iPhones accounting for “a disproportionate amount” of mobile traffic - Macenstein

iPhones accounting for “a disproportionate amount” of mobile traffic

According to the NY Times, both Yahoo and Google have seen a huge increase in iPhone web surfing this last quarter. Google says this Christmas, the iPhone managed to surpass incoming traffic from any other type of mobile device.

Despite accounting for only 2% of the smartphone market (yes, the NY Times calls the iPhone a smart phone), the iPhone is beating Symbian devices which account for 63 % of the worldwide market, and Windows mobile and Blackberry devices which account for 11% and 10% respectively.

One Response to “iPhones accounting for “a disproportionate amount” of mobile traffic”
  1. Rowlings says:

    Sorry, that was me. I am always using my iPhone to surf the web, and Christmas was especially intense


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