ThinkSecret confirms Dashcode report [UPDATED] - Macenstein

ThinkSecret confirms Dashcode report [UPDATED]

Posted by Lab Rat

ThinkSecret is now confirming our November 5th report about a new Apple-branded widget creation application called “Dashcode�. The application is likely to be bundled in the next version of Xcode, and makes the creation of fairly intricate Dashboard Widgets (like those involving webcams and RSS feeds) quite simple.
See our previous article on Dashcode for screenshots.

[UPDATE] Reader Michael Domingues points out that we suck and that there was a posting on dashcode 3 days prior to our first report.

4 Responses to “ThinkSecret confirms Dashcode report [UPDATED]”
  1. Me Grimlock says:

    Nice work.
    I like the humor section too. Keep it coming.

  2. Did anyone care to notice that this report was originally brought up over here ( on November 2nd. No offense, but this site and its maintainer are begining to seem less and less credible by the minute. Please – do not plagerize info again.

    Nice going …

  3. And if the above post is censored, then this guy is even more of a jerk than I thought.

  4. We would never delete a post (unless overtly obscene).

    As for your post, while we make every effort to verify a story’s authenticity before publishing, unfortunately we are unable to view every web page on the internet before we write an article. We had not seen the above forum posting you mentioned. Our source delivered the information on the Dashcode project independently from that post (as far as we know). We have updated our article to reflect that new information (see above).

    The one thing Mac fans seem to be almost as passionate about as their computers is their favorite rumor site. We admire your dedication to Think Secret, and we agree they have been the most accurate source for rumor information in the past few years. However, we would encourage you to please give someone the benefit of the doubt before slamming them. They could just be ignorant, like us.

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