Free on iTunes: Disney’s The Replacements - Macenstein

Free on iTunes: Disney’s The Replacements

Posted by iGor

Apple and Disney (is there a difference?) have posted the premiere episode from the new animated Disney series, “Disney’s The Replacements� as a free download on iTunes.

From the show description:

Disney’s The Replacements is an animated comedy about tween siblings Riley and Todd who can replace any adult in their life by making a simple call to the Fleemco company. With the help of their good friends at Fleemco, they sent away for two parents and got Dick Darling, famous American stuntman, and Agent K, British super spy, and a talking car nicknamed C.A.R. The four of them live in a typicalt wo-story house in a typical town called Pleasant Hills… but this family is far from typical!

The free episode, entitled Cinder Riley / Skate Gate, is the first free video to be offered at the new and improved 640 x 480 resolution. You can download it here.

[EDIT:] It has been pointed out that other free episodes that have lingered on iTunes (such as the premiere episode of Eureka) have also been bumped up to 640 x 480. So it looks like this is the first NEW free episode to be at 640 x 480, not necesairly the first.

2 Responses to “Free on iTunes: Disney’s The Replacements”
  1. John Q says:

    Looks pretty good, although this is probably not the best test of the new 640×480 quality, as it is animation, which looks good even at low compression settings. Lots of large areas of solid colors. Also, probably isn’t as big a download as a “real” video of the same length.

  2. Is there a way to download it if you don’t have an Apple Store account? =(

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