DragonVale: How to breed an Ember Dragon
BUY-IT Price: 850 GEMS
HOW TO BREED: Fire and Light / Fire and Light Rift
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!
Thanks doc…Its so great the light dragon finally hatched…. Check on my park guys… Flamemaster23 is my gc…
Hey Dyeyar,
I just checked your park! How did you breed the glass, sand, heat, and other two light dragons? OMG you already have a park full. Lol I just found the light dragon in the market to buy. I was thinking the rift dragon was the light dragon. Geeze, this is crazy. Lol very beautiful park!
Hi needprivacy,
I didnt sleep waiting for that s2p!d dragon, lol… First i breed 2 rift dragon and got the light.. Then just breed the light with earth,fire and plant.. So far only those three elements have the combi for light…8 new dragons including the rift and light…
And i still cant visit your park or send gems to my gc freinds coz my social button still f***ing crash everytime i open it… Tried it on my phone,ipad and itouch… All the same. Really great work for hansbro there…
Hi Dyeyar,
Know what you mean about no sleep. Lol did that with the light challenge to no avail. What’s weird is when I first got the rift dragon hatched and didnt have the light dragon or know it was for sale in the market, the game wouldn’t let me breed the rift dragon with basic one element dragons like fire, earth etc. I had to select a combo dragon. Anyway, I picked sand with rift hoping for glass since glass is made out of sand. Got seaweed. Go figure. Loved those new breeding rules…NOT. Lol
Don’t worry about gems for me. Remember before I added you I noted my gem tree was full so I would not be able to gift back. BTW a lot of people keep requesting I add them and I haven’t because I’m full. Only adding people who just want to visit to see new parks, collect party hats etc. please don’t request if you want a gem back. I’d feel terrible adding anyone to get a gem and not be able to reciprocate.
Well I guess I jinxed myself. Couldn’t get into my game the rest of the night. kept getting an error message telling me -internal error try again? Augh. I was late sending gems too. And Dyeyar you have completely disappeared from my friends list? what the heck is going on? Weird stuff.
Anyone else having these probems? Glad I’m not going crazy trying to level up the dark habitat because for hours I couldnt get in my game. Augh
someone add me to gift gems cs2naruto
I need help saving gems for upgrading breeding cave. Please send me gems. I will send back. My gamecenter is Warpnog
please friend St0rmegeddon Dark lord of all…my son has a local and game enter account which is random numbers and letters both with giving trees if you gem back.
I dont need gems but i LOVE Beautiful islands!
Please add: myNAMEisFayard
Thank you!
Please need gems to need rainbow dragon will send Bach please
I keep getting this dragon instead of the heat one. Darn..this is a cool one. Lol
Please I need someone to trade gems with ! I’m a loyal one , need just 2 add me FujiiiApples
Add me to do gem for gem trades (: I have 2 accounts and 2 trees ! Lazzar777 & Dryballs9000
I play all the time :)!
All the light dragon breeds are easy to get if you wait. For me, I used the rift dragon with the plant, earth, and fire dragons.
Need 3 more people to swap GEMS with, add me Gamecenter ID is ETHANC0406
I just deleted several folks who apparently don’t like Dragonvale anymore. I play daily and am looking for people to swap gems with. I’ve got 4 to give. Game Center ID is :winning-duh
light and coral = 8hours
I got an 8hour dragon with blue moon and moon on the EBI and was today at noon. Any one know what I got? 🙂
Maybe a dusk?
Wow I was lucky kinda I got a free gift and Cole dragon