DragonVale: Looking for free gems? Post your friend codes here!
IF YOU WANT FRIENDS/GEMS, please check out our Friends Request Page! Thanks!
Hey all. In order to minimize the “Friend Code” spam we’re getting across the other posts, we’ve created this page where you can add your friend code as well as look for other players’ codes to enter. We’re going to have to start deleting comments on the other pages that simply post gem codes because it interferes with other players’ combo postings which help the DragonVale community in general. Thanks for your understanding, and check back here often for the freshest codes!
(ALSO, you may want to post your Game Center names here if you are looking for Gem Friends!)
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 95047209. Thanks!
Add me on Game Center- hawk777 plenty of friends spaces to give gems
Please enter my code it is 1555904
Mine is
By the way, if you enter my friend code, you will get 50 gems plus 5 gems for the achievement, and another 2 gems if you post on Facebook or Twitter, maximizing your profit to 57 gems from entering my friend code!!!!!
ADD MY CODE!!! I need 4 more gem buddies for 5 FREE GEMS DAILY!! —–15572859—-
Feel free to use my code as well X3 (70633028)
For 25 free gems type in 95649532
My freind code is 60669882
21052 easy code to remember. Will get you 50 free gems
enter my friend code get 25 gems 80645199
10422086 if you want 45-50 gemsss! I promise 🙂
Noob, my redeem code disappeared, is it no longer available on Kindle Fire or is promotion over?
Hi reedem code are over but if you want gems and its available on your mobile so reedem 55432801 gives 50 gems try it
I don’t seem to get the ‘code’ prompt anymore…it asks to go to FB, Game Center, or Twitter….what’s up with that? What am I doing wrong?
10422086 for 45-50 gems! 😀 promise
🙂 10422086 for 45 – 50 gems I promise!!!! 🙂
kevinluciaj is my gamecenter id will give gems for gems. I play 24 hours daily
I couldn’t friend you..mine is beross72
guys can u add me? thx
game center: nachosbeans
Baxterdawg74 for gem exchange
Redeem 25617197 for gems
Redeem code 21052 for 50 free gems
Add me for gems MissM916
Also mine doesn’t say redeem code anywhere under social…
Add me for gems MissM916
Also mine doesn’t say redeem code anywhere under social… Can anyone help me figure that out?
Valentine code 5460165:))
Enter 35564091 to get free gems ! Enjoy !
add me!! 10599166
Get your gems quick if the option hasn’t gone away. Use code 15476566
please help! the redeem code button is not there!!!
Backflip was forced to remove it due to Apple’s policies on in-app purchases, sorry.
– The Doc
well that sucks, thanks anyway doc
Looking for more gem buddies who play every day, Ailisbc is my username, add me!
Need another friend to give daily gems too. Add me cavo64
This is a great code, it gets you so many gems!
Hai friends all…
Add my free gems code..: 60547260
My code is 25002613 please use it
Hi guys! This is the valentine code 5460165 spread the love
Unable to add friends unless it’s through Facebook or email link. Here’s the link to be added to my friends list. Hope it works http://bit.ly/A7Dtgj
yeah sorry dude….your link doesnt work!
If anyone would like to send and receive gems please add me, I play everyday 🙂 🙂 🙂
If interested please add me 🙂 my game center I.D is: Garnetstar33
Thank You!!! Hope everyone has a super stellar day!!!!!
Under my social there is no redeem…do you know how I get it to appear?
IT’s gone now. Sorry.
– The Doc
add me: ole11e
hey guys um i cant see da “redeem” dingy anymore it disappeared… it was dere like a month ago & now its gone help
Started dragonvale on an iPad, daily player on my android and apple accounts.
Looking for daily players as well as gem swapping
Willow.dusk on Game Center (:
It’s me, WestwardPoni. If anyone’s wondering why I haven’t been sending them gems very often, it’s because I’m simply not up-to-date! I’m just too scared to download the latest updates due to the bugs everyone’s been reporting. This prevents me from sending gems to my friends correctly. I can sometimes give one or two, and I can still collect gifts. I’m sorry I can’t give any more gems to you.
I just bought a Dragonsai tree so I will give gems daily for the next five people to add me. My gamecenter ID is robotunicornbat
Looking to trade gems. I play daily. Game Center ID: xWhitexWolfx
Recently started. Looking to trade gems daily. Game Center ID: xWhitexWolfx
My friend code is 50400739! Redeem it to earn gems
add me – easyehh
Looking for new friends for gem trading. Game Center ID is. CaityBug222!
Gem for gem everyday
gamecenter name: hankotamas
Add me for gems daily JoeDubb
Please add me I play daily!
Game Center ID = lflspinstar
Daily player loosing for gem exchange. Just level 17 so far.
I only have 3 spaces. No gift tree yet.
GC: _endre_
Looking for 2 friends to do daily gem4gem trading. Game Center name: shorkies3
Please add me to give and get gems, I have a gifting tree, I am level 50 and I play more than once a day.
My game centre ID is: Rena Fletcher
Request me on Game Center: awkokitty !
•Flappy Bird
•Pocket Frogs
•Ice Cream Cats
•Cookie Clickers
•Happy Jump
I’d like to change gems with somebody. No friends yet.
Gamecenter id timppa 47
I need more 4 more gems daily friends. ADD ME! GameCenter name is AgentxFactor
I need 4 more gems daily friends. ADD ME! GameCenter name is AgentxFactor
Hello. I am a well seasoned Dragonvale player and I am looking for people to trade gems with. If you ask to be my friend and I accept I will try to gift as many of you ASAP. If you look at my island and wonder why I said I was a well seasoned player when I am a low level, it is because I’ve been playing more on my Kindle than on my phone. This is my Gamecenter. Brisk16. My Friend Code will come later. Thank you for taking the time to read this. BTW I’m only 11 years old.
Add me to your Game Center friends beross72. I give gems daily :))
Add me to Game Center beross72
I give gems daily :))
Add me on gamecenter: =>enderman961<=
hey guys add me on Game Center : allstarspine I get on dragonvale daily and we can trade gems