6 degrees of Steve Jobs: Round 3 – John F. Kennedy

Man, Apple better release a new MacBook or something soon. This dearth of Mac-news is killing me. In order to maintain my sanity, I have been counting how many times I can dribble this basketball in an hour, and then I try to break that record. But for those of you without basketballs to dribble, we have created the “6 degrees of Steve” game to help get you through this lull.
For round 3 of the tournament, we have decided to go political on your asses, and we are throwing out the name of none other than the 35th president of the US of A. You know who I’m talkin’ ’bout, people! Give it up for Mr. John… F… Kennedy!
(Ok, maybe this basketball isn’t working after all).
So, can you link Steve Jobs to JFK in 6 steps or less? (without using the film JFK as a step?).
Good luck!
JFK has a niece named maria shriver.
maria shriver is married to Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger named steve jobs a great californian.
That should be easy. Steve Jobs met Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton met JFK. They’re connected.
1. On April 17, 1961, Kennedy ordered the invasion of Cuba in hopes of removing Fidel Castro from power
2. Karol Jozef Wojtyla visited Fidel Castro’s Cuba in January 1998
3. Pope John Paul II once wore a pair of U2 frontman Bono’s trademark sunglasses during a meeting between the two men.
4. Bono launched the U2 iPod in October 26, 2004 partnering with Jobs
Hey doc I don’t know about you but I have this new video game to keep me occupied called Halo 3. And if you are not a fan of FPS’s there is plenty of other games for you. Save a basketball, use a controller.
Yes, Jobs – Clinton – JFK.
Jobs had Clinton over for dinner and Jobs stayed a night in the White House during Clinton’s presidency:
When Clinton was a youth he met JFK:
Hey Mike,
Thanks for the suggestion. However, I know if I get into Halo, Macenstein will pretty much collapse. I get addicted to video games like others with drugs. After Civilization 3, I had to swear off all video games for the next 5 years.
I’m coming up on my 2 year chip.
-The Doc
lemme try again!
1. John F. Kennedy (sadly) was in the famous film footage captured by Abraham Zapruder on Nov 22/63. Also appearing in that film was David F. Powers, Special Assistant to JFK
2. David F. Powers later appeared in the 1989 TV documentary “11-22-63: The Day the Nation Cried”, along with violinist Isaac Stern
3. Issac Stern and Steve Jobs both appeared in the 1990 TV documentary “Memory & Imagination: New Pathways to the Library of Congress”
(I’m sure that one rocked the Nielsen ratings 🙂
JFK->Maria Shriver (Niece)
Shriver -> married to Schwarzenegger
Arnold -> Tom Hanks (Tales from the Crypt)
Hanks -> Toy story produced by Jobs
1. in 1962 Martin Luther King, Jr. met with President John F. Kennedy, urging support for civil rights.
2. King visited singer Joan Baez in prison
3. Jobs dated Baez