Dell adopts Mac mini “marketing ploy” - Macenstein

Dell adopts Mac mini “marketing ploy”

Posted by Igor

In a swift and decisive move, Dell Computers announced today that it will begin shipping all systems with intentionally mis-labeled specifications on the boxes. In what is being seen as an obvious attempt to play catch up with Apple computer’s brilliant move to sell its Mac mini systems with specs that may “meet or exceed” those listed on their packing, Dell took the move one step further.

“We feel the average consumer is becoming bored with the computer buying experience. ” says Dell’s Chief Marketing Officer Mike George. “They no longer wish to choose an item, pay for it, and have that item arrive at their front door. It’s predictable. It’s what their parents would want. Today’s consumer needs the element of surprise to add a bit of excitement to the table.”

iBook Exclusives!

To that end, Dell plans to ship all of its consumer desktop models and its Inspiron 6000 and 1200 model laptop computers with wildly off-base specifications. “We’ve actually created a random number generator which is responsible for listing the model number and processor speeds. Even WE don’t know exactly what is in those boxes. It really is exciting.” says George.

20 Responses to “Dell adopts Mac mini “marketing ploy””
  1. hot chick says:

    Dude! I’m getting a Dell!
    or am i?

    he he.
    nice one.

  2. cs says:

    I can’t believe the number of hits you’re getting… it’s not even that funny.

  3. tomhut says:

    LOL thanks, thats just what i need to get me into a good mood for the weekend 🙂

  4. Trevor says:

    sell it’s Mac –> sell its Mac
    all of it’s consumer desktop models –> all of its consumer desktop models

  5. Dr. Macenstein says:

    Thank you, Trevor.
    Our idiocy is noted.

  6. Bjöggi says:


    Omg, this is hilarious.

    Good one 😉

  7. Stefan says:

    I don’t know why you don’t find this funny. I laughed my ass of at this one. VERY funny!

    😀 😀


  8. Hanson says:

    Hahahaha brilliant 😀

  9. Michael D. says:

    This ain’t funny. We need no such ridiculous marketing ploys at Dell computer. Our computers speak for themselves!

    Now, this weekend only, get a Dell Dimension 1100 with a 1.2 ghz Celeron processor, 32 megs RAM, 20 meg HD, CD-Drive, and 14″ CRT monitor for only $49.95. Wordperfect 5.0 (DOS) and Windows 3.11 included!

    -Michael D.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Maybe apple willl copy your delldj ads – because that’s a thing of beauty.

  11. alexei smertin says:

    or you could order an Apple & get Intel (inside the box) – Now that is random!!

  12. (better and just as fat) Dave. says:

    ya i got one of those yesterday. I ordered a simple desktop amd got one of thier next gen gaming boxes…IT ROXX!!!

  13. (better and just as fat) Dave. says:

    what i didnt know was they sold amd (lol).

  14. Holy Mother Of... says:

    Guys, shoot yourselves. You all just beat this “funny” to death and keep on doing it without any remorse. Seriously.

  15. Teh grammer-nazist says:

    Parents, not parent’s.

  16. Brandon says:

    I have been using Intelliflix for 2 months now. First off, let me tell you that I don’t have cable tv. I do love movies and tv when it is free. I am cheap! I decided to try them due to the facts that their main headquarters is in my state of Florida, I don’t have cable, and they are cheap at a hundred bucks for 3 movies at a time for a year. Also, I am a former Blockbuster “instore” unlimited movie user. I paid $25 per month to get unlimited movies there for over a half of year. This is ideal in my opinion because you can go back and back and back. You won’t be stuck on a Saturday evening without a movie. However, with that said, I exhausted all of their movie resources for the old releases. It was time to move on to get other titles that Blockbuster could not offer.
    Don’t join Intelliflix if you want NEW releases. Forget about it! You’ll be waiting until Rapture comes. I figured out the main reason why. They have a program where you can rent releases for $4.00. I believe they are holding the new releases for those customers. Because if they don’t have it in stock, then they don’t get the sale. They already have your hundred bucks.
    Do they claim movies that you sent back are lost? Hell yes. I have already had three like this. I wrote the customer support and told them about my problem and not to give me that crap that the US post office loses mail. I receive all my bills every month, don’t you? I told them that it was statistically impossible for this to happen unless it was their fault. I have great credit so the problem can only be one source, Intelliflix. However, Intelliflix wrote back and told me that they were not accusing me of anything and they freed up my Queue. I was happy with that response (until a get a $25 charge on my credit card 5 months from now I am assuming).
    It is sort of ghetto that they use postage stamps instead of automated marks. It gives you the impression that they are unorganized. Also you get the impression that their customer support crew has an education of only the 7th grade. It is sort of cute. I get 70 percent of my movies from Florida, which was my hope when joining. However, I do get movies from Texas, New England, etc. I have about 12 Girls Gone Wild titles in my queue (yes I am a pervert) behind the new releases (that I never get). I couldn’t believe it when I noticed that one was on the way a couple weeks back. I told my brother and everything. We were so excited. Unfortunately, when I received it it was broken in two. However, I did receive another title from them the same day unscratched. I sent it back with a note on it. Hmmm!!! Are you all thinking what I am thinking? I think they knew they were sending a crack disc from their inventory but only did it to burn off time and to have something to send. It was even the wrong GGW title. I’d almost bet my membership that I’ll receive the same damn broken disc again from another GGW choice on my queue later. G-H-E-T-T-O!
    On the good side, I do receive movies that I have not seen that I have enjoyed. You have to dig deep though people. I’ll chose unknown movies to me that people recommend on the net. I’ll put dozens of them in, and I’ll get number 43 on my queue. It is ok, because I knew what I was getting into and I take it at face value. They also have a ON THE WAY BACK option. You mark a movie as on the way back and they will send you another before receiving the last one. I take advantage of this. I’ll even mark it ON THE WAY BACK before I do mail it sometimes. I’ll mark the one going cross country as ON THE WAY back for efficency. You can only do one!
    You have to chose your battles with these people. So don’t expect too much. However, you can get your money’s worth if you play it right and match it up with a Netflix or Blockbuster. If you have cable and want a good stream of new movies, don’t go to Intelliflix. Go to Netflix!

  17. Trump's Baby says:

    hmm… that was kind of random….

  18. Pizazz says:

    Some people take this stuff far too seriously *referring to comments*

    …then there’s, me, who thought this was serious.


    Maybe it’s because I am an (unwilling!!) Dell user.

    What’s more, it’s a Pentium 4. And yes, it has hyperthreading.

    Just makes you want to make a face like you’re eating a piss-covered lemon, doesn’t it?

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