Eliminate that MacBook Pro “whineâ€? once and for all!….Or die trying
Posted by Helper Monkey
There has recently been much discussion among the “early adopters� who rushed out to get the 1st generation of MacBook Pros. Apparently there is an audible “whine� sound coming from a good portion of these machines, and no one really has been able to come up with a good reason why. In addition, the recently released Apple Keyboard Update seems to have made the problem worse for some users.
Well, despite not knowing the cause, some brilliant soul claims to have found the cure. Macenstein faithful reader rico points us to a thread on the Apple support forums, which outlines a brilliant (yet potentially disastrous) plan to eliminate this horrible sound. In his post titled “Permanent SOLUTION for the WHINE issue. STEP by STEP Instructions.�, member Oben claims by eliminating and changing very specific lines of code deep within the “IOPlatformPluginFamily.kext� file, the noise can be eliminated. By changing certain values, the CPU Throttling of the Macbook Pros can be changed, thus eliminating the noise.
Or at least it did for Oben.
You see, the problem is no one else who followed his instructions was able to get the same result, and most people reading his solution have raised some significant questions. Chief among them, “how does this affect the performance of the Macbook?�, “How does it affect the battery life?�, and “What about over-heating?�
Well, a slower MacBook Pro with 1.5 hours of battery life and a chip so hot the keyboard warps are all small prices to pay for quiet, which you’ll apparently have plenty of once you MacBook overheats and dies.
So, either way, Oben’s solution seems destined to stop the noise, and his “permanent� solution to the problem seems aptly titled.