Using Disk Warrior to repair flaky Leopard Installations - Macenstein

Using Disk Warrior to repair flaky Leopard Installations

Faithful Macenstein reader Jon writes of with his recent experience in running Disk Warrior to help fix his upity Leopard install.

Good morning! I upgraded to Leopard yesterday on two systems and have some information that might be useful to someone else.

After upgrading my iMac, it acted “flaky.” Some System Preferences would hang as would other things. Before reverting to a backup, I ran DiskWarrior on it. It found a whole slew of inconsistencies introduced by the Leopard upgrade (I ran DiskWarrior immediately before the upgrade, so I know those problems weren’t there beforehand). Anyway, it looks like all of the abnormal behavior was corrected by running DiskWarrior and I’m running smoothly (so far) on Leopard.

Jon was smart enough to not attempt to repair permissions on the Leopard Volume using Disk Warrior, as Alsoft has warned against it for the time being.

So, if your Leopard install is acting “flaky”, as was Jon’s, and you have a copy of Disk Warrior 4.0 (meaning the physical disk) to boot from, you might want to try running it to see if it straightens out your problems before you devote hours to a clean install.

Thanks Jon!

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