“iBlame Newman” shirts now available! - Macenstein

“iBlame Newman” shirts now available!

Just in time for Groundhog Day!

We all know it was Randy Newman‘s fault that Steve’s Keynote speech didn’t knock the ball out of the park this year, but now’s your chance to let the world know!

We’ve heard rumors Steve actually was all set to announce that the iCar was shipping, but Newman insisted he go on exactly at 10:30 AM. We may never know if that’s true or not, but odds are it is, and now you too can express your outrage with our “NEWMAN STOLE MY ‘ONE MORE THING'”, “iBlame NEWMAN”, or our simple “NEWMAN!” shirt. All are available in a bunch of styles and colors, complete with “MWSF 2008” tagline so we’ll all remember the date. Supplies are unlimited, so so order yours today!

Thanks to faithful Macenstein reader Art Vandelay for the idea!

4 Responses to ““iBlame Newman” shirts now available!”
  1. Jonro says:

    And he hates short people, too. Is there no end to this man’s depravity?

  2. Uncle Jerry says:

    What about the “Hello Newman” (from Seinfeld) shirt.

  3. Art Vandelay says:

    I like the “Hello Newman” one. How about “You’ve Got a Friend in No one”?

  4. The Cos says:

    I heard Newman’s well established hatred of “short” things is why the MacBook Air was only thinner, not shorter.

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