Celebrity Mac Chick sighting: Michelle Rodriguez

Wow. Looks like Michelle Rodriguez is so into her MacBook Pro that she is oblivious to that giant rat by her feet. (And yes, it appears we have finally found a celeb who owns a laptop case! Bravo, Michelle!)
[via That Other Blog]
well, she may read macenstein regularly and hear your wisdom.
hmmm… my WISDOM…
-The Doc
No offense to the doc’s wisdom, but I’m thinking it’s more likely she’s looking at the Mac Chick of the Month feature. 🙂
It’s even more likely that her cup isn’t holding coffee. Is she typing in numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 every 108 minutes?
Her posture indicates fatigue/worry/confusion, ergo she’s using Vista on the machine. 🙂
That’s actually a PowerBook.
Too bad Michael shot her.
She should work on her posture or someone should work on better camera timing, so as she doesn’t look all hunched over like that.
Yummy. I’d love to teach her some Mac tricks.
i love her cool feisty attitude.
and i hope she have the patient to used the mac.
She’s watching the YouTube video of “Again & Again” again.