DragonVale: How to breed a Pepper Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Pepper Dragon

DragonVale Pepper Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 125 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Flower and Poison / Lava and Plant

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

DragonVale Pepper Dragon Egg

The 1st egg is the DragonVale Pepper Dragon Egg

116 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Pepper Dragon”
  1. Chubbymonkey says:

    I was trying for a sakura dragon so i did the tree/flower combo, but instead i got a pepper dragon.

  2. Steph says:

    Tree and flower was the only combination that worked for me. Got it first try but the other combinations failed repeatedly for me.

  3. Kai-sensei says:

    I got one trying for a Moonstruck dragon, so Love and Rose.

  4. Super-cool you says:

    I did flower 1st and tree 2nd in the breeding cave both at level 7. At first I got a poison when I did the order the other way around. I got a 6 hour time the second time I tried and I’m guessing it’s a pepper.

  5. micko says:

    im using mobile in playing dragonvale with connction to my fb acct.. can u pls add me and we can start giving gems everyday..

    tnx.. my fb acct:

  6. insanepplmeh says:

    I was trying for blue fire with lichen lvl11 and fire lvl11 in the the EBC. It was my 4th try and I got a pepper dragon.

  7. insanepplmeh says:

    I was trying for blue fire with lichen lvl11 and fire lvl11 in the the EBC. It was my 4th try and I got a pepper dragon.

  8. Cheekychick says:

    I got it with Evergreenand Fire, both level 11 in the normal breeding cave. Was going for Blue Fire or Frostfire..guess I will keep trying…

  9. Lilian says:

    The best combo for me was plant and fire I got 5 peppers in a row I was going for a flower though

  10. Escamug says:

    I got the pepper dragon when trying to breed blue fire. It was either with fire and lichen or evergreen and fire. It was more likely the first. This might not be as efficient though.

  11. Escamug says:

    They were lvl 7 or lower.

  12. Princess says:

    it took me about 4 or 5 tries in a row, but I got a 6 hour breeding time from a plant and fire. I’m pretty sure it’s a pepper dragon.

  13. nacho says:

    I’ve been trying for pepper dragon by doing the lava and plant but right now I have something that has an incubation of an hour do you guys know what that is.

  14. Frak says:

    I got the Pepper with Flower (11) and Poison (10) in EBC, on 3rd try. I’m level 26.

  15. B'Lanna says:

    I would like to make the suggestion that you can also breed Poison and Cold, as well as Mountain and Flower together to get pepper. I found that this work as well.

  16. June says:

    OMG finally i got pepper.i already tried all of your combination here but it didnt work for mee. So when i really tired to try, i just click blue fire for the first dragon and flower in the second,finally the result was pepper lol..both of them in lvl 12 ..pleas add my id gamecenter Juni+Al. Every one hour i always play. Thanks guys,thanks god haha

    • Emily says:

      I TRIED THE COMBOS FOR PEPPER AND THEY DIDN’T WORK. GOT TICKED, TRIED METEOR AND FLOWER FOR THE H*ll of it AND GOT 2 DAYS!! Lol what the heck could it be? Don’t know, but I’m gonna start doing my own combos from now on, cuz they’ve been actually working for me.

  17. Little Juan says:

    Tried to get love instead got pepper so lightning and flower

  18. Jose145 says:

    I tried scorch and flower and I got a pepper dragon

  19. karatedragon says:

    i did an earth and flower and got it. i tried again and got a poison.

  20. Tom says:

    I had try fire with plant and then i got it at 5th fire level 4 plant level 5

  21. wow says:

    Blazing and lichen
    Lvl 10 and 8 …….?

  22. kkgrace says:

    I bred plant with lava (level 7s) trying for a pepper dragon but got an 8 hour breeding time. What could it be??

  23. taranvir says:

    I got it with cold and poison I thought I got lichen.

  24. taranvir says:

    I got it with cold and poison.

  25. I got my pepper dragon with a double rainbow and a rainbow

  26. Alexis says:

    How much times do you have to rebreed flower and poison

  27. Fallen says:

    I did tree and flower. That was the only one that worked.

  28. Gornith says:

    I just started playing…my first egg, during the start up training period with just fire and plant…the egg turned out to be a pepper dragon.

  29. Joeltron99 says:

    finally I’ve been trying the poison flower thing forever and it never worked, first time I do tree/flower pepper dragon god bless!!!!!

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