DragonVale: Looking for free gems? Post your friend codes here!
IF YOU WANT FRIENDS/GEMS, please check out our Friends Request Page! Thanks!
Hey all. In order to minimize the “Friend Code” spam we’re getting across the other posts, we’ve created this page where you can add your friend code as well as look for other players’ codes to enter. We’re going to have to start deleting comments on the other pages that simply post gem codes because it interferes with other players’ combo postings which help the DragonVale community in general. Thanks for your understanding, and check back here often for the freshest codes!
(ALSO, you may want to post your Game Center names here if you are looking for Gem Friends!)
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 95047209. Thanks!
15476566 will get you 25 gems!
50666130 25 gems 🙂
Add my code 65033206 for free gems!
Step 1: Open Social Tab
Step 2: Press ‘Redeem Code’ button
Step 3: enter this number: 70305535
Step 4: Enjoy your free 25 gems. 🙂
my friend code is 5018848
My friend code is 60414474 = )
21052 easy code to remember to get 50 free gems
80660727 enjoy!
Step 1: Open Social Tab
Step 2: Press ‘Redeem Code’ button
Step 3: enter this number: 70305535
Step 4: Enjoy your free 25 gems. 🙂
21052. Easy to remember
Mine is 60510229 plz use this????
Mine is 60510229 plz use this????
Please use 20100907
Hey guys! I know how to rack up some gems:
1st: Do this simple trick for 25-45 gems
2nd: Get a bunch of friends. If you get 1 gem daily from all of your friends, you can get a total of over 15 a day!
3rd: Breed Gemstone dragons and make them level 10. This technique will get you 1 gem a week, but since the island can hold up to 12 dragons, you can get 12 gems weekly
4th: Compete in the Colosseum! You can get money or 2-5 gems daily!
Also, If you want to be my friend, I give out gems daily. Apple Id: Buckybomb
If you want to get some gems from me, my ID is: 65593710
Enjoy your free gems!
Step 1: Open Social Tab
Step 2: Press ‘Redeem Code’ button
Step 3: enter this number: 70305535
Step 4: Enjoy your free 25 gems. 🙂
50201738 for free gems!!
My code15646855
Try my code: 20594442 for 40gems 🙂
I need 2 friends for gems trade, here is my GC: Ysions
please add and send message for dragonvale .. ty 🙂
55642644. Put in code for 25 gems. I play daily and I will help you get more.
Redeem Code (for 25 gems): 10472718
95649532 for free 25 gems!
Hey guys redeem my friend code: 25617197
21052 use this easy to remember code to get free 50 gems
Thank you from Oskie
It only gave me 25.
Free gems code….35450374
Mine is 8065545
Free gems friend code
My friendcode is 30654722
my code is 25060057 redeem my friendcode for 25 gems! 🙂
Add my code 40068629 for 25 gems!!
Add my code 40068629 for 25 gems!!
My friend code is 50645438
80027117 add me and we can get 25 gems each 🙂
Redeem Code (for 25 gems): 10472718
Enter the number 20573768 for gems!
20626398 free gems
65411592 is my friend code! Please use it!
My Gamecenter is creeps30
Feel frre use my Friend code gives you 25 GEMS 90403359
Looking for Dragonvale friends: 40639577
75547934 is mine
60628349 is my friend code
65636622, feel free to use it((:
Awesome gem code 150 gems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Redeem Code (for 25 gems): 10472718
My friend code is 15102257
I’m level 48 and a daily player! Add me: amyh413
Please use my friend code!!! I need gems badly and you get gems too!!!
My friend code is 25002613
Please and thank you!! 🙂
Hi, everybody I hope you all are having a great day! 🙂
If you could please use my friend code that would be amazing!
I need gems badly and you get gems too!!!
My friend code is 25002613
Please and thank you!! 🙂
My code is: 55544099
i am a dragonvale admin, enter my code for a special 100 gems
40452898 <3
My reedem code 🙂 75338485
50553016 add me
My code is 5624108
If you want to earn lots of gems type in 20637318
Redeem for infinity gems 95627561
My code is 35497686 plz enter the code
40413968!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 😉 enter this magical scrumptious code to make me smile!!!
Hey guys can you use my friend code I’m trying to get breeding upgraded but it’s hard only getting 1 gem a day. My friend code is 95526111, thank you if you use this code.
Get free gems! My code is 45358273. 🙂