DragonVale: How to breed a Terradiem Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Terradiem Dragon

Dragonvale Terradiem Dragon

TERRADIEM DRAGON: (Limited – Available until April 24th)
BUY-IT Price: 1000 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Mud and Air / River and Air

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

Dragonvale Terradiem Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the Dragonvale_Terradiem_Dragon_Egg

201 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Terradiem Dragon”
  1. 37563862 says:

    Fog and earth works

  2. Abarna07 says:

    Looking for 2 people to trade gems with. Add me ABARNA07

  3. Rosalie says:

    Level 15 panlong (left) and level 15 firefly (right) On epic breeding island i know people who got it on their first try and I got mine on my second.

  4. Alex says:

    River and Air lvl 10 each EBI 1st try. Lucky to be sure, I NEVER get anything good on the 1st try. Thanks macenstein!

  5. Dick says:

    Thanks guy, tried both mud and river with air then got it the first time I tried river and fog!!!

  6. TRAVISH311 says:

    Looking for new people for gem trading. Have 3 slots open.

    • SandyQ says:

      Thanks for the add, I’ll trade daily with you.

    • very good helper says:

      i m sorry im full but ive got an epic place!!!!![legendarys include panlong,century,rainbowx6, leapyearx2, luner eclipse, bluemoon, sunx2, summersolsticex2,moonx3 ANDDD….END SCENE…? ?

  7. Nick says:

    we got it first try with Earth and Fog!

  8. Crimsonrayne says:

    Rain/mud- both lvl 15 first try 🙂

  9. Bonnie says:

    still trying!!!

  10. Mikey77 says:

    Got 2 using dodo and river in the afternoon.

  11. J.R. says:

    Ummmm my my parent always told me if I have nothing good to
    Say don’t say it at all … that’s all I half to say adout this dragon.
    Add me-VILLA7315

  12. Freddie says:

    Earth and fog. Good luck.

  13. La Mas GG says:

    Got my terradiem!! Going for a second….also need a diamond egg and a second meteor. And the ever elusive Gold Olympus. Guess that can wait…damn that eighth island is expensive. Lol!!

  14. LOLOL says:

    Yay 🙂 I got it in my first try mud and air

  15. Pjc65bx says:

    Just got one by river + air. Quite lucky can get it by 3rd try

  16. Caitlyn says:

    Got if fist try with mud and air

  17. Myst03 says:

    Looking for new friends to trade gems with. Just kicked three that stop giving daily so have those spots open now.
    Add me for daily gems. Myst03

  18. princess 21 says:

    Earth and fog first try

  19. Casi says:

    I was so surprised when I got this dragon first try with lvl 10 earth on left and lvl 10 rain in right. Now I’m going to try for my second one. Good luck everyone! 🙂

  20. Cephalotus says:

    So far tried four or five times … No luck.

  21. Eric Loh says:

    I end up getting 3 sandstorm dragons with mud and air. Not complaining as its only 2 hours breeding and it was hard to get previously.

  22. Rocky says:

    river and air about my third shot

  23. Jason says:

    Add me on Game Center +++JA5ON+++

  24. Afrobreak says:

    Im never lucky when it comes to breeding dragons… Sigh

  25. Miiodin says:

    Got it Rain & Earth in the normale breeding cave .

  26. BigMonkeyPie says:

    Mud and air, first try – thanks Doc!

  27. Cliff28 82 says:

    Got 24 hour breed time with air and mud second try

  28. Racebanin says:

    Sill working on it. Have tried five time with mud, rain and air combos. Plan to try earth and fog next.

  29. Shari says:

    Air and mud normal breeding cave 2nd try

  30. Kibu says:

    I got it my second try with river and air both lvl 15

  31. DeAnn says:

    First try mud and fog. Both level 4

  32. J.R. says:

    Yay finally got this creepy dragon, with river and air … its still sooooo creepy 🙁

  33. Marzena says:

    Anyone want to add ‘marzenkabonar’ to trade gems daily? I have dragonsai tree and I’m looking for three more reliable friends to exchange gem for gem:)

  34. SnowTiger7777 says:

    Well … Hmm. Got it with Air & River. I don’t like it. I’m trying to be nice but this dragon looks really bad. Not sure who designed it but it looks really yuck. Deleting it now. Don’t want this dragon anywhere in my park. Barf.

  35. jlboonk says:

    I just got one after almost 10 tries : river + air (both lvl 15)
    Not successful with mud + air or earth + fog.. but will continue trying cos some of my rare dragons took more than 100 tries 🙁

  36. Lacey says:

    Yay first try, quake and fog.
    I never get limited in a first go apart from motley !
    I’m so happy :), good luck x

  37. Zoe says:

    River and Air, both level 10, on the breeding island. 🙂 2nd try. ;D

  38. Afrobreak says:

    Yessss , finally got it using river rain , after trying every other combo possible.

    • Dae says:

      Hey! Me too! I’ve gotten 6 muds, 2 rivers, 3 rains, and 2 fogs, and after seeing your post I decided to try River and Rain and got a 24hr time! 😀

    • Bakemon says:

      Thank You…. I was really getting frustrated with this one. I have been trying several times a day since the release. Finally got it with the river/rain combo.

  39. Lisitowaala says:

    Finally after so many tries !!! About to get 2 tho , add me waala1

    • konojomo says:

      Hi I can not get it I tried 5 times and still can’t get it mud+ air dose not work for me. I did not even by an upgrade It is not in my store. 🙁

  40. konojomo says:

    Oops I ment get an upgrade

  41. Thien says:

    Add me please for gem trades ID: -THIEN-

  42. Cephalotus says:

    Finally got it! Definitely took me a lot of tries though. Pretty cool looking egg. Be really cool if I could get another one just for display.

    • konojomo says:

      How did you breed it.

      I still haven’t got an upgrade

      I have a kindle fire HD any body else have 1if you do tell me how to get a upgrade and how to breed it

    • Trisha says:

      I keep getting this dragon when trying for the lunar eclipse dodo/iceburg and sandstorm/ice combos. Earth Day dragon….got to love the creepy thing!

  43. Henry says:

    Tried Mud-Air, Earth-Fog, River-Air but I got nothing.
    Tried Panlong (15) – Firefly (10) and got 24 hours at first time!

    Should be it!!

  44. Jamie says:

    PANLONG AND BLOOM WORKS REALLY WELL. I got 5 terradiem in a row.

  45. Beldaran47 says:

    Need 2 people to friend, gem for gem, I play everyday!

  46. K1ID4NK says:

    Got this dragon with Lv.10 River and Air, but took a long time to get this dragon

  47. dad rules 27 says:

    I got the egg and it looks cool.

  48. kent says:

    need 2 fiends to trade gem for gem!! i play everyday. add me kentV7

  49. Chelsie says:

    Dodo and water work I got it my first try 🙂

  50. Ben says:

    Got it with air and river. First try. Easy dragon.

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