DragonVale: Looking for free gems? Post your friend codes here! - Macenstein

DragonVale: Looking for free gems? Post your friend codes here!

DragonVale Friend Codes


IF YOU WANT FRIENDS/GEMS, please check out our Friends Request Page! Thanks!

Hey all. In order to minimize the “Friend Code” spam we’re getting across the other posts, we’ve created this page where you can add your friend code as well as look for other players’ codes to enter. We’re going to have to start deleting comments on the other pages that simply post gem codes because it interferes with other players’ combo postings which help the DragonVale community in general. Thanks for your understanding, and check back here often for the freshest codes!

(ALSO, you may want to post your Game Center names here if you are looking for Gem Friends!)

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 95047209. Thanks!

7,175 Responses to “DragonVale: Looking for free gems? Post your friend codes here!”
  1. brody says:

    30652226 can you please add me to get free gems

  2. Waffle says:

    friend code 40645287

  3. Carrie says:

    My code is 30607515. Please add me, thanks ^^

  4. Mik Tol says:

    I’m level 39, 4868

  5. raine says:


    FREE GEMS! Love you guys!!!!!!

  6. zpker24 says:

    My friend code is 65375633

  7. Simon-Lisak says:

    Feel free use my Friend Code: 90403359 gives 25 Gems

  8. Simon-Lisak says:

    use my Friend code: 90403359 gives 25 GEMS

  9. methii says:

    My friendcode is 10012192 :))

  10. joshua says:

    Put this code in 40640819

  11. jonny mcool says:


  12. Simon-Lisak says:

    Use friend code gives you 25 GEMS 90403359

  13. Nick says:

    50405039 is my code do it for 25 gems

  14. Mark says:

    Do 50405039 for at least 25 to 50 gems

  15. Shrek says:

    Step 1: Open Social Tab.

    Step 2: Press β€˜Redeem Code’ button

    Step 3: enter these digits: 45539948

    Step 4: Enjoy your free 50 gems. :).

  16. Simon-Lisak says:

    Try my Friend code: 90403359 gives 25 GEMS

  17. Amethyst says:

    friendcode: 20414221

  18. Cassssiebear says:

    40589987 add my friend code! πŸ™‚

  19. Amethyst says:

    friend code: 20414221

  20. dragonhottie says:

    Add me please, I’d love to have some friends on here!!

  21. Halley says:

    Hey enter my friend code and got free gems that’s right all you have to dibis enter
    95612253 and get 25 free gems
    What are you waiting for enter now!!

  22. Sax player says:

    My friend code is 15607067. If you enter mine I will enter yours.

  23. Vinty says:

    Please use my friends code 40621961 for 25 gems. Thanks~

  24. Ash says:

    Friend code: 5562371


  25. jgarcia says:

    50 FREE GEMS and 5 free gems DAILY from my dragonsai gifting tree!!! ———-15572859—————

  26. jgarcia says:

    5 free gems DAILY from my dragonsai gifting tree and 50 FREE GEMS BONUS !!! β€”β€”β€”-15572859β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

  27. joshy says:

    β€”β€”β€”-15572859β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”50 FREE GEMS and 5 free gems DAILY from my dragonsai gifting tree!!!

  28. Robin says:

    friend code # is 70527799

  29. Lewis says:

    Enter This Code For Up to 50 Gems

  30. volt says:

    Enter mine: 50634845

  31. mega n says:


  32. cooleo31234 says:

    50 gems

  33. Billy says:

    PUT MY FRIEND CODE ITS 35548160 <3

  34. Webkinz is says:

    Hello to all DragonVale players!
    I really don’t mind if somebody enters my friend code.
    I hope this helps somebody out there get some free gems πŸ™‚
    So.. If you would like, enter my code: 60558000
    Enjoy! πŸ™‚ <3

  35. Webkinz is says:

    Hello to all DragonVale players!
    I really don’t mind if somebody enters my friend code.
    I hope this helps somebody out there get some free gems πŸ™‚
    So.. If you would like, enter my code: 60558000
    Enjoy! πŸ™‚ <3 πŸ™‚

  36. Gloria says:

    Hi there,
    Please add me as a friend: 5094970

  37. 25 Gems says:

    free 25 gems


  38. bellawesome91 says:

    mine is 5644662 and add me to gamecenter at bellawesome91 and i will send gifts daily! thanks in advance!

  39. heather says:

    hey i need more friends to trade gems with… gem for gem everyday…
    facebook me Heather Alberti

  40. heather says:

    friend me for gem trading

  41. Red says:

    Mine is 60510229

  42. Sylar says:

    To recieve 25 free gems go to friend codes and type my friend code 50427675

  43. Fotini says:

    Add me on gamecentre.
    I play dragonvale pretty much every two hours and I will send you gems every day πŸ™‚
    I send back for sure :3
    My gamecentre is Fotini_Reissis I accept everybody! πŸ˜€

  44. Fotini says:

    Add me on Facebook for gem exchange πŸ˜€
    My name is Fotini Reissis

  45. Rebecca says:

    My friend code is 45479358

  46. Sions says:

    hi, 50 free gems for my friend code: 20594442
    3slots for gems trade. add my gc for gems trade: ysions

  47. dragonlover says:

    please enter my code. I used all my gems.it is 15443409.it will give you 25 or 50 gems.please enter.

  48. DB says:

    mine is 10639150

  49. Ben says:

    Please use this
    I really need the gems


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