Tiny Code says it was all a hilarious joke. Get it? - Macenstein

Tiny Code says it was all a hilarious joke. Get it?

iPhone Atlas reports that Tiny Code’s iPhone firmware 1.1.4 “leak” was apparently “a joke” perpetrated by Kelly from Tiny Code, for reasons known only to Kelly, but we’re betting it has something to do with Kelly being a tool.

“Tiny-Code never had any relations with Apple, Inc. or any other division of Apple. Never had the new firmware or any pre-SDK pack. Certainly never signed any NDA. I find it interesting that a simple joke on the front of a minor at best Installer.app repo can cause so many wakes. It is equivocally funny that a simple re-enforcement of the page by me posted earlier stating I had been ‘reprimanded’ by Apple could throw it even more into believability. To top it all off, a simple redirection of the domain to Apple’s iPhone Developer center would cause so many theories as to why that is so when it was to just stop the ‘where did it go’ questions.”

The thread on Macrumors’ forum where Kelly admits to being “surprised” that he caused such a stir by posting the leak, then claiming Apple contacted/reprimanded him him, then redirecting his site to Apple’s leaves little doubt about two things: First, any rumors about the iPhone tend to catch fire faster than a paper factory (but we knew that), and second, if you give enough bored teenagers websites, they’re bound to do things like this.

5 Responses to “Tiny Code says it was all a hilarious joke. Get it?”
  1. These technologically advanced kids should be more aware of the possible consequences of their silly actions. Reliable sources -tooth fairies indeed, due to my pyorrhea- told me that a canadian group called F.L.iP (Front pour la Liberation de l’iPhone) was planning to force into Infinite Loop 1 to scare the shit out of Apple’s employees offering DELL notebooks for free. If the plan would have failed they were ready for a coupe to overthrow governor Schwarzenegger and nationalize Apple Stores. And yes, their rebellion started just because they were sick of Apple’s secrecy bullshit,being the TinyCode seizure by the Cupertino military forces the last drop. Of course they were also mad as only a canadian without a regular iPhone in his pocket can be.

  2. R says:

    Son, I love you. Just kidding! How could you believe sucha things. Sheesh, son. What a tool.

  3. Kcroy says:

    Hi. My name is Kelly. I am not the Kelly being discussed in this blog nor do I work for Tiny Code. I have, however, been accused of being a tool at various times. Please don’t confuse me with this “stupid” Kelly who can’t even craft a funny prank. On behalf of all the Kellys in the world let me say this” it is hard enough being a guy named Kelly, without other guys named Kelly doing stupid crap like this. I enjoy posting meaningful comments on MacEnstein and didn’t want anyone to confuse me with the tool. My only request is that we just refer to him as the tool form tiny code, and not use his first name.



  4. Andy says:

    A joke? I don’t get it

  5. NiggyT says:

    What’s not to get Andy? Kelly was bullshitting everyone. Best case scenario is that he got hold of the leak and is now trying to cover himself up, worst case is that he never had it and he had us all. Either way, my point is the jailbreakers are the enemies of Apple, and I really don’t see them doing anything nice for them in a long time, with the only exception being hiring GeoHot or Zibri to help them find and patch exploits.

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