Rumor: Apple to make Bluetooth headphones a priority in next iPod revisions in order to help fight crime - Macenstein

Rumor: Apple to make Bluetooth headphones a priority in next iPod revisions in order to help fight crime

Posted by Dr. Macenstein

An anonymous e-mailer has sent us what he/she claims to be a bit of legit info on Apple’s next gen iPod(s). (I know I know, but hey, it’s a slow news day, and Apple’s stellar financial results have been much been taken care of by every other site on the planet).

He/she claims that Bluetooth wireless technology will be built into the forthcoming 6G iPod and new nanos (which is somewhat expected) but he/she claims the reason is as much about security as anything else. “While Bluetooth certainly makes for a wealth of new accessory opportunities, Apple is very concerned with the recent rise in iPod theft and reported assaults from muggers spotting the tell-tale white earbuds and chord� he/she writes. “Bluetooth will allow for wireless headsets, thus ditching those wires and making the iPod a bit harder to spot.�

While the idea of Bluetooth being a feature of the new iPods is certainly nothing new, if true, it is nice to see Apple (allegedly) being proactive here and looking out for their consumer’s safety. It certainly would be easier to stash an iPod in a less obvious location on your person without a headphone cable announcing its location. However, knowing Apple, any wireless earbuds they make will likely be just as distinctive and recognizable as the current earbuds. (But perhaps it will at least help protect those users with hair long enough to cover their ears).

While we don’t necessarily doubt the report is true, we certainly question its timing, as CNET just today published an article about the rise in UK street crime being attributed to iPods. (That AND the fact that to date we have only received one anonymous e-mail that actually proved to be true in our whole first year of existence).

The tipster gives no additional information on form factor, additional features, or a timetable for the new devices (and doesn’t even give themselves a cool nickname we can use!). So while we may indeed see Bluetooth added to our favorite portable media player, we’re flagging this “report� as likely a case of educated guess work and somebody with nothing better to do than dick us around. But we’ll see. If Steve plays up the safety factor of wireless headphones at the big unveiling (whenever it comes) we will owe this person an apology.

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