Reminder: Send us your crap!
Wow, you’d think there was no such thing as a crappy Mac setup!

Faithful Macenstein reader Dee sent us yet another article showcasing some of the coolest Mac setups ever, this time from the site Cartridge Save which managed to come up with a whopping 25 pristinely cared for and uber expensive Apple setups worth drolling over.
Well, just a reminder that we are running a contest looking for the exact opposite. In our “A Thousand Pictures are Worth a Word†Contest, we are searching for the Crappiest Mac systems out there. If you or someone you know is using a beat-to-hell Mac that has seen better days, send us some pics of it, explaining what’s wrong, and you can win a copy of Microsoft Office 2008. Be sure to throw a picture of Macenstein’s homepage on the screen so we know it is currently working. Thanks, and good luck!