DragonVale: Looking for free gems? Post your friend codes here!
IF YOU WANT FRIENDS/GEMS, please check out our Friends Request Page! Thanks!
Hey all. In order to minimize the “Friend Code” spam we’re getting across the other posts, we’ve created this page where you can add your friend code as well as look for other players’ codes to enter. We’re going to have to start deleting comments on the other pages that simply post gem codes because it interferes with other players’ combo postings which help the DragonVale community in general. Thanks for your understanding, and check back here often for the freshest codes!
(ALSO, you may want to post your Game Center names here if you are looking for Gem Friends!)
(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 95047209. Thanks!
I need two more friends to trade gems with. I play every day. My Game Center ID is Manman_:) and my email is mwang9196@msn.com. If you are interested in trading free games with me, please send me an invite. Thanks!
Add me i have 6 gem swap ID: owningg
I will be your friend I have like 10 gems I have no friends I was on level 14 but something happend can you PLEASE help me out.
I have 6 gem swaps available as I have the tree – add ch4rly.88 through Game Centre 🙂
Please add me. Game Center name is RexandTootsie
I need gem to gem friends. Name is lubbockhardys, please add me!
Add me, bosshuang, active player
I’m looking for gem exchange friends. I don’t know how to find you, so please find me instead! EGollings is the game center name. Thanks!!!
in need of friends to share and get gems with. My game center name is Niksaj88. please add…..
Pls add to game center pianoamf
Relatively new Level 12 user looking to do daily gem for gem. Game Center name is LuluEm. Add me!
Let’s trade!
follow for follow?!! :/
fb name Angie Treasure need dv friends
My username is Calabert and friend code is 25582107
Looking for daily DC players for gifts and party hats. Username: michinadol. Please tell me in a message you play dragonvale. 🙂
MySissy : ) wants 4 consistent plays to give gem for gem on dragonvale. Add me, I will accept the first 4 only. Copy and paste my name. You need to include the spaces in the smiley face to connect with me. I do play every day.
Trenton Brooks Gem for gem
Hey Guys !
Are you still playing Dragonvale?
Do you need gems?
I happen to have the dragonsai tree 🙂
add me “!yuejin”
Add me in Game Center Krebbers
Add me everyone! Gamecenter: Canineike
Gem for gem :]
add me for daily gems: aGUYcalled MARC
I’m new at this game and my game center is Jeremy244885
add me game centre id: GameJunkie_EX
My game enter: CodeSpike
Game Center name: Nells_98
Add me? 🙂
please add me gem for gem, game centre name is
girl in a tree
add me for Dragonvale – Game Centre ” Wonderwoman217 “
Need gem friends! 🙂 Add me!
I don’t seem to have the redeem code button in my app (both iPad mini and iPhone).
When I go to social, it looks exactly like the screen shot above, but then without the redeem code button. Any ideas?
i dont either did u work out the answer
its been removed i know i never got to use it either it was an update and it was taken off sadly!!:(
Hi, please add me in gamecenter my name is yochaiya, or add me on Facebook if you play via android, my FB name is Arusa Shaishana. I’m active on both device. :). One question, why I cannot see the redeem code button?
I think they removed it some time ago. Like a few months ago. :/
Looking for 3 daily gem for gem friends. Add me: joe fubio
Hey guys add me on DragonVale I don’t have any friends yet so if you add me you’re pretty much garunteed a gem!
My GameCenter name’s: UncleChung
Recently started playing dragonvale. level 12 so far and play every day. Want friends to gift gems. Add me (: Game Center name is aaronstoppable
Please add me! Go on everyday. Game center name: Mackenzie1993
I’m looking for friends in dragonvale to find extra Magic eggs.
My GameCentername is Cindy_Coco
Love Cindy_Coco
hey i will add you if you add me!! 🙂 level 23 will exchange gems user : Fh1234567890: thankss!!!
Add me!!!???? my Game Center is daltontaft
Game centre name mcvv123, need gems
My game centre I’d Dave:() feel free to add, I have an empty friends list
HI game center’s name is Frogen76
I have the dragonsai giving tree and I’m level 44 add me my Game Center is ZebraaHP
Add me in Game Center! Need friends for egg hunt and you need me too 🙂 Klbr18
Add Shadaur please through game center. looking to trade gems.
Hey all,
Looking for friends, but using Android Device. Please add me at Michael Gunawan on fb!
Looking for gem friends. My Game Center name is WyldIce, I play daily
Invite for gem swaps plz 🙂
Tag: vans3476
Hey! Need friends too. _kkarma add me! Gem for gem.
Looking for additional folks to trade gems with. I play daily and should have the dragonsai tree shortly, so will donate to the first 6 friends who donate to me daily. Gamecenter is S43901
looking for two people to exchange gems with on a daily basis. game center name is ‘charamath’. Also looking to friend people who have a lot of habitats for the party hats. I am level 33.
I forgot to capitalize. It’s ‘Charamath;
Would love more DRAGONVALE friends.
Play daily and try to give back gems.
Got the tree.
Alias: 19tully75
Looking for daily players.
Got the gifting tree.
Alias: 19tully75
my gamecenter name is PikayuL
add me!
Looking for friends to exchange party hats. Add me! GameCenter name is MisterCognition.
Gem for gem
account name: >>Jack Rudd<<