DragonVale: How to breed a Bouquet Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Bouquet Dragon

Dragonvale Bouquet Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 150 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Flower and Seaweed / Flower and Water / Flower and Swamp

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

Dragonvale Bouquet Dragon Egg

The 2nd Egg is the Dragonvale Bouquet Dragon Egg

163 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Bouquet Dragon”
  1. Sara says:

    Add me for daily gem trades. I’m in desperate need for gems lol.

  2. Vani says:

    Add me: vanirose

    Still have 4 spots/gems left.

  3. Sophie says:

    I finally got a bouquet dragon! I used the combo flower and coral!

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks so much we think we got it!!! Can’t wait to see the egg!!! Add us on game center TreConJay. We need gems for epic breeding. Thanks

    • Joice says:

      Thank you, I have been using dr’a combo for more than 50 rounds but no result. Finally got my 1st bouquet from flower + coral. Thank you for this recommendation.
      My previous dragons are mostly from dr’a recommendation

    • Nilysfer says:

      Thank you! I got it with flower and coral!

    • Sean says:

      Thank you so much! Worked on 3rd try! 😀 also if anyone wants to gem for gem im on lots of times a day. Add CakeWithSprinkles

      • Calicogirl43 says:

        Thanks guys! I got it on the first try using level 11 flower with level 7 coral! So excited! I’m hoping to get a second one because I want to display the egg.

  4. NicksRavus says:

    finally got this bitch after so many tries. Wonder why this was harder as compared to the emerald dragon.

  5. polak123c says:

    YAY! Nine hours!

  6. Kyle harrington says:

    I’m looking for someone to trade Daily and will do the same Game Center – surferkyle42

    • Courtney says:

      My husband is getting a gift tree and my daughter probably too. Try kevcrusader and waverlyhoward. You can add me too and at least get gift hats every day. They really help get cash. It increases every day. I am (:outdoorsgirl:)
      Good luck!

  7. xoxo says:

    Flower and coral works!

  8. Miketheruthless says:

    I recently clreared up my friends list.
    I need 6 who will do daily gem for gem
    With me.
    Game Center: Michael.Zulu.Eta

  9. Vicki says:

    I have one more gem, I will friend request you, surferkyle42? I am ***vicki***. It may come up as Larry, I don’t know what’s going on with my name

  10. Rocky says:

    i got this dragon after a few trys with flower and water. i kept getting swamps

  11. rob says:

    flower – Coral works, seems to be the only combo. I’ve tried all the other combos with no luck.

  12. eleni says:

    crystal+lichen 25 hours… what is it?

  13. Sara says:

    I still haven’t gotten this dragon omg.
    Btw, as I said earlier before, please stop sending me friend requests because I’m getting very annoyed with constant notifications.

    • Dragonista says:

      Can’t u just turn the notification off in settings? :/

      Ps——Flower and coral (in that order) worked for me almost 100% of the time. I used flower level 10 and coral level 9 and it worked soooo YEAH!!!!! 😀

  14. Dervafflecoen says:

    Water/flower produces for me only Swamp and Salamander. Flower/water produced mostly Coral. Just got 9 hours with Flower/Coral as several others have suggested. Really hoping this is it, as I’ve wasted days on this stupid dragon lol. Will probably miss century as a result 😛

  15. lilly says:

    flower and coral works

  16. IKEEEELLYOU says:

    Please add me people. I need gems.

  17. N3lliy says:

    I have 2 more gem gifts available want to give it to Someone
    who will give back, I have no one on my list that gives me back gems add me and I’ll always return a gem gift Id: N3lliy

  18. YungSnypa says:

    Need 3 loyal gift givers.. Gem for gem everyday.. Add me at YUNGSNYPA

  19. Sheer Wolf says:

    Add me I gift gems everyday
    Game Center: Sheer Wolf

  20. N3lliy says:

    Help! One more day left and I still haven’t got this dragon, I have tried like everything! I have really bad luck with rare dragons! Any combinations that’s not here anyone know? My ID- N3lliy

  21. Tedd4321 says:

    Add me gem for gem!!! @ tedd4321

  22. Matthew says:

    Hey guys I am in desperate needs of gems. Add my Game Center *~pikachu~*

  23. Matthew says:

    Add my Game Center *~pikachu~* I need gems

  24. D3lw3l says:

    plz add me on gamecenter! D3LW3L
    for gems trade ofcourse :))

  25. ~Tobiume says:

    Eh. Tried this since it was released, and still haven’t gotten it. Probably won’t get it. Hopefully there will be another Bring ’em Back event at the end of the year, for this and for Celtic haha.

    Please add me on Game Center. My ID is ~Tobiume, and I have 3 open spots. I’m on daily. Thank you. 😛

    • goldienp says:

      So fed up with trying for this one. You’d think they would make it a little easier. Going back to emerald.

  26. Aidan says:

    Dr. If I have one bouquet dragon,what do I breed it with to get another one

  27. Kai says:

    Add me, i will give gems for gems everyday.
    Game center: KAILOVESMIKE

  28. Aidan says:

    Doc this is amazing !!! I know the time of the bouquet dragon is over but I bred it with flower and fog trying to get seasonal or spring. If u don’t believe me come check out my islands …. Aidan keystone
    P.S this is my second bouquet dragon

  29. Dani says:

    Got this first and 3rd try with flower and water. Was an easy dragon to breed!

  30. Chino says:

    What dragon is blue egg and red flames

  31. peter says:

    Add me plz lollingstones or in caps i don’t know

  32. dr pinguin says:

    add me need 2 ppl @ [$]drpinguin[$]

  33. Wends425 says:

    Is this dragon still available?

  34. PersonMcPersonMan says:

    Wait, what’s this? A bouquet dragon? Why have I not heard of this?


    I can vaguely remember this but… When was it available? Lol.

  35. zodiac175 says:

    Add me for trading gem, i need six active friends, thanks so much

  36. zodiac175 says:

    My game center ID zodiac175

  37. DocRules20%cooler says:

    Weird, I randomly chose two dragons to get a bouquet WHAT LUCK!! 🙂

  38. pancake says:

    Hey, looking for a few friends to trade gems with. I play everyday!:)

    Gamecenter: /*grace*\

  39. Alyssa says:

    I got it on the 2 try with flower and coral in the EBI.

  40. Sas says:

    I got 2 in a row with
    Flower + water
    Good combo

  41. Margaret says:

    My son just got the bouquet dragon with water lvl 15 and flower lvl 16. He put flower in first and got only seaweed, changed order got first time.

  42. teena says:

    I got it twice in a row using flower and fog

  43. Ashton says:

    In desperate need for gems so add me for gen trade Sinisterrrgamer

  44. Ashton says:

    In desperate need for gems so add me for gen trade Sinisterrrgamer

  45. Heidi Miller says:

    Hi my bloom dragon has a little orb above its head. Do you know what this means?

  46. JackalBlood says:

    what i wanna know is what is the first egg? that looks awesome.

    this dragon is on my to-breed list 😉

  47. me says:

    First try with flower and seaweed

  48. Brooke says:

    First try with flower and water and got 9 hours.

  49. Brooke says:

    I got this dragon first try with flower and water regular breeding cave.

  50. Brooke says:

    Both are level 10

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