DragonVale: How to breed a Summer Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 1500 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Ash and Salamander / Ash and Coral / Swamp and Scorch
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
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its impossible to get the plasma!! please anyone help me with the dragons you breed and worked please
metal + lighting, first try
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– The Doc
seasweed + lighting, first try
I tried that combination and it didn’t work.
the plasma dragon is pretty hard to get because of its opposite elements of lightning and water.All you need is to breed a lightning dragon and a water hybrid dragon.One of the easy combos is lightning and swamp. You probably won’t get it on your first few tries, but you WILL get it eventually.
I was trying for current using river and firefly and got the summer dragon twice
With the normal breeding cave? What level dragons?
Try firefly and water if it won’t let you try firefly and swamp
I’ve been playing since the game came out and I only got plasma last week!! Hardest one for me. I used the combos in the comments in here to finally get it. Good luck!
seaweed+lightning first try both levle 4
Dude, this is summer dragon breeding not plasma, anyway just try a current, I have two!
I got my plasma dragon on my first try with low level Ice and Lightning dragons.
The plasma dragon costs only 40 gems. You could buy it if you have that much.
Tried almost times with ash and salamander. Nothing.
First time with swamp and scorch!!!
Seaweed and firefly for summer dragon first try
What level was both of the dragons on?
I got it with a level 14 plasma and level 14 salamander, so you could try those if you have them.
Tried almost 100 times with ash and salamander. Nothing.
The reason you’re not getting the summer dragon with ash and salamander is because that combination isn’t a very good one and could take you a looong time to get. I just bred water and firefly together and received it on my second try!
i tried ash and coral and got summer on the fourth try then i tried again with swamp and scorch and got it first try
With Cristal and bluefire 24h breding time? It’s summer?
There probably isn’t a good chance that you got a summer dragon since it has the crystal dragon in the combination and crystal takes 24 hours also.But there is still a possible chance. By the way if you’re trying to get a summer dragon, I would recommend the combination of water and firefly.
I just got one breeding Firefly and Ice.
Just tried Swamp + Scorch and got Double Rainbow, tried again and got Summer!!! Awesome! Thanks guys!
I got it first try with level 7 salamander and level 7 crystal
I got 2, was trying for jade and I got this instead, plasma-lv10 and salamander-lv10 in that order
I got a 24 hor egg with flower and plasma
Idk if its this, but only logical explanation
I got this with Flower and Plasma
I got it with coral and lightning 2nd try
Need CASH friends and sometimes GEM friends. My friends randomly give gems.
I got a 24 hour breeding time with cactus and crystal any ideas
Crystal, lol
Got it first try with seaweed and firefly, while trying for the double rainbow!
I just breed Forge X Hail and got 24 hour i realy hope its Summer
Got it on the first try with scorch and iceberg (wasn’t trying for one)
Tried that and got it first time, thanks a lot
I’m a level 41 player. I can use two or three more friends for exchanging gifts, since a few of my friends stopped playing. I wíll return your gift. Will you? GC: Marionnnnnn
Now lets hope i can get summer before it expires.
Hey! I breed Ash and Salamander dragon
and i got a time on 60 h! What dragon will i get?
Thanks for answers!
60 hrs is a double rainbow
When the bring ’em back event was live, rainbow dragon and leap year dragon worked.
Is this a limited time dragon?
Tried ash and salamander and got 39 hours. Wonder what it could be….
I got mine using plasma and salamander
I tried the swamp and scorch combo the first time I got an ash the second I got a pepper which works for me since I had neither!
I tried to get a rainbow dragon and bred scorch + seaweed got summer dragon instead
Guys breed arctic and smoke got 24 hours and there is no other possibility other then the summer first try some one help
Just got it with plasma and salamander. Both level 10. Was trying for jade, but I’ll take it!
Key? = water, lightning, fire and one other element
(Seemed this way from current combos probably wrong though)
Got in with ash and salamander both lvl 17, took 15 breeds
Got my second after another 8 tries, my son got both dragon and egg with this breed also about 20 tries in total and he got a double rainbow also.
Patrick Liangs trick worked. On my 5th try I got the summer dragon egg with lvl7 firefly and lvl7 seaweed.
I got it with Plasma and Salamander… even though i was trying to get Jade dragon.
Same, I was trying to get Jade, and got Summer instead.
I got it second try on the EBI with swamp and scorch (both level 13)
Dr. Macenstein does the time you start breeding matter? I’ve tried breeding this dragon several times and gave up then started again and this time I tried I got it on my second try at 7 am central time. The same thing happened with my prism dragon I only was able to breed it in the wee hours of the morning.
Got 60 hours with level 14 ash and level 14 salamander…DUBLE RAINBOW BABY
Same i was shoked when mine happened
I also got one from breeding the plasma and salamander dragons.
I got 4 summer dragons breeding a plasma and salamander to get a jade dragon. no joke
I bred my gold Olympus and bronze Olympus dragon and got 24 hours? It wasn’t in an upgraded breeding cave so could it be summer?
Update: somehow my Olympus dragons made a crystal dragon(very disappointing), however, I got the summer dragon on my first try with seaweed and scorch.
Oh my gosh I got it on my first try with Salamander and Ash!!
I got a summer dragon by breeding scorch and iceberg, if anyone needs a simple way to get the dragon.
Got it first try scotch and iceberg! Thank you so much I’ve been trying for so long!
First try Swamp and Scorch! Both lvl 11
um i put Ash and salamanda together and got a summer then i tried is again to get another summer and it came up with 60 hours, anyone know what that is?
It’s a double rainbow.
I actually got this with the dream and daydream dragons?? Strange. But whatever.
i bred it double rainbow and sun
Chrome AND Firefly 10+ IT realy works
I bred a summer dragon first try with salamander and ash ????
Got it first try with lv 15 ash and lv 17 salamander in the EBS
Finally got summer with butterfly and plasma!
Just breed firefly and water and got an incubation time of 24 hours ! Pretty sure it’s the summer dragon ! First try !
Got it 2 out of 3 times with level 15 plasma and level 11 pepper.
I got it with the plasma and salamander I was trying to go with the jade dragon!!!!!!