I’m older than I’ve ever been and now I’m even older… So what shall I ask for to fill the void? - Macenstein

I’m older than I’ve ever been and now I’m even older… So what shall I ask for to fill the void?

My birthday is approaching in 2 weeks, and for some reason, despite being the most materialistic person I know, I can’t think of much to ask for. So i am looking to you, faithful Macenstein readers, for suggestions. Give me some suggestions, up to $500, that you would want if you could have your choice of anything. Tech gifts, gadgets, (Apple ones in particular) are always good, but I’m open to anything… high-tech, low tech, no tech. What are you currently drooling over that I should also be drooling over? Thanks!
[Apple cake images here, here, and here]

19 Responses to “I’m older than I’ve ever been and now I’m even older… So what shall I ask for to fill the void?”
  1. Torg says:

    hmmmm CAKE….

    hmm my b-day is in 3 weeks… and I would like a Mac Chick eheh


  2. mangochutney says:

    I want a new cellphone, and the Nokia e51 is the one I will go for. Sturdy, metal frame, almost everything the Nokia e90 has to offer in a small package.

    A pair of nice and simple Timberland boots, which are finally available here in Germany will be mine in three days

    And I just cannot wait to have Westone release the “Westone 3” IEM.
    And this is my tip for you. Get yourself an IEM. In your case maybe a Shure, because the iPhone integration is pretty good.
    I don’t know your policy for online-shop recommendations, but this is mine:

    And a totally non-tech thing would be:
    A trip to a national park, or some other scenic place.
    Here in Germany we don’t have national parks the scale of Yellowstone or Yosemite, but I would definitely visit the Olympic National Park if I had the chance right now.

  3. Dan Crane II says:

    2 things:

    1. 24″ Gateway FHD2400 LCD monitor. It does 1080p and is a steal on Amazon.com for $499. This thing is Gorgeous!

    2. Drobo. It’s very cool, and will allow you to keep your data safe. If you can squeeze it out, get the Droboshare for the extra $199

  4. Berzerker says:

    A Wii, so you can get SSB: Brawl!

  5. matt says:

    buy the book and read it or listen to the podcast.
    repeat i in 6 months, 1 year, 5 years & 10 years


    if that doesn´t change yout life, nothing will.

    oh yeah, and read this:


  6. michael says:

    I’m sure you’ll find a droolable item in this list from SmashingMagazines


  7. nate says:

    i just started flying lessons at my local airport. its an awesome hobby (albiet expensive), but intro flights are just $99.

  8. Jonro says:

    An Omas Arco Milord fountain pen. One of the most exquisite writing instruments made today.

  9. f1sh3r says:

    i want an ipod touch.

  10. Rieekan says:

    1TB Time Capsule!

  11. John says:

    A robot. something in the line of a QRIO.

  12. i’ve got a g3 themed liquor cabinet i’d be willing to sell you for only $499.

  13. Laura M. says:

    that they might be giants song always creeps me out

  14. Plinio says:

    get a ticket to a nice place, with some peace, your iPod and the cake =D

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