DragonVale: How to breed a Procyon Dragon - Macenstein

DragonVale: How to breed a Procyon Dragon

DragonVale Procyon Dragon

The DragonVale Procyon Dragon

BUY-IT Price: ? Gems
HOW TO BREED: The Procyon Dragon can only be bred using the Collaborative Breeding Cave, and using a Procyon Dragon (yours, or a friends) and either another galaxy type dragon, or an epic dragon.


(This guide is part of a larger DragonVale breeding guide. For the full list of breedable dragons, click here.
If you would like to help support my rushing breedings & incubations to discover the latest dragon combos for you, please send me gems – GameCenter ID = “Dr Macenstein” & “MacensteiniPad”.

DragonVale Procyon Dragon Egg

The 1st Egg is the DragonVale Procyon Dragon Egg

44 Responses to “DragonVale: How to breed a Procyon Dragon”
  1. Bettina says:

    I’m looking for friends who has this dragon. Please add me in GC: AikoChickabee. I have almost all dragons but not this one :-/

  2. ThePurplePandaBear says:

    If anyone needs this dragon, add me!!

    GC: ThePurplePandaBear. Im going to put it up as soon as I’m done breeding another dragon. ^_^

  3. Candy combs says:

    My friend BetteJ Murphy needs dragonvale friend request sent to her . She is unable to request friends she can only except friends. She would reall appreciate to get some friend request, she plays a few times each day. Thank you from her. I Candy Combs am also excepting friends if anyone would like to befriend me. I play allot every day. Have fun playing and good luck breeding. ????

  4. Monica says:

    Please add me if u have this dragon ????! Game Center ID: mojoblue70, thanks!

  5. Xavier says:

    If any one got this dragon through breeding could u tell me the combination

    • SoulTrap says:

      There is only 1 kind: a player start off the game with an Procyon dragon, he gets good enough, and finds friends. Only way to breed it, since u have to have a Procyon dragon to be able to breed one

  6. Perfect1Up says:

    Can someone add me to help? I need this and a few other galaxy dragons (have polarian and antarian, working on acturian atm from a different friend). My name is Perfect1Up I appreciate it and I can gift as well.

  7. monica says:

    Seriously I’ve been trying to breed these two new ones since the day they came out wtf? Tried so far with my bizurian, sorarian and arcturian sooooo many times with no luck! Wasted so many gems soeeding up breeding I’m not even bothering now, why?!

  8. Pate617 says:

    i only have arcturian and polarian D:D:D:D: need all the others

  9. Peter says:

    Who has a Procyon Dragon, if you do add xX-BananaDude-Xx to gamecenter please

  10. Leona says:

    Please help me gain “friends” – I am Level 42, have 169 dragons, want friends for Cooperative Breeding Cave and to give gems. I waste gems every day – no friends to gift! I use a Kindle for this game, do not know how to access Game Center to add friends. Please help?

    • Charlotte Freeman says:

      Add me if you have Facebook, I’m under Charlotte Freeman, live in Michigan, and pic is of a blonde grinning big. Lol
      I play daily!!

  11. FB says:

    Guys this is not about a Procyon but breed a midday dragon and antarian in co breeding cave I got an arcturian

  12. LEM013 says:

    Hey Mac
    Could you pls put your Procyon into your comp breeding cave so I have a chance to get one too

  13. Spark0497 says:

    Hi Doc,
    I am friends with you on Dragonvale. The Procyon dragon is the only galaxy dragon I am lacking. Would you select this dragon in the cooperative breeding cave so I can try to breed it. Thank you!!

  14. Liverco0l says:

    Please add me for galaxy dragons.
    I have everyone except this…

    Thanks :0)

  15. curve9 says:

    I got this dragon with zombie and Procyon. I have all the galaxy dragons. You can add me if you need them.

  16. City_o_champyinz says:

    I have all the Galaxy dragons but this one.. I even breeder with a friend that has one.. Anyone know the combo to breed these two with a friend??.. Add me I play everyday ..

  17. City_O_ChampYINZ says:

    Zombie andp rocyon.. Got it 3/5 times .. Your zombie and a friend that has it already!!.. Boom done

  18. Mickeyclifford says:

    Please add me, mickeyclifford

  19. LeaveMeDead says:

    I am level 70 and I have all dragons besides the Procon Dragon.

  20. Brendan says:

    There are 2 new galaxy dragons: the Comet and the Eridanian.

  21. cloudsaf says:

    How do I add friends if I don’t have fb?

  22. Dramsto says:

    IPhone user add


    for Sorarian, Bizurian, Andromedan, Antarian, Arcturian, Comet, Eridanian, Polarian or Procyon

    • Lorraine Molina says:

      Still do not know how to add people…my name is Lorraine Molina on fb
      Park name : Kingdom of Lotharingia Lovelight please add me

  23. LilahLu says:

    Could anyone please share which galaxy dragon they used to breed a Procyon? I’ve been trying for months now.

  24. Trippy Dope says:

    Guys anyone got Facebook that I can friend up with to breed galaxy dragons with thanks in advance

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