UPDATE: New PowerBooks at Macworld! - Macenstein

UPDATE: New PowerBooks at Macworld!

Posted by Helper Monkey


Tuesday’s Stevenote will see the introduction of the new Intel PowerBook at Macworld next week, according to a new flurry of intelligence. While a new Intel Mac mini and iBook are still likely in the cards, it is the x86 Powerbook that will be the true story of this week’s Mac event.

We admit we have been the first to doubt such reports in the past, and have even gone so far as to predict a minor G4 speed bump to the line in the coming month, we have now done a full 180 on the subject, and are predicting we will see an Intel PowerBook during the Stevenote this Tuesday. Our source on this is completely unconfirmed (by us anyway), and doubters will be many, but suffice it to say, after speaking with her/him at length on the subject, we are now convinced the Intel PowerBook is a mere 2 days away! (Well, the announcement is anyway. The traditional ship times of 3 months after the keynote are always possible, but the source even goes so far as to claim they will be shipping in January!)

The PowerBooks should top out at a 17-inch widescreen model with a 1.66 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM, 100 GB 7200rpm hard drive, one FireWire 800, three USB 2.0 ports, and PCI Express graphics. Due do the need to keep the thin form factor we have all come to know and love, odds are a variation on ATI’s Mobility Radeon X1600 graphics card will be favored over the Mobility™ Radeon® X800.

The 15-inch and 12-inch models will likely house a 1.5 GHz processor and a Mobility™ Radeon® X1400 graphics card.

It is likely that only the 15-inch will ship in January, with the 12 and 17-inch slated for early February.

If this proves to be true, this will certainly be one of the more memorable Macworlds in recent history (and one of the more expensive for us, personally!).

Just 2 more days…

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