Apple’s Top 5 current design travesties - Macenstein

Apple’s Top 5 current design travesties

Sure we all love Apple, but it doesn’t mean we have to turn a blind eye when they occasionally make the odd design decision. Below is our list of the top 5 most glaringly bad design decisions the company has recently (and is still currently) incorporating into its hardware. Feel free to add your own favorites in the comments.

5) The iPhone’s speakerphone volume is (still) pitiful

In “reinventing the phone”, Apple chose to unnecessarily re-invent the “low volume speakerphone“. Even after the alleged volume increase brought about by the 1.1.1 firmware, the iPhone’s speakerphone volume is laughable. If this is a ploy to sell more headsets, I hope Apple reaches its goal soon, as I am going nuts trying to use the iPhone in the car. The low volume doesn’t quite seem to be hardware specific, as the volume when playing movies and music via the speaker is MUCH louder than the volume the speakerphone is capable of when placing calls. This may be something Apple can address with yet another firmware boost, but if not, the iPhone 2.0 needs some new serious new speakerphone hardware.

Advice: Increase the speaker phone volume to a level usable outside of a monastery

4) MacBook discoloration.

Sure, we all love the white plastic material the MacBooks are made of (or DID a couple years ago (hint hint Mr. Ives)) but one thing no MacBook owner loves is the dingy discoloration that forms around the palm rests. Sometimes it’s easy to forget when designing something that a person has to actually use it, and that odds are, that person has sweat glands. Even those of us not suffering from Hyper-Hydrosis find that after a relatively short period of time we’re forced to raid the wife’s medicine cabinet looking for nail polish remover, or searching online for a MacBook specific polishing solution.

Advice: The MacBook has been around long enough now (and so has this problem) that a better choice of materials is long past due.

3) AppleTV low end model still has a 40 GB hard drive?!?

These days a 250 GB of drive space can cost a consumer $100 (or less). A big company like Apple could obviously score an even better deal. It’s pretty sad when the smaller and cheaper base model iPod classic comes with twice the hard drive space as something specifically designed to serve as your digital media hub. This is just plain embarrassing. If the rumors of slow sales are true, I think Apple’s marketing department has a good place to start looking for their culprit.

Advice: Apple, either bump the low-end model to 80 GB or just discontinue the project.

2) MacBook cracking

OK, just like number 4 above, this is a well documented problem, and should have been acknowledged and addressed sooner. The cracking cases issue has spurred a couple theories, but whatever the cause, it happens too often to be anything other than a design flaw.

Advice: Apple, change the MacBook’s latching mechanism and lid bezels

1) Combo drive on the MacBook

Yes, this is not nearly as horrible as your computer physically falling apart like number 2, but it just screams “tacky”, something Apple fans pay extra to avoid. It is hard to find a PC for under $650 that can’t burn a DVD (or at least give you the option for an extra $25 or so). Apple’s stubbornness in sticking with the “good, better, best” sales scheme has forced it to create perceived value by holding their “Superdrive” for ransom, not allowing it to be even an option on their low-end MacBook. Apple was first to ditch the floppy, but is the last to ditch the CD-ROM? What happened to cutting edge? Their computers are marketed as being the ideal music, photo and movie editing platform, yet we’re forced to burn 6 CD’s instead of 1 DVD? (what ’till Greenpeace realizes this waste of resources!). Besides, Apple bundles iLife with new MacBooks, but iDVD is useless on the low end model. I smell rip-off.

Advice: Kill the combo drive, it’s enough already.

65 Responses to “Apple’s Top 5 current design travesties”
  1. Ryan M says:

    The Mighty Mouse Sucks. They should redesign it, the look, the colour, the un-ergonomic shape, the stupid scroll ball, the horrible faux-right click, the useless ‘squeeze’ button.

    I’m surprised they didn’t bring out a new mouse with the new keyboards. An aluminum mouse could have real potential.

  2. PiticStyle says:

    Good article! I like because you talk about what you dont like on Apple!

  3. fog city dave says:

    Well, you’re certainly adept at nit-picking criticism. Does this blog ever have anything fresh and insightful to say about anything?

  4. Dave-O says:

    All that for another rip on the combo drive! Given it an f-ing rest already!

  5. wes harden says:

    ryan m, you are being too critical of the mighty mouse. having the mouse buttons molded to seat your fingers doesnt mean its egernomic. and how is it a faux right click? the only drawback is you have to only click that side without having your other finger on the left side.

    the scroll ball is stupid? why? its better then a tiltable wheel. going up and down as well as left to right with a single component is a good thing.

    the squeeze button is far from useless, it adds another slot to configure one of the systems features like expose or spaces in a very slight, unobtrusive way.

    and PiticStyle,

    the author brings up some good points, but what are YOU trying to say? people talk too much good about apple and you never hear the bad stuff?

    theres a reason for that, buddy. apple does almost everything right.

    sure they have small design flaws and lapses in quality control, but they still manage to ship the best computing products available.

    thats why most people who write negatively about apple are very innaccurate and exaggerative, not to mention biased, because they are PAID BY MICROSOFT! its true!

  6. Cameron says:

    I agree with you, but they’re not design choices. Design is how is works and looks. Speakers, hard drive capacities, and materials are engineering and production problems.

  7. Rob Keniger says:

    The MacBook discoloration is an acknowledged problem with early white MacBooks and Apple will repair it for free.

  8. What Apple also fails to do is produce a low end sub-laptop with the simplicity of an iPod Touch but a proper keyboard and Apple’s fantastic iWork and ILife software. UK schools are moving to sub-laptops, like the eeePC from Asus, and Apple are in danger of being left behind.

    While I am at it, why not make iWork and iLife free with all Macs, with free updates for the life of that Mac. That would put the competitors into touch.

  9. Rogier says:

    More sound means more battery consumpion, witch would make you whine about battery life. Also one can only expect so much from small build inn speakers. Or do you want to complain about the size of your laptop just because of the larger speakers…. Please see everything in perspective.

    Wash you hands more often!
    Unless you use stainless steel or ceramics everything will discolor if you rubb it long enough!

    Apple tv’s are perhaps still remaining stock’s

    Want to burn dvd’s? just spend more.
    Want to be cheap, buy a pc and complain about much more problems that you will ever encounter with a mac.

  10. macFanDave says:

    Why no mention of the light blue driblet denoting a running application on the Leopard Dock?

    Back in the olden days, when you started and application, a nice, dark, black triangle showed up under that app’s icon on the Dock. Someone complains of their Mac being slow, you take one quick glance at the Dock, and BAM! No wonder your Mac is slow, you’ve got 20 apps running (as seen by the row of black triangles apparent)! This is common with switchers who don’t grasp the Mac concept that closing an app is NOT quitting an app. The Mac’s Red Ball != Window’s X Box.

    Using the no-glass option, you get a bright, white dot, which is an improvement, but why the nearly-invisble blob when it conveys such a handy piece of information?

  11. Mr.Gouda says:

    I agree with Ryan M on the mighty mouse. It totally sucks. I owned one for 3 days before I returned it. It felt awkward in the hand and the side buttons needed too much force applied to them before they recognize a button press. I don’t understand why Apple hasn’t redesigned or refreshed it for so long. Heck, even Microsoft has over a dozen shapes and models of mice to choose from. Sure, they aren’t pretty to look at but they are more importantly ergonomic and comfortable to rest your hand on.

  12. Dave-O,

    I suppose you could say that everyone has an El Guapo. For some, shyness may be an El Guapo. For others, lack of education may be an El Guapo. But for me, El Guapo is a combo drive.

    -The Doc

  13. Kev Orng says:

    The design department shouldn’t take the blame for engineering issues.

    Designers focus on how it looks, either the physical shell or the look and feel of the interface.

    Hardware and materials (including the quality of the white plastic for the casing) is for the engineering department, and to some extent, sales and marketing.

  14. AC says:

    If you can’t figure out how to use a Mighty Mouse, you’re a fucking idiot.

  15. Arman says:

    Death to the Mighty Mouse. What a design failure!

  16. Ray says:

    One missing design aspect of all the Apple laptops that I think should be considered is some sort of “docking station” option.

    Why can’t Apple design some sort of docking station where all the cables could plug into the back of it, and stay plugged in when the laptop goes mobile? It’s not a new concept, and as much as I’d hate to admit it (because they’re available on many Windows laptops), it just makes sense.

    Having a docking station would be a more functional, and would look more aesthetically pleasing. (When I have to work at my desk, after having to plug my ethernet cable, DVI cable, all my USB cables, and power adapter cable, my Macbook Pro looks UGLY with all those cables sticking out of the sides.)

    I know there are some 3rd party docking solutions, but they look terrible. Apple should step in, and design something as a TRUE option for their laptop users.

  17. XMattingly says:

    re: Mighty Mouse whiners

    I don’t know why people are complaining. I think it’s for the most part very well designed, especially the Bluetooth version. The scroll ball is the slickest ball (or wheel) I’ve ever used, and the wireless tracking is every bit as accurate as a wired mouse. With the programmable buttons, you can set it up (along w/ some judicious hot corner use) to control all your Expose, Dashboard, & app switching functions without ever having to reach for the keyboard. Plus, it sips batteries; the previous one button Bluetooth gobbled juice.

    The only minor complaints I might offer are that the scroll ball will occasionally stick, and yes, the side buttons take getting used to. Given that the ball rotates 360 degrees, I don’t think wiping it clean every now and then is an unrealistic burden. I know there are a few who complain about its ergonomics, but I happen to like the soap bar shape – it feels very comfortable in my hand.

    Anyway, if the Mighty Mouse weren’t around, I would probably go with one of those fancier Logitech models. Right now, it’s my number one choice, and a far cry from qualifying for a “worst Apple design” bitch session. If you really want to complain about Apple input device design, take it out on the old “deep dish” white keyboard w/ no F-key spacing, or the universally loathed hockey puck mouse.

  18. Greg says:

    “It’s pretty sad when the smaller and cheaper base model iPod classic comes with twice the hard drive space as something specifically designed to serve as your digital media hub.”

    AppleTV is not meant to be the digital hub (at least, not yet). It’s a satellite – the hub is the computer running iTunes. The HD on the AppleTV is a cache – it’s for performance optimization.

  19. macFanDave says:

    I gotta stand up for the Mighty Mouse.

    The way it can be a two-button mouse for me, a power user, but for my wife, the perpetual newbie, it’s a one-button Mac mouse (without having to explain that the left button and the right button are the same, over and over again), is brilliant.

    I don’t know how many of the MM hatahs have to share their machines with noobs (or have to help them out frequently), but the easy ability to keep it simple on a per-account basis really works for me.

  20. Sven Svenson says:

    Is this strictly for hardware bashing? If not, then I’d like to throw in my 2¢ on the gel look on the OS (i.e. buttons and scrollbars). Enough already and time to retire that ugly outdated look! I have to think Stevo himslef came up with it at the beginning and pride just won’t let them get rid of it!

  21. Jesse says:

    The mighty mouse is a love/hate product…and I for one love it. Scroll ball is amazing to say the least, battery life is great, and it feels great in my hand. Took a few days to get used to, but has been great ever since.

  22. Erick says:

    I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the cracked MacBook. Mine is broken in EXACTLY the same place. is this covered by AppleCare?

  23. Adolf says:

    I’d have to say the Mighty Mouse is one of the worst designs Apple has ever made… Sure, it looks cute and all, but it becomes a pain after a couple months of collecting dust… I got tired of opening mine to clean the scroll ball, so I just bought a regular mouse instead.

  24. sc says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever experienced as much rabid fanboy-ism as exists in these comments.
    How dare you write a single negative word about Apple!!1! Jesus would have used a Mac!


  25. Mechnoch says:

    As Rob Keniger noted earlier, the MacBook discoloration issue has been acknowledged by Apple. In fact, all replacement top cases and bezels are made of a slightly different plastic and/or coating that resists discoloration. All new MacBooks are now made to be discoloration-resistant.

  26. Ken says:

    Here are my votes:

    1. First, what’s with only 3 USB ports on iMacs? If you’ve got a camera, an iPod (or 2) and a printer, keyboard and speakers, you’re hosed. Adding a USB hub is ugly. Not why I buy macs. Okay, you could free up one port by using a wireless keyboard, which brings me to my second point.

    2. The new wireless keyboard doesn’t have a keypad. Who decided that all wireless keyboard users want an itty bitty keyboard with no keypad?

  27. CQuick says:

    I cant speak for Macbooks but the discoloration in the white Ibook that I have is VERY easily rememdied by a Mr Clean Magic Eraser. Those things are a god send. (given you employ common sense and use it properly and not waterlog your lappy.)

  28. David says:

    Here’s a design flaw that I haven’t seen mentioned. The new Nano Video Ipod has the headphone port on the bottom. While it’s okay for the previous generation Nanos, it’s not for the Nano Video. With the plug on the bottom, you can’t prop it on a stand, prop it against a book or watch videos while on threadmill/stairstepper by putting it on the magazine stand.

  29. apollo says:

    @ wes harden

    Dude why are some ppl such apple fanboys, ill admit even if i am a windows guy i still love some of their products, but if your going to say that they barely make in mistakes you are a f***ing idot. example: Making it so if you hacked your ipod and you get the 1.1.1 upgrade your ipod is bricked or making near imposible to any thing somewhat creative with any of there products. all im saying is they make mistakes just like any company and to say that they barely make any mistakes is ridiculous.

  30. tommy says:

    what about the iphone’s headphone jack? i bought an expensive pair of headphones only to have to buy an additional $30 adapter in order to use them.

    it seems like apple didn’t want third-party headphones penetrating their iphones. shocking, i know…

  31. Ian says:

    I love the design and feel of the Mighty Mouse, but the useability is really poor. I find the right-click is incredibly dependent on left-mouse finger being lifted up. That forces my hand further back because otherwise the right-button fails to trigger causing left-clicks everywhere. With my hand further back, the side-button is no longer in easy reach so I have to shunt my hand forward and back. You get used to it, but the hardware to differentiate right from left clicks is far less accurate than real buttons.

    The mighty ouse breaks rocker mouse gestures (XGestures, Firefox or Opera gestures) because of the fake right-mouse button too.

    The scroll wheel is nice though.

  32. Steve Robs says:

    I would say the following ideas are not very thoughtout…

    Mighty mouse looks kinda cool, but ultimately sucks for power users like programmers…I’ll stick to a logitech mouse anyday.

    The chicklet keyboards on the macbook and imac…two words for you PC jr. They look cool but not enough feel for fast typers, programmers. And it’s not even lighted. Lighted keyboards are great for dark rooms, late nights. I returned a macbook for macpro cuz a black chicklet keyboard just plain sucks for any typing longer than putting a URL in a browser.

    iTouch is an afterthought…the onscreen keyboard just plain sucks. It’s a purposely crippled devise that has no real use. I would rather use the ipod interface to scroll though my music and i’ll use a ultra portable to casually browse websites. iTouch is just too small, make it twice as big with a fold out keyboard and I’ll buy one.

    Ipod…one word…bluetooth.

    I’m not even going to start on the iphone…it’s about one or two versions too away from being solid. I think a foldunder keyboard would do wonders for this too.

    Don’t even try and defend this fanboys, take a step back, you know this is true.

  33. If this is the best you have then it shows why Apple is such a success. Name any other competitor who ships with such “major issues” as case discoloration. OOOohoOHhHho…

  34. Jack says:

    What about a cellphone with a battery you cannot replace?

  35. Dizznan says:

    I am amazed that the iphone’s headphone jack is not on the list. A headphone mini-jack that doesn’t work with 90% of headphones / AV cables?? That isn’t cool.

  36. shdwsclan says:

    Basically, everywhere Apple lacks, IBM [now lenovo group] completes….

    Thats why I got a Z61 instead of a macbook pro….

    DVDRWDL Drive is available on all models
    Ifs it plastic, its made from black matte pvc, so you dont need to polish.

    The mouse on the macbook is AWFUL for a laptop, just how exactly are you supposed to use the mouse when your sitting on a cramped space, like on a train….that were trackpoint comes in…

    Umm….where the hell is the second and third mouse buttons on the macbook……I guess its gonna take them another 20 years to figure that one out….

    Biometrics?…..upek supports biometrics on apple, why doesnt apple wanna embed it….

    The docking system…..obvious problem….

    DVI instead of VGA…..ummm, most projectors….anywhere….use VGA only….and the adapter is shit….as the wires inside fray easily…

    Memory card reader would be nice.
    PCIMIA slot would be nice….

    Kudos on the power adapter, i must say….and the metal keyboard….other than that…there is not much functionality….

  37. gerry says:

    i can’t believe that this didn’t make it–the lack of an on/off button for the ipod. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve paused a song on my ipod, put the ipod in my pocket or bag and had the thing get bumped to a play state and my whole battery is drained. sure you can pause and push the hold lever, but that’s gay, that’s overloaded functionality.

  38. Steve Savage says:

    Is that is? Is that all you appleheads worry about, minor cracks, cosmetic damage and speakerphones? Dell laptops are blowing up like star trek plasma conduits and you whine about palm stains on your macbooks? Talk about coddled geeks!

  39. aldo says:

    1 – There is NO play/pause, > buttons outside to control music without having to open the lid
    2 – There is no On/Off Wi-Fi button
    3 – There is no media card reader
    4 – There should be 2 USB ports in one side
    5 – Do we really need to waste a key for the eject? I would rather have a backspace

    Just bought my first Macbook Pro, the worse purchase ever!

  40. shams k says:

    They went and made their image on white products. But have you looked at them under a BLACKLIGHT?
    UV sensitive white, duh!
    nuf sed

  41. gordon says:

    most of apple’s products are fabulious. the only reason we care about the small things is because apple does too.

  42. Austin says:

    My theory as to why people love mac’s so much:

    People hate Windows because, let’s face it, it’s awful. People like the idea that mac has made things simple(just look at the design of their OS and their hardware) yet I think there is something deeper. Perhaps people love mac’s because they hate windows and see it as the only other viable option. Sadly, Linux often gets left out of the mix. Sure, Mac’s are good, but they are proprietary and Steve Jobs is the master of puppets for all his customers. Anyway, that’s my two cents.

  43. Davis says:

    If it doesn’t work, it is a design issue. Engineering is part of the design process and any designer that cannot account for the materials they are using is not doing their job correctly. Creating a look isn’t the only job of a designer, well, not of a good designer, anyhow.

  44. Ben says:

    I have to echo all the Macbook complaints. While not bothered so much about the discolouration the combo drive makes me ashamed to recommend it to my friends and the cracking is a contnual problem.
    I have now sent it back for the third time in less than a year and told them to fix it, permanently.
    Not hopeful though.

  45. mackeymac says:

    apple products are such fail, it is hard to fathom.
    btw — is steve jobs gay? seriously — is he married w/kids or anything?

  46. Jamison says:

    The mighty mouse is really terrible, the scroll ball on mine doesn’t let me scroll down but other than that I like it even though I did need to return my first one.

  47. By the way this MacBook crack is supported under warranty. So anyone who’s got this issue should go to the closest apple store and get service for a cosmetic replacement.

  48. Rob Sayers says:

    As the owner of a discolored cracked macbook that can’t burn DVD’s, I would have to say I agree with at least 3/5 of this list.

  49. davey says:

    The iPhone headphone jack sucks! In my opinion it is the worst part of the iPhone. Software can be fixed but the headphone jacks it always going to be annoying. the one reason i would recommend someone wait for iPhone 2.

  50. logan says:

    The mighty mouse is horrible!

    It should be number#1 on the list, since it is definitely the worst thing they have ever designed.

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