DragonVale: How to breed a Mirage Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Mirage Dragon

Dragonvale Mirage Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 300 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Palladium and Dark / Radiant and Dark

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”. Of you can give us BOTH gems by entering my Friend code in the REDEEM section under SOCIAL. It’s 5074276. Thanks!

Dragonvale Mirage Dragon Egg

The 1st egg is the Dragonvale Mirage Dragon Egg

29 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Mirage Dragon”
  1. Specter says:

    Somehow I got this dragon when I breed a metal dragon and a darkness dragon. I have no idea how it happened…

  2. myrubberduck says:

    FInally after 9 tries of various combinations, I got it with dark lv15 and pallidium lv 15

    • Emily says:

      Why??? I TRIED RADIANT AND DARK 17 TIMES AND PALLADIUM AND DARK 22 TIMES AND I KEEP GETTING DARK DRAGONS! Wtf is going on?! I have no more money now, so I couldn’t even BUY the damn Mirage if I wanted to! I’m more than pissed! This has been going on all month! What is it, once they know you have money, they keep stringing you along? WBTFW!

  3. Kimmi says:

    I got one with Dark And Hypnotic.

  4. Darcc says:

    The Dr is great for combo tips, but with my luck those recommended breeding combos did not work for me after countless tries so I tried kimmi’s combo of Dark lv18 & Hypnotic lv15 and got the Mirage dragon after a few tries on the breeding island. hurray!

  5. Marc says:

    Have been trying to get this and shadow since they were released and i can’t get it. Pissing me off, and i missed the moonstruck dragon even though i focused on it. Backflip needs to give us more than a weekend or increase the chances of breeding dragons that rare.

    • Kim says:

      I agree! I got the moonstruck, but almost missed the victory. It cost me quite a few gems to accelerate the process when I found out it was ” last call”.

    • Emily says:

      Me too. Same ones… and a bunch more that are impossible to get! It’s especially unfair when you end up spending money (like past your budget for that month) on a stupid game, and still don’t get jack shit.

    • Emily says:

      Me too. Exact same thing here! Every dragon is getting impossible to get. I can give you 300+ LAVAS if you want, though! Btw, I tried all the other combos on this page too, and nothing. Still, I very much appreciate the hints everyone put on here.

  6. Margaret says:

    My son breed dark lvl12 and sand lvl 12 in the cave and got 17 hours which a mirage first time.

  7. tima says:

    I need a few people to trade gems with. I play every day and have no friends. I play thru facebook fatimaa jackson.

  8. Marisa says:

    You guys can add e! I’m addicted to my little dragons, and give gems out daily also. It’s one of those guilty pleasures, haha since I’m not a gamer, but I do love my cutie dragons! 🙂 my game center ID is littlemissoldies Add me if you’d like 🙂

  9. Rachel says:

    Add me on Game Center to trade gems

  10. Lynx says:

    Confirming Radiant and Dark worked. It too many tries.

    • Emily says:

      Confirming that every combo on this page, at least × 3, doesn’t work. I’m not even joking! Sick of this! Why is it for some of us that everything is next to impossible to get, and yet on every page, here they go like clockwork: “Got it on my first try!” “Easy peazy” “I don’t know why everyone’s saying this one’s impossible to get, I got it on my first try.” Don’t you just feel like telling them to shut the fk up?! I know people are gonna be mad about this comment, but believe me: There are more people pissed off about not ever getting any dragons!!! 😉

      • Kissten says:

        EMILY Nobody is trying to rub it in your face its a game if your that mad fucking delete it and get on with your life. Or just shut the fuck up and leave everyone else alone. ?

  11. Kitty says:

    What is the breeding time in the enchanted cave? Idk what I hv. If u could post those that would be great! Guys don’t add me I’m not on every day. Well u can just don’t expect a lot of gems.

  12. Teresa says:

    I just got a Mirage with Dark and Lotus. Both Level 11 i
    the Cave. Hope this helps others…

  13. Anonimous says:

    The dark + sand combo is epic, got it first try

    • Emily says:

      Oh i know, so epic…….I GET A SAND DRAGON EVERYTIME, SO THANX FOR THE POST! So now can you tell me what works for Mirage?

  14. Jessica says:

    Sand and Dark worked for me well too. I had tried all other combos and kept failing. This combo with Sand and Dark I got it 2nd try

  15. The Valer of Dragons says:

    I got it after several combinations with Dark and Gamma on the epic breeding island.

  16. Got it with sun and dark

  17. Giancarlo says:

    After an infinite number of combinations with Palladium/Dark and Radiant/Dark, I got it at the very first try using Ember/Dark while trying to obtain a Char Dragon… yeah!

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