1Password is free, today only! - Macenstein

1Password is free, today only!

Agile Web Solutions is giving away copies of its acclaimed password managing software today only. Why would they do that? Well, apparently a new version of 1Password will be released in a few weeks, and Agile’s hope is you’ll enjoy using the current version so much that you’ll be tripping over yourself trying to purchase the upgrade when it comes out. Interesting theory. Let’s hope it works out for them.

In any case, their faith in humanity is your gain! You can download the fully functional current version of 1Password here.

2 Responses to “1Password is free, today only!”
  1. We have great faith in humanity 🙂

    I love that screenshot; it looks really nice. What tool did you use?

    –Dave Teare
    Co-author of 1Password

  2. kindkief says:

    This is so awesome of Agile. They are a kick ass 3rd party company. I love the way they send the license too. It’s so great of them considering their 2.5 update yesterday and I’m sure there are a bunch of people like myself using the trial first until NOW.

    Thanks Doc for the update! I heard it here first!!

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