Users Helping Users: Will there be a “Core Animation Funhouse” in Leopard?
Here at Macenstein we often get asked Mac-related questions from readers who are foolish enough to think we know something. Usually we can bluff our way through an answer, throwing out confusing technical phrases like “just download the RAM to your ftp server” or “Reply hazy. Ask again later”. But sometimes we have to admit we just have no clue. So that’s where you come in. We are unveiling a new feature here at Macenstein called “Users Helping Users”. Here we will post questions that we have no idea how to answer, in the hopes that one of our braniac readers can help us out.
First up is faithful Macenstein reader Justin who asks:
“Does anyone know if Leopard will come with a “Core Animation Fun House” application? Like Tiger’s “Core Image Fun House”?”
Great question Justin! We have no idea, but we sure hope so.
Can any of you Leopard beta users out there (somehow not bound by Apple’s NDA, of course) confirm or deny this for Justin? Thanks!
-The Doc
Good question. If not, hopefully apple will add it by October.