RUMOR: Update on Nike/Apple Partnership
Posted by Dr. Macenstein
2 weeks ago we reported on a possible Nike/Apple partnership. At the time, reports suggested we might have seen something official last week, although nothing concrete ever showed up. Well, Macenstein reader Oregon Runner throws a little more feul to fire by pointing out the following:
“If anyone finds this interesting, do a whois domain search for the website and you’ll see a recently registered website to NIKE.â€?
The domain is currently empty, however, it IS indeed registered to Nike, and the name implies a running/music combo. It was registered May 18th (about 4 days after our first report came in). After receiving our previous Nike/Apple rumor plus now reading rumors that the shuffle line may be being discontinued, there could be something here after all.
Stay “tune�d.
Even if this is true, I think the announcement will still fall short.
It can only be an iPod sport holder of some sort.