Apple’s “new” GET A MAC campaign a blatant rip-off?
Yesterday Apple unveiled its new marketing campaign title “Get A Mac“. The campaign consists of a number of humorous TV and print ads showcasing the benefits to using a Mac. In addition, there is now a dedicated GET A MAC button on the top of Apple’s webpage.
Now, I have been saying for years that Apple should create ads showcasing what you can actually DO with a Mac, not just what they look like, so I am thrilled with this new advertising direction. However, what I am NOT so thrilled about is the name for this ad campaign.
I came up with “GET A MAC”
It was yours truly, Dr. Macenstein, who was the first to come up with this Apple-focused ad campaign, and I did so about 5 years ago. I have always subscribed to the theory that great things can be accomplished via small grass-roots efforts, so I took it upon myself to tell people about all the wonderful things they can do with a Mac that they simply can’t do on a PC. I planned a long list showcasing the benefits of running a Mac, including the bundled software, the innovative user interface, the lack of viruses, and the overall ease of use.
However, because of “The Man” holding me down (“The Man” here being the state of NJ’s Department of Motor Vehicles) I was forced to get my message across in 7 letters or less.

Hmmm… I wonder where Apple got the idea for their latest ad campaign?
Now, I am not one to make up wild conspiracy theories, but I believe Apple has in the past used a certain New York ad agency to create their ads. As we all know, most New York ad reps live in NJ, and commute daily on the Garden State Parkway, a highway upon which I do my advertising for Apple on a daily basis.
So… am I implying one of these ad reps may have been “inspired” by my advertising campaign? No, I am saying it outright. There is no other logical explanation.
Now, for over 5 years I have been telling thousands of people across the New York tri-state area (and as far as Florida and Canada) to GET A MAC without thought of compensation. I have felt it was my duty as a loyal Apple fan to run the type of ad campaign Apple has been too scared to do. But now that they have paid an ad agency big bucks to come up with this “original” ad campaign, I feel it is only right Apple compensate me. While obviously I am owed hundreds of thousands of dollars, I think it would be a nice gesture on Apple’s part to send me a new 17-inch MacBook Pro, a copy of Final Cut Studio, a quad PowerMac with 30-inch display, and 5 nanos. After all, I am not out to bankrupt Apple, I want them to succeed.
So Apple, you can contact me at to arrange for shipping of the above items, and “you’re welcome” for the ad idea. You have my permission to continue the campaign. I know it will prove to be your most successful to date, because it was thought up by a genius.
[By the way, I also came up with the iPod, but I’ll let that slide.]
This sucks!
But good luck, my friend.
My plate # is “COMIN2YASTR8TFROMAIN.” Had it for years.
I figure the good folks from Poland Spring owe me a few cases of water.
But have I seen 1 bottle yet?
I think you know the answer.
I take it you mean 23″ HD Display?
I think knowing Apple they will likely sue YOU and force you to remove your plate as it violates THEIR ad campaign, even though you’ve had it for awhile
This is a perfect example of why corporations like Apple are basically forced to reply to every suggestion with nasty legal letters these days -the widely publicized story of the little girl who wrote a letter to Apple with ideas for the next iPod springs to mind. Yup, you can chalk that fiasco up to people like this guy.
Invariably, some douche will come up with some super-original idea ( I mean come on, in this case the “Get a Mac” slogan just couldn’t possibly be thought up by anyone else. Ever. Nope, definitely not possible at all. ) and then, when a corporation implements that idea by chance, the previously mentioned douche will bitch and moan and brag to the widest possible audience that it was HIS idea like seventeen decades ago. The fact that this particular guy wants Apple to shell out freaking “idea reparations” just cracks me up.
My mom is a teacher and, several years ago, she filled out like 60 of those Apple comment cards that the school got from their computer labs — she told Apple to simplify their product line up and turn the damn upside-down logo around on their laptops. Guess what…OMFG they stole her idea! Hmm, maybe she should go demand some money, too.
Dude, it is posted under their HUMOR category.
I think they relaize it is just a funny coincidence…
I would like to see your written permission to use a trademark of Apple Computer Inc.
You obviously don’t have any permission to use it to begin with.
Instead of the 15k worth of mechandise you want, I hope you get a nice cease and desist letter from Apple Legal telling you to stop infringing on their trademark.
Nice try buddy, get a life.
Clue, you’re crazy.
Have you ever told someone to get an Apple computer?
Did Apple tell you you COULD?
Or did you do it without actually using the word “Apple” or “Mac”?
Like, “Hey, you should switch from a PC to a …um..different computer…that’s better…kind of white-ish…uses a different OS…”
Free country.
If Apple has ANY case it is that it looks like that plate is on a FORD, and maybe they would want it on a better type of car.
He should have asked Apple for a Porsche so people would know Macs perform well but are expensive.
Karve said:
“My mom is a teacher and, several years ago, she filled out like 60 of those Apple comment cards that the school got from their computer labs — she told Apple to simplify their product line up and turn the damn upside-down logo around on their laptops.”
Your mom rocks!
But, why did it take 60 cards just to suggest that?
Guess she writes in those big letters.
“Your mom rocks!
But, why did it take 60 cards just to suggest that?
Guess she writes in those big letters.”
that’s mac users, and their hooves for ya!
that is awesome
An Apple Macintosh Ad from 1995 (6 years before your “original” idea)
At the end of the ad some one said “Get a Macintosh”
Macintosh = Mac, same thing
you’ll need a xserve and xserve raid to work fine with your new quad and Macbook, so add those to your list 😉 ahhh some airport express and extreme
who was the agency that did the new mac ads?
And this post was supposed to do just that. The poster is neither serious nor does he want Apple to pay him. In fact, the whole story might be fictional right from the first letter. It is just supposed to be a humourous post, maybe a satire on the wierd reasons people are suing Apple for these days. Seriously, dude – you need to step out a little. Your sense of humour is is in the range of a tablespoon!