

  26. Masterman345 says:

    Crystal and mine can get diamond

  27. Yazmin says:

    i breeded ice and mine and got a 02:00:59:37 waiting period, anybody know what it is?

  28. slrr1 says:

    30558388 earn free gems!

  29. frustrated says:

    I tried all month in 2013 and ever since the bring’em back event recently and can’t get diamond. Have almost every other dragon, but have failed probably 100 times with level 15 ice & mine in cave & epic isle.. The odds of failing that many are ridiculously small. BF games or diamond dragons just hate me. Grrrrrrrrr ….

  30. panda says:

    Someone find me corie perez I gift~

  31. Great dragonvale partner says:

    I’m still getting there, my boyfriend started after me and is already ahead of me by 5 levels. Add me I trade gems when they come in! 🙂 Friend me! : Shal add me on Facebook: Shelimar Rodriguez

  32. Icegirl says:

    OMG got it 4th try, level 11 ice dragon and level 12 mine dragon????

  33. Jofu17 says:

    Anyone know yet if this breeding pair holds up for 2014?
    Add me gem for gem – jofu17 in gamecenter

  34. Bettalover121 says:

    I got this dragon first try vary big help

  35. Harsshh Joshii says:

    Tried that didnt get it
    Tried the opposite n m getting platinum
    49 hrs of wait

    N btw i need two players to trade gems
    Harsshh joshii
    On facebook

  36. Margaret says:

    My son just got this dragon last night with ice and mine both at level13 in the cave after second try. He has another pair on level 19 and 18. And nothing. I don’t think it matter too much what level it’s just like. I have a level 17 and 16 and got a silver dragon. I hope I don’t have to wait all month to breed this dragon.

    • Margaret says:

      My son has been so lucky with the diamond dragon, he just got another diamond with his lvl 19/18 pair. Now he wants the silver and platinum that you get with this pairing which is all I’m getting at the moment with my 17/16 pairing.

      • Margaret says:

        Just got the diamond after the platinum. Trying for another and would like another silver hopefully.

      • Margaret says:

        You won’t believe this he just bred another diamond. He can’t seem to breed a silver or a platinum. He plans to feel his habitats with diamonds until he gets these treasure dragons.

        • Margaret says:

          Just set up a second breeding pair both ice and mine lvl 13 and got the diamond first time.
          If you have been trying to be a friend with me, I have a full gifting tree. I can’t give anymore gifts out. If you’re gotten a gift out of the blue from me it’s because one of my loco friends has gone out of town. Cheers!

  37. Zac says:

    Hey, i know how to get all gemstone dragons, send me a gem and I’ll tell how to get all gem stone dragons 99% of the time
    GAMECENTRE ID: bob80081

  38. rinka says:

    Hi looking to trade gems daily add #1rinka on game center thanks.

  39. StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

    Simple really. Mine and ice, level both level 10, on the EBI. Boom, first try! Thanks doc.

  40. StarstoneFireyKestrel says:

    Sorry, I meant both level 10 🙂

  41. Pixelate says:

    Still trying to gt this…. have been trying like forever!
    need gems to trade daily, add me- GAMECENTER ID: #Pixelate

  42. Quemezht says:

    Took about six tries, but finally achieved as stated with ice and mine on the breeding island.

  43. Rasta says:

    Gemz trade bboy_Love

  44. Patrick says:

    Hi guys, please could you help me out with gems, im battling to collect…. Game center= PatDuncs01#
    Thanks and i will return the gift.

  45. Jake says:

    Got one with ice and mine both lv 15 and also got a silver dragon too

    Also add my game enter to trade gems: CodeSpike

  46. djflamesao says:

    I got a diamond after trying to get a rust LOL. Add me, djflamesao, I need 2 more people to trade gems. I am a daily gem trader, so don’t be one of those people who don’t give gems back.

  47. JackFR says:

    Hi, looking for any gem traders, have a dragonsai gifting tree and trade every day add me nickPHD

  48. Shu says:

    I have the amethyst dragon garnet dragon aquamarine dragon and still have breed this dragon yet takes forever to get this type of gemstone dragon

  49. Young dragon breed says:

    Just got the breeding time with Mine and Ice both lvl 13
    11 more hours on breeding and then another 30 incubating 🙂

    GC: Young Dro ’08

  50. Jumpysquirrel says:

    Got it on my first try! Ice and mine, breeding island, both lvl 11 🙂

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