Updates - Macenstein

New Fieldrunners update is AWESOME (Except that it sucks)

This Thursday a new free update to Fieldrunners arrived on my iPad (a paid version for the iPhone subsequently hit today) featuring multi-player and 3 new maps. As anyone who knows me knows, Fieldrunners is perhaps my all-time favorite iOS game, so I viewed this unexpected update as a true Christmas miracle. All three new maps are awesome, the new towers are awesome, the multi-payer... Read More

iOS4 is out – how do you like it?

Well, we’re just 3 days away from the iPhone 4 launch and all the excitement and waiting in line that goes with such things, but even if you aren’t going to be one of the “early adopters” of the new iPhone, you can still get in on that iOS 4 goodness. Apple today released the iOS 4 update (via iTunes) which will bring (most of) the super cool new features... Read More

Apple iPhone OS 4 Event – The Good, The Bad, and the Meh

Today’s Yesterday’s iPhone OS 4 preview was chock full of announcements, and I’d wager to say there was at least something for everyone to like (assuming you don’t run an iPhone advertising or social community). As always when there is a big Apple event, we like to go over the key points of the day, and rate them as either good, bad, or meh. So sit back,... Read More

Apple’s most ironically named event, ever

Well, Apple’s “It’s only Rock ‘n Roll, but I like it” event has come to a close, and it had virtually nothing to do with Rock ‘n Roll, or even music in general. Sure, just about every announcement made today had something to do with the iPod, iPhone, or iTunes, yet it was all about apps, video cameras, price drops, and pedometers. So, what did... Read More

Top Ten Reasons to Upgrade to Snow Leopard TODAY

I’ve seen more than a few interweb critics panning Apple’s Snow Leopard as merely a service pack update, but since installing Snow Leopard yesterday morning, I’ve decided they couldn’t be more wrong. Sure, the only REAL change is the 64-bit stuff that likely won’t matter until sometime around when OS 10.7 comes out, but I’ve noticed more than... Read More

The Creeps! updated – win a free code

Above: One of The Creeps! new under water levels. The Creeps!, a kick-ass Tower Defense game (and one of the few iPhone games that has stayed on my iPhone after 6 months) has just been updated, and to celebrate, Super Squawk Software was nice enough to give us a free game code to give away. Yes, it’s only a 99ยข game, and yes, Super Squawk is using this as a cheap way to... Read More

Apple announces it still makes Xserves

Apple today announced that not only do they still make Xserves, but they actually updated them. According to Apple, the new Xseres “deliver up to twice the performance of the previous system,” and feature Intel’s new “Nehalem” Xeon processors and a next generation system architecture, giving the ew Xserves up to an 89 percent improvement in performance... Read More

I have no idea what this just did…

Um… OK. Hooray, another enigmatic Apple update! Anyone know what this did? I assume this now resets my AT&T contract period and gives them the right to charge me for internet radio usage. I guess I’ll find out next month…  Read More

Apple releases iPhone firmware update 2.2.1 with tons of new features!

HAHAHAHA… OK, here’s what it really does.. This update contains bug fixes and improvements, including the following: – Improved general stability of Safari – Fixed issue where some images saved from Mail do not display correctly in the Camera Roll Well thank GOD! I knew that when Palm announced their new touch screen Pre that the healthy competition would... Read More

The Mac mini is the “Nelson Muntz” of the Apple product line

Anyone looking for further evidence of Apple’s rampant neglect of the Mac mini (aside from, you know, the obvious signs like the whole “431 days since an update” thing) need look no further than the Mac mini’s product page. Oh sure, the web guys tried to freshen it up with a new keyboard and headphones, but check out that 5th gen iPod! If the mini were... Read More


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