DragonVale: How to breed a Summer Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 1500 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Ash and Salamander / Ash and Coral / Swamp and Scorch
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Add me up!.. Gamecenter: C007dudz
Trying for Summer, on second attempt with Ash and Coral, got 60 hours must be Double Rainbow?
I can NOT wait to add this dragon to my collection. 🙂
add me on GC for gem 2 gem my name is: Kumo
I got a summer dragon by breeding ash and salamander. Breed time on updated breeding island of 19hrs and 12 minutes. I would add a screen shot, but i don’t think i’m allowed. But if you want to verify you can add me on gamecenter, “boredblonde…”
Plasma and salamander also works 🙂 I posted pictures on this site in the comments if you want to verify, http://dragonvale.wikia.com/wiki/Summer_Dragon
i can’t post pictures here. Hope that helps 🙂
Sadly, the same combo worked for me…I want a Jade 🙁
Spring and Spring got me 24 hours in the breeding cave… Could be summer I quess as spring has gone.
is spring..
no it’s a spring dragon it doesnt matter if it expired because you already have them in your park so it’s still another spring dragon
It’s spring
On a side note… The seasonal dragons summer attire makes him look a bit evil.
I’ve just breed lvl 15 aah & salamander & got 48hrs any ideas soc or anyone.
double rainbow
can’t be double rainbow, that’s 60 hours.
could be rainbow?
It depends on wether or not you have an upgraded breeding island/cave…. If you breed them in an upgraded one it will be 48 hours for a double rainbow and 39 for a regular rainbow… If its not upgraded it will b 60 hours for the double rainbow… So if it’s upgraded and you get 48 hours it can only be a double rainbow:)
Not true, I just got 48hrs on upgraded island and I read this so I speeded up the breeding with gems and it’s a stupid rainbow ? I’m so mad I watered my gems. So you will get a rainbow not double headed one. This sucks ?
I know the spring dragon in the middle, but what are the eggs are are in the left and right?
Left, Summer
Right, Double Rainbow
I tried plasma and fire in EBI and got 24 h. Probably the summer dragon, I hope 😀
I got it 1st try with Coral + Lightning! 19hrs 11min 49sec
I bred blazing and lava and got 24 hours what could I be getting?
I think you got a Solstice Dragon.
Looking for gem swap with regular players. I have giving tree and no one gives back, three open slots
Wats you gc Id?
P.J.T. OWL is my id. My bro has two accounts local and Game Center both w trees he is St0rmaged0n Dark lord of all 1
Would love to trade gems with you. My Id is Ca3658
I dont need gems, but I LOVE Beautiful islands!!
Please add: myNAMEisFayard
Ur island is great
Add “alexpiqu” for gem for gem trading !! 4 spots open
Tried ash and coral and now I got 60 hours. Double rainbow?
I got this thing by accident trying to get the double rainbow draigon
Is “game center” an apple thing? Cannot find it on android. Looking to add friends but don’t knows how except through Facebook and none of my fb friends play…. Help!!!
Yes, gamecenter is apple only. You will not be able to add friends.
lightning and salamander first try. i was hoping for plasma cause my luck is always bad for epic. apparently rather than give me regular plasma, the game give me summer. i can’t stop smiling now.
I got my Summer Dragon by breeding an Ash Dragon (Level 15) with a Salamander Dragon ( Level 15) in the regular cave.
i’ve got summer dragon by accident with pair intended for double rainbow
firefly & seaweed (both level 15)
still trying for double rainbow though…
I need gem friends! Got a gifting tree & gift daily! 🙂 GC id is Joni
I got it second try! — ash (level 10) and salamander (level 10) on the island. Add me on game center for gem-for-gem: tseehoff
Add me for daily gem trade: OrchidSpring
Tried OrchidSpring friend request at gamecenter did not work. Friend me for daily gems
Lol I got a Rainbow dragon on the first try: Ash and Salamander
I read somewhere that spring+summer=summer…can anyone verify that?
I got a summer dragon while I was trying to breed a rainbow dragon 😛
Add me for gem trade 🙂 gc is ashtowers888
Add me for gem2gem AT1234AV
I’m trying plasma and coral, but so far I’ve gotten 9 salamander dragons, 3 coral and 3 rainbow (I know, but I already have 4 rainbow dragons) I’m also hoping for a double rainbow dragon. Is there any lucky combos?
I think I just got one with plasma and salamander as well. 24 hr breeding time 🙂
Add me plz!! Gamecenter- Michelle1415135
Add gc gem for gem:) have tree ashtowers888
I got it by breeding salamander and hail just randomly to see what I could get
Hi everybody,
I got ist after the fourth try with Butterfly and firefly
I just got 3 summers in a row trying to breed a double rainbow with ash and salamander…
Urg – that ash and salamander combo again. I have lvl 15 of both and I keep breeding it over and over on my EBI and all I get are little dragons like scorch.
Having trouble getting these epic dragons lately. Need 3 more gem trading partners. GC Kaliforniakat
Awesome! I got a double rainbow Dragon trying to get the summer Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which egg is the last one
The eggs are summer dragon,spring dragon and double rainbow dragon all showing because that’s what you can cat from breeding with this combination.
Would plasma and salamander make one? I got 24hours wen breeding them
The eggs are summer dragon,spring dragon and double rainbow dragon all showing because that’s what you can get from breeding with this combination.
Oh my gosh! I’ve been trying for the double rainbow dragon ever since it came out. Now i try ash and,coral and get it. I’m a lot happier with this than the summer dragon!
I got a breeding time of 24hrs with ash and salamander on the epic breeding island…any ideas of what it could be?
It was a summer dragon!!!!!! YAY thanks doc
Apparently level 16s firefly and seaweed work as well because after a jillion tries for double rainbow I got a summer. Well sure.
I have 2 open gem spots to trade everyday. Add heyboova
Tried all of Macs combos but the easiest was plasma and salamander for me … Thanks doc I love your site
Yes – sometimes it takes patience but I’ve yet to use a combination on this site and not get the dragon I want in the end. I got this one with the ash and salamander I was so tired of using. Now I need the double rainbow.
Ash + coral
I heard the best combo is with fire lighting and water like the firefly and water or scorch and water is that true?
Need 3 more friends to trade Gems. Gamecenter ID: xxxx51xxxx.
I can’t seem to breed anything these days. =(