Looking for DragonVale Friends? Post HERE!
OK, well we’ve been getting complaints that the DragonVale breeding posts are getting over-run with friend request spam. So in an attempt to restore order and keep comments on THOSE posts focused on breeding combos, I am creating this one post to become the master list of friend requests. So whether you are looking for Game Center friends or Facebook friends, please post here. I will begin not approving friend requests elsewhere, thanks!
Oh, and feel free to friend ME on Facebook!
– The Doc
Added you! MadddMaxxx#9859
Hi everyone, need friends. Should u wish kindly ask you to add me : acheron#2192
Feel free to add me, pretty new to the game but can gift gems daily, ID is DragonFyre#0779 thanks!
Yes, I am interested Kai#11739
add me!! Friend ID: DragonVale#5164491
Por favor, nevesito amigos con los que intercambiar gemas.
Estuve mucho años jugando a este juego y todo se me borró. Hace poco retome y entro a diario.
Por favor, necesito amigos con los que intercambiar gemas.
Estuve mucho años jugando a este juego y todo se me borró. Hace poco retome y entro a diario.
ID: DragonVale #5065673
Hola! Mi nombre de usuario es MadddMaxxx#9859.
added you add me my id is DragonVale#5296398
added you add me my id is DragonVale#5296398
Please add me as a friend. Have a lot of Dragons including rare ones.
Gamecenter SithLordZannah
Friend ID SithLordZannah#8417
Looking to gift treats and gems and coop breeding.
Hi sent you a friend request
Looking for friends to breed galaxy dragons with. I will add everyone back, and the first ones who add me will get some gems.
My friend ID: DaChamp#3275
Please notice that my friend ID is DaChamp#3275 and NOT Dragonvale#3275
Looking for friends to get daily gems Game Center name NOlade
I am looking for friends on Dragonvale! Add me pls<3
Friend ID: Isabelle#4139
Hello, my DragonVale ID is 5402032, I’m a new player
Hi. I sent you a friend rewuest
Hey guys my friend code is Shane#4224 please add me !
I have no friends so far on DragonVale. So if anyone would like a daily gem, please add me Silmarien#3301
My code is 5820
Hi! I don’t know if anyone is still active here but if anyone would like to add me, my DragonVale can be found at the following link! Looking to swap gems daily 🙂
I need friends to co op with, and gems of course. I’ve got every dragon i can get playing alone. I play daily and have for the last 2 yrs. name and code is, Witchychic #7614
Please add me as a friend! DragonVale#8235228
Hey, I have no friends and would like some please. Thank you!
Friend ID: DragonVale#9457657
Hey, I don’t know if people are active on this but I would like some friends.
My ID is: DragonVale #1987434
I just became active again ! My Dragonvale ID is Eurazian#9688
Hello please add me! razparr0t #0520