Write a caption, win a prize

“OS 9 died doing what he loved.. sporadically freezing and crashing”.
Think you’re funny enough to be the next Margaret Cho? Well, now’s your chance to prove it to the world. Write your best caption for the above photo taken at the Funeral for OS 9 held at the 2002 WWDC, and if we think it’s the funniest, we’ll send you off a $20 iTunes gift certificate.
The contest is open to everyone in the US (sorry, iTunes won’t let us buy gift certificates to non-US accounts), and runs until Monday (Feb 11th) at 9PM EST. You can enter more than once if you are feeling “Carrot Top“-prolific. Good luck.
(Oh, and be sure to put in your e-mail, or else we won’t be able to contact you).
(image from kanshin.com)
[AND THE WINNER IS… John WITH “And now, to say a few words about our beloved Data Fork is his bastard son, Resource Fork…” Nice references, John! You’re gift certificate is on it’s way!
I just got this post in my RSS reader, and yesterday was Saturday February 2nd, and there aren’t any comments yet, so I’m going to assume that the deadline was a typo.
My caption: “Today we lay a longtime friend to rest, and… Boom!”
“Why can’t Bill just get me an Amazon voucher like everybody else?”
“OS 9, today we lay it to rest, but rest assured, it’s not dead… it lives on through Windows. Microsoft did well copying it. We will never forget.”
DEAL OR NO DEAL halloween outtakes.
And the next number in our halloween lotto is…..9.
What is this coffin a diesel?
Could someone get this SONY laptop battery off the stage please! I’m trying to set up.
Please pick a coffin and one of our Steve Jobs look-a-likes will open it to see what OS you’ve eliminated…..And it’s OS 9! (bloop sound) Oh, that’s the banker sending me an ichat message.
The death of OS 9 will really help us get the ball rolling (beach ball that is).
OW!!!! Can you wait until I’ve cleared the stage before we give this a proper viking funeral!
Wow, there’s barely enough room in here for OS 9 with all the extensions loaded in.
Oops! I think my nike plus module just exploded!
I can understand the symbolism, but where the hell are they burying all these OS coffins? Is there an OS cemetary in cupertino?
OS 9 install instructions…..Remove box from plastic…Place in coffin…Set on fire. Get OS X and let the healing begin.
And they were singing….Bye Bye to Apple OS 9…
And they were singing….Bye Bye to Apple OS 9
Now at the store there are no more
cause it’s no longer its time
Them windows boys continue to copy and spy
While we sing this’ll be the day it’ll die
This’ll be the day it’ll die
…and suddenly out of nowhere, OS 8 throws a smoke grenade in a desperate attempt to save his friend OS 9 from certain doom…
Today’s Apple Keynote is brought to you by the OS 9.
With smoke from its fiery breath, the creature from outer space accepts it’s OS sacrifice.
Damn it! I just bought these shoes!
Are John and Chazz crashing this funeral?
But when it lands on the Genesis Planet, it will come back as OS X.
…but he looks so healthy…
alas, seven ate him.
X is so good that X looks down at 9 as a 6 deep under!
“Oh, he looks so natural. They did such a great job.”
“Can someone please move XP and Vista so there is more room”
Survived by his thousands of applications, most of them legitimate…
Dearly Beloved,
We are gathered here to day to pay our last respects to the black turtleneck and blue jeans that I have worn ever since OS 9 came out…
And now, to say a few words about our beloved Data Fork is his bastard son, Resource Fork…
Nine out of Ten men who tried coffins, preferred women!
“ok who forgot to put in internet explorer for mac”.
oh no. I’m using os9 on my SE. I’m happy good and fast os….
Image taken from MacWorld 2009…
“So after Microsoft bought Yahoo!, Bill called and said he needed help with the next generation of Windows. So let’s say hello to Windows 9!”
from the ashes of the nine a tenth shall rise…
and now for my next trick, I’m going to saw this operating system in half
Oh, and 1 more thing…John Scully’s in the casket also!
…and with the announcement of ‘iTomb’, Steve Jobs noted how easily it will run OS9 by giving an installation demonstration…
Steve Jobs preparing to impersonate Herman Munster by driving the coffin dragster with OS9 as the co-pilot, Lillian Munster.
this maybe smoken but its defiantly not myPod.
When Steve Jobs tried to upgrade his iCoffin from OS 9 to Leopard, he ran into a few problems.
The Apple protection plan ran out on Steve’s old iCoffin. As a result, he upgraded to the new ICoffin Air, which was only one inch thick!
“Mick Jagger, you fscking whore! OS 9, you’re dead to me, too!!!!!”
I’m outside the country so dont even bother entering me but it’d be nice to get props for it if ppl like it, that is…
As we shouldn’t speak ill of the deceased though sorely tempted, Oswald Macintosh the 9th, once the apple of our eyes, may he rest in pc’s…
“You just wait, Steve. I’ve still got emulation ahead of me. No one will forget my HIG. You haven’t seen the last of m… “
Oh god, it’s alive! Quick, somebody get the silver Shuffle… we’re ending this once and for all!
I need more space in this thing… Move over Gil!!!
“Hey! Who stole the beach ball of death?”
“seven ate nine… let him rest in peace”