Write a caption, win a prize - Macenstein

Write a caption, win a prize


“And the award for ‘Most ironic t-shirt ever’ goes to…”.

Think you’re funny enough to be the next Margaret Cho? Well, now’s your chance to prove it to the world. Write your best caption for the above photo of Greg Packer, everyone’s favorite professional line sitter taken at Apple’s NYC Cube during (well, 100 hours before, actually) the iPhone’s launch last year. If we think it’s the most clever, we’ll send you off a $20 iTunes gift certificate.

The contest is open to everyone in the US (sorry, iTunes won’t let us buy gift certificates to non-US accounts), and runs until Thursday (Feb 21st) at 9PM EST. You can enter more than once if you are feeling “Carrot Top“-prolific. Good luck.
(Oh, and be sure to put in your e-mail, or else we won’t be able to contact you).

(image from techingmeout)

[AND THE WINNER IS… The D WITH “You’re laughing now, but just wait two months when these are impossible to find and you can’t get your hands on one of these for only $599 like I’m about to pay. Then let’s see who’s laughing…” Nice one, The D! (Did anyone ever hear if Greg actually bought one?). You’re gift certificate is on it’s way!

133 Responses to “Write a caption, win a prize”
  1. jojomon5 says:

    Why yes, I am waiting in line for Apple’s new joint project with McDonalds’… the BigMac.

  2. Bob H says:

    “The towels are here for leakage”

  3. Dan Broad says:

    Wait, You’ve not got my good side….

  4. RealHomer says:


  5. Anonymous says:

    Armani at home…

  6. Brett says:

    That poor chair!

  7. Ant says:


  8. Toby Gilchrist says:

    Greg Packer, work slacker.

  9. Roger says:

    “Ladies and gentleman, the winner for Best Male Camel-toe Pic of the Year is…”

  10. B says:

    “he he, that woman looks funny”

  11. Cam says:

    Look, the new I-Gunt. Now with clap on clap off..

  12. Mark says:

    The new iSlob – 275 pound version.

  13. William says:

    James T Kirk on Vacation.

  14. Mark Keyes says:


  15. iMark says:

    The last Mac I has was nothing but Air. Since your up, I’ll take two quarter pounders with cheese. Thanks Steve . . .

  16. Josh says:

    First in line! Just try and move me.

  17. Jim says:

    “I’m tired. Tired of being admired.”

  18. Terry says:

    That’s spelled “W” “o” “z” “n” “i” “a” “k”. But you can call me Woz.

  19. The D says:


  20. The D says:

    This marks the bottom of the “RANDOM MAC CHICK” barrel.
    The internet has become self-aware and is launching its assault against mankind, beginning with this fatal “RANDOM MAC CHICK” error.

  21. The D says:

    This one’s a stretch (pun intended):
    “I’m going to pick up another dozen nanos while I’m in there… the stupid screens keep cracking on me…”

  22. The D says:

    Apple’€™s SVP of Marketing Phil Schiller said today in response to the nano screen-cracking issue “…this issue has affected less than 1/10 of 1 percent of the total iPod nano units that we’€™ve shipped, which roughly accounts for every nano Greg Packer has purchased and subjected to the clothing on any part of his body.”

  23. The D says:

    Street magician Greg Packer stuns a crowd by attempting to free himself from a moisture-filled chair while simultaneously making clothing creases and women disappear.

  24. The D says:

    The only picture to ever completely fill myspace…

  25. Connor says:

    At least his shirt is fresh

  26. Michael DW says:

    Thirsty? Hell no! This is for showering!

  27. Garrison says:

    I’ll wait in any line for anything! How do you like those apples? Oops left them in my shorts.

  28. Jim says:

    I can’t remember what product I’m waiting for. I must have Ctrl-Alzheimer’s-Del disease.

  29. The D says:

    Click to see full-size image (not available on monitors less that 10 feet wide).

  30. The D says:

    Bandwidth for this image provided by every computer in Asia.

  31. Jim says:

    Queue male uses SMTP (Steve Makes The Phone) Line to be FIFO with J2ME (Jobs to Me) new sell.

  32. Jim says:

    “Thank God I don’t want a Kindle.”

  33. The D says:

    Thanks, Doc!

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