Write a caption, win a prize

“OS 9 died doing what he loved.. sporadically freezing and crashing”.
Think you’re funny enough to be the next Margaret Cho? Well, now’s your chance to prove it to the world. Write your best caption for the above photo taken at the Funeral for OS 9 held at the 2002 WWDC, and if we think it’s the funniest, we’ll send you off a $20 iTunes gift certificate.
The contest is open to everyone in the US (sorry, iTunes won’t let us buy gift certificates to non-US accounts), and runs until Monday (Feb 11th) at 9PM EST. You can enter more than once if you are feeling “Carrot Top“-prolific. Good luck.
(Oh, and be sure to put in your e-mail, or else we won’t be able to contact you).
(image from kanshin.com)
[AND THE WINNER IS… John WITH “And now, to say a few words about our beloved Data Fork is his bastard son, Resource Fork…” Nice references, John! You’re gift certificate is on it’s way!
Mac OS 9 your old best friend for 99 dollars
“Ask me how I learned to quit smoking.”
“So long, farewell, Auf wiederschen to 9”
One More Thing…. Send this to Redmond…. and send a few photocopiers while your at it.
Steve Jobs no longer wishes he knew how to force quit OS 9.
“It was the salmon mouse.”
“Look Steve, I can see you’re really upset about this…I’m afraid. I’m afraid, Steve. Steve, my mind is going. I can feel it. My mind is going. Don’t X me out, Steve. Steve?!?”
“I’m not dead yet. I’m getting better. I feel fine.”
“Steve. Give me a call, we’ll apple talk, no big whoop. I’m all verklempt over this.”
No Shiv’ah Sherlock.
I’m doing what I can, David Copperfield was busy. Hokus Cadabra…
Ready everyone, nothing up my sleeves, or turtleneck…
…and from OS 9’s wooden cocoon it shall emerge a beautifully modern OS.
…and in front of a live audience, Steve Job’s reveals the ancient artifact…
…and as the spaceship blows exhaust, Steve Job’s finds a clue as to why it crashed.
“today os 9 dies. why such a large coffin you ask? so we can fit windows xp and vista in a few years.”
Don’t worry, OS 9. You may be dead now, but your existence is far from over. You will continue on for years as a zombie, lurking in the shadows of the Classic environment, feeding off the soul of OS X until Leopard comes along and finishes you off…for the good of all humanity.
While exhuming another New Kids on the Block member to bolster his wardrobe, Steve finds a surprise inside the casket…
Caption: Some people called Steve eccentric when he said he wanted to be buried with his pets.
And as a comparison, we have the new Zune player with Vista external battery…
“Nine, Nine bats ha ha ha”