Anyone out there know WordPress? - Macenstein

Anyone out there know WordPress?

[UPDATE: Thanks for the overwhelming response. We believe we have found our WordPress guru, so thanks for your offers of help, but it looks like we’re set. But perhaps we’ll come begging again for the Macenstein Version 3.0 launch!]

We’re looking to update Macenstein‘s look, and we could use some help. We’ve come up with a look for the site (for better or worse), we just don’t know how to code a theme out of it. It would appear CSS is our kryptonite.

Our good friend and sometimes contributor Brain in a Jar says he will “get to it eventually”, but he is swamped with more important (and higher paying) work for the next few weeks.

So, if there are any WordPress whizzes out there who think they can bang our a WordPress theme post haste, we want to talk to you.

Drop us a line at, and let us know what you can do.


-The Doc

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