Mac rumor sites replaced by robots
Uh-oh… it looks like the gradual takeover by the robots has begun, and they have started with something no less important than… Mac rumor predictions!
Mactactic provides details on when the last time various Mac products were released and whether you should buy now or wait, similar to the Buyer’s Guide page over at Mac Rumors. However, the Mactactic twist here is they use that data to create countdowns that predict the exact day each item will be updated. For instance, are you looking for a new Mac Pro? You’ll have to wait 1 month and 2 weeks. Mac mini? A new release is only 2 weeks and 6 days away.
Well, now that we KNOW when all the new Mac gear is coming, we are free to go outside, spend time with the family, and not obsess over it. Perhaps being enslaved by mechanical overlords isn’t such a bad thing after all.
Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader The Jenkinator for the tip!
ahh.. but we can still obsess over the tech specs, can’t we?