New iPods December 5th? - Macenstein

New iPods December 5th?

Posted by iGor

Ah, the slow news day. The kind of day when a Mac reporter’s thoughts turn to entertaining any piece of unsubstantiated gossip they can come across. Oh sure, it wasn’t SO slow, really. There WAS the announcement of the new Core 2 Duo MacBooks, but people were pretty much expecting those. Besides, you don’t come here for standard, run-of-the-mill news you can read on any old Mac site. No, you come here to see if anyone has yanked our chain with yet another “anonymous tip” on a new Apple product.

Well, you’re in luck. This afternoon we received word that we can all expect the new touch screen iPods everyone has been so gung-ho about on Tuesday, December 5th. That’s right. Just a few days AFTER everyone has spent their holiday shopping money on the big Thanksgiving Day weekend sales.

With Microsoft launching their Zune next Tuesday, we sort of figured if Apple had the new iPods ready, they would have shipped them either for the 14th, or on the 21st to take full advantage of the holiday shopping season (AND to kick the Zune in the nuts). But no. According to one source (one so anonymous, it can only be Steve Jobs’ cleaning lady herself!) December 5th is the date to watch.

“But what about PROOF!?!” you ask? No problem. It’s rock solid.

The source points to a $40 iPod rebate set to expire on November 30th over at authorized Apple reseller PC Connection. Convinced? Of course you are. So start saving those pennies, and don’t rush out to buy that non-Mac-Compatible Zune just yet!

Disclaimer: We would like to point out that we have only received ONE anonymous tip out of 4783 which proved to be right, and this does not appear to be the same person.

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