DragonVale: How to breed an Orchid Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed an Orchid Dragon

Dragonvale Orchid Dragon

Dragonvale Orchid Dragon

BUY-IT Price: 1,250 GEMS

HOW TO BREED: Plant and Air Willow / Pollen

(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”.

Dragonvale Orchid Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the Dragonvale Orchid Dragon Egg

40 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed an Orchid Dragon”
  1. StacyD says:

    Got it! 2nd try with level 14s – Willow & Pollen. Mac, what’s the 4th egg over in your photo above?

  2. Kristi says:

    The 4th egg is the Lapis (gemstone).

  3. Margaret says:

    Just got this dragon trying to breed a sprout. I put sprout and spring together, first got a moon dragon then the orchid not knowing I got it and then the sprout.

  4. Pecos says:

    I got my first with willow/pollen, but my second came from love/rose. How crazy is that???

  5. Amanda says:

    Anyone want to gem swap. I keep friending people who say they want to swap but never give back. If you need better friends to swap with daily friend on game enter St0rmagedd0n Dark lord of all 1. Can’t remember if lord is capital L?

  6. Jimmbo07 says:

    Add me for gems… I need two persons. Jimmbo07 in Game Center.

  7. Zoodles says:

    Add me for gems to please my acount on the Game Center is + Zoodles + or +Zoodles+

  8. Julie says:

    Add me for gem swap jrbeegle

  9. Adriane says:

    No luck yet
    Add me for daily gem

  10. Calicogirl43 says:

    I got it 1st try- lvl 15 plant + lvl 15 air. Such a beautiful dragon!!!! ????

  11. Calicogirl43 says:

    I got it 1st try- lvl 15 plant + lvl 15 air. Such a beautiful dragon!!!!

  12. Margaret says:

    I’m looking for 1 new friend who play everyday and gives in the morning. I give out my 6 gems every morning and not everyone gives back or doesn’t do it everyday. I will only give if I receive and I check the game centre to see if they play. I want long term players. I’ve only been playing 7 months and have most of the old dragon but not the gemstone and special dragon. GS: Alex S Cragg

    • Sharlyn says:

      Would anyone friend me? I am new to the dragonvale stuff, please I have tried friending some of you but no luck? Mine is skwhitson317. Please, and thanks

  13. jannca says:

    Accidently got it with a snow/seaweed on the Epic Breeding Island. I was trying for a Pearl (still am lol) and got the Orchid on 2nd try.

  14. Cort says:

    I got mine with Snow (Lv17) and Seaweed (Lv 16)!!

  15. Joe says:

    I got it on accident with metal & willow while going for a malachite.

  16. noga says:

    firefly + polen first try

  17. dylan says:

    I put together an air with an ash while I was waiting on a different egg to hatch and the first result was an orchid. So I’d recommend this combo. Mostly due to both dragons I used being only level 8 and getting it on the first pairing of the two. I lost my old account and I’m just restarting. So it was a nice suprise with this being my first rareish dragon since I lost my old dragonvale.

  18. Riptide says:

    I bred one using level fourteen air and level fourteen flower
    (I also got seasonal dragon from the same pair)

  19. Jessica says:

    I’m having a hard time getting this one. I’ve bred my level 11 willow and pollen, and I keep getting a willow.

  20. MC Chen says:

    I got this dragon already

  21. noah says:

    i did level 12 poison and level 13 willow and got orchid then firework

  22. noah says:

    oh great i tried air and luminous and i got hypnitic i just wanted another orchid

  23. Emma says:

    What is the 3rd egg in the picture above

  24. gramsy says:

    I visited your we site via my 10yr old grandson. Now my game is blocked?

  25. Bec says:

    I bred the Orchid dragon using the Procyon/Polarian Galaxy dragons in the Co-Op breeding cave.

  26. luci says:

    I have a 9hr bre6eding time from flower (lvl 7)and air (lvl 11). I was tying for pollen,
    I also got a 32hr time in co-op cave with pepper and Polarian.

  27. Ellie says:

    got it second try with both level 11 pollen/willow 🙂

  28. Neely??? says:

    OMG!!! just bread a orchid dragon!! I took 9 hours! I bread a poison dragon then a willow dragon and it worked the first time! Just remember if you don’t breed it your first time… you should keep trying?? 🙂

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