DragonVale: How to breed a Crypt Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 1,100 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Cold and Dark / Cold and Dark Rift
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!>
Anybody else have this problem: Bred and hatched a Crypt Dragon. Started feeding dragon to level him up. Got him to Level 3 and feed him three times. Every time that I hit the feed button to get him to Level 4 , the game froze. Tried using a gem to get him to Level 4 and the game froze. Tried force closing the game without success. Sent an email to Backflip.
Hi I’ve been able to get him to level 12 but no orb above his head, like with all other dragons level 11+
Hi honey,
No problem with mine. I got it yesterday. He does look cool, but it is such a bummer that none of these dragons make much money. I have tried since the update to get the eighth island but can’t if I spend money on food. So very frustrating.
Seems we are all having trouble with Hasbro’s new little game.
I hope he unfreezes today. At worst, try breeding another one.
Good luck! If you want to check out my squished park I am (:outdoorsgirl:) on Gamecenter. I love to see new parks too
Have a great day!
Backfilp Studios,not Hasbro.
Looking to trade daily gem. Game center ID Nettie plow
During Saturday evening I was finally able to level up 2 Crypt Dragons. At each level there was a 4 or 5 second delay from the time I pressed the feed button for the final feeding amount at each level until the Dragon level increased. As noted by others there was no orb over the Crypt Dragon’s head even though he was at Level 15.
I can confirm the no orb glitch. Both of mine are at 15 and show none. And the “food hesitation” glitch seems to happen with most of this update’s dragons. I accidentally fed one of the lightnings to level 18, wiping out most of my food stockpile because of it.
I am trying to add MacensteiniPad or Dr Macenstein but I enter and search in Game Center but nothing happens. I love this site and would be happy to support you. Any ideas?
Hi honey,
I love this website too and I am not a technophile, but when I want to find the website I go to Yahoo or another search engine and then type in the search bar “how to breed DragonVale crypt Dragon”, for example. Other sites will pop up but Mackenstein is almost always one of the first. I hope that was helpful
Take care see you online
GC: (:outdoorsgirl:)
mine is 10182721
Enter this friend code in to “redeem code” in the social menu for 25 free gems! 70138853
my code is 80001238 pl add me on we can redeem gems together and add on gems with levels …… am a regular park guy
Ugh all this friend code spam
Worst thing dragonvale put out
I also hate how you have a chance to get ruin or crypt from the same breeding pair
I don’t see the point in wasting money on this game
First time with Dark and Phantom!
Buefire and fungus