Write a caption, win a prize - Macenstein

Write a caption, win a prize


Early MacBook Air prototypes didn’t quite cut it.

Think you’re funny enough to be the next Margaret Cho? Well, now’s your chance to prove it to the world. Write your best caption for the above photo, and if we think it’s the funniest, we’ll send you off a $20 iTunes gift certificate.

The contest is open to everyone in the US (sorry, iTunes won’t let us buy gift certificates to non-US accounts), and runs until Saturday (Feb 2nd) at 9PM EST. You can enter more than once if you are feeling “Carrot Top“-prolific. Good luck.
(Oh, and be sure to put in your e-mail, or else we won’t be able to contact you).

(image from Steve Jobs posing with computers)

[AND THE WINNER IS… KEITH J WITH “The new, more powerful iMac. It’s now quicker to get jobs off your desk.” Congratulations Keith! It was a very clever play on words, and steered clear of the more obvious (yet hilarious) sexual aspect to the picture. You’re gift certificate is on it’s way!

Honorable mention goes to “We wants it, we needs it. Must have the precious.”, but whoever wrote that did not include their e-mail or name, so remember that for next time folks! ]

118 Responses to “Write a caption, win a prize”
  1. pace says:

    “Whew, more than 12 hours of labor, but this little bundle of joy is worth every minute of it.”

  2. Mike says:

    Step 1, put your dick in a box.

  3. VeeDub says:

    Steve Jobs thinking ahead with his prototype of what apparently is a smart phone. Meet the iPhone version 0.0.1

  4. Jason says:

    We will call it the blue jean iMac. It is perfectly color coordinated with your jeans and will be all the rage for people to carry it around with them. This is the first portable desktop.

  5. R says:

    “No, I’m just happy to see you.”

  6. Jason says:

    Job’s early plans to take over the TV, due to early failure’s he adopted a new motto “if you can’t beat’em, join’em”

  7. Jason says:

    …and to prove a point that our computers our not just about being eye candy, we came up with these colors.

  8. Jason says:

    Hey Steve, we meant your could use the computer as a desktop, not on a desktop.

  9. Jason says:

    In his deep state of enlightenment, we learn how Steve achieves his meditation

  10. Jason says:

    Steve that is not the way we wanted you to test the benchmarks.

  11. Jason says:

    Can you find the hidden floppy drive?

  12. Jason says:

    With his new baby, at last the world had proof that computers really were in his genes.

  13. Jason says:

    With his new baby, at last the world had proof that computers really were in his jeans.

  14. Jason says:

    Some new dad’s choose to abandon their children, but Steve chose to ride his baby all the way to the top.

  15. Dizil says:

    Oh my god this new Imac gives Great “Apple” Mmmmmm

  16. Van Souza says:

    I’m not wearing any underwear.

  17. jonathan says:

    Presenting: The MacBook Air…..by the time you reach the top of the stairs carrying this, air is the only thing you won’t have!

  18. Raf says:

    Man I hope no one shows this picture to Tangerine iMac, boy she’ll be pissed.

  19. Peter says:

    “Even though she’s not able to bear any children, we feel as though we can still ‘build’ a happy family.”

  20. jkv says:

    Special Edition iMac with rear loading slot!

  21. Tom says:

    “Ever wondered what *this* pocket’s for?”

  22. Matty says:

    “Jonathan Ive’s gonna make me a fortune with this baby!”

  23. Brian says:

    I have more money than you.

  24. Brian says:

    What’s a patent?

  25. Brian says:

    I can’t believe they wanted me to hold this over my head.

  26. Brian says:

    Wait…I am suppose to hold this? hmmm. I. hmm. ihold. oooh. imac. YES! That’s what we’ll call it. And we can use it for everything!

  27. bigpics says:

    Introducing the ODPOC: One Desktop per Overgrown Child

  28. bigpics says:

    “Damn, you know, I could sell sand in the friggin’ Desert if I just market it as iSand!”

  29. bigpics says:

    “the new iMac, chair not included”

  30. Dak says:

    The mac Air pro. Now with more functionality.

  31. bigpics says:

    “I could’ve sworn I asked my staff for a laptop on my desk, not a desktop on my lap….”

  32. grappa says:

    If you won’t play my way I’m taking my computer and going home.

  33. Nigel says:

    I sure hope people can’t see the nut I just dropped lifting this thing…

  34. Peter says:

    You’ll “Love” a new Mac!

  35. We only made this to piss off GreenPeace, how were we to know it would change the world?

  36. Dete says:

    Barb…barabapa … Boro … birb bib

  37. R says:

    Introducing the Newton II, now with back brace!

  38. samarks says:

    In light of recent events, having this surgically attached now seems to be a bad idea, on at least two fronts.

  39. Tim says:

    If you think the old cut a hole in the popcorn trick was good, you should see this new iMac’s hard drive!

  40. Bronskrat says:

    I took a poop and look what came out! Even my poop is better than Microsoft!

  41. Steven Haskayne says:

    And you thought the pictures of the ipod “fatty” were bad

  42. Tim says:

    Steve Jobs redefines ergonomic computing.

  43. “It started out as a pimple on my ass”.

  44. R says:

    The Macbook Brick ®

  45. ShrimpBoy says:

    Let me introduce to you my third testicules…

  46. Jon says:

    …And here we present the new imac, scheduled to be outmoded and replaced in approximately 11 days from the date of your purchase.

  47. Bronskrat says:

    If this were empty, you’d still buy it. I so own you.

  48. sdrawde says:

    The iMac.

    Battery (and self-obsessed control freak) not included.

  49. Stephen says:

    I am Mc-steve’jobs-in. jigga jigga what

  50. mike v. says:

    “You’re the Apple of my i” 🙂

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