Time to set up that Zune render farm! - Macenstein

Time to set up that Zune render farm!

Woot’s Deal of the Day was a refurbished (brown) 30 GB Zune for $79. At those prices, now would be the perfect time to set up that Zune render farm you’ve been putting off. Unfortunately, the one they had sold out, but you can still pick up a more eye-pleasing black or white version for a not unreasonable $99.

Meanwhile, a refurbished 30 GB iPod 5th gen is $199 on Apple’s site.

Aye truly, the laws of supply and demand do not smile upon a Mac user…


One Response to “Time to set up that Zune render farm!”
  1. VAsheel says:

    hi i would like to know how to set the time on my new Zune 4 i just received today thanks

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